Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

  • Developer: TheCruZ & Cazzaaaaa
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.02.21
  • Current version: v2.1 (Season 8)
The new updated cheat for Apex Legends is available for free download from our website. Thank you to the developer TheCruZ for this opportunity. Want to play and win beautiful rounds? Use this free cheat on Apex Legends Direct EFI Aimbot and GlowESP with which you will be able to accurately shoot at your opponents in the game, and you will also be able to see players through the textures on the map, they will be highlighted in red and thus you will be able to see them through walls or any other structures. There is a chance to get banned for this cheat, so be careful and use various crawls for Apex Legends. Launching and using this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will succeed!

Compatible with: Steam (Origin unknown)

How to use:
1. Put the files from "put on usb" onto a usb drive
2. Restart PC open Boot Manager, Select EUFI USB.
3. A menu should display, type fs0: press enter then load memory.efi press enter then exit
4. If memory.efi is not found try fs1: fs2: etc instead of fs0:
5. If successfully loaded and you get blue screen load up windows
6. Open notepad.exe as Admin then drag new.dll onto INJ.exe once it says waiting for apex launch game. You will see the menu once u load into lobby


REQUIREMENT TO USE: If anyone get banned please tell us if you was using any other app/script/spoofer and your avg stats (play killing everymatch 25 players with 5k+ dmg = ban)

Fix aim prediction
aim key:F12
Aim Bone:head

v2.1 Changelog (More coming soon & will upload later):
- 2x Custom aim key selectors added
- Aim at team toggle added
- Vis check toggle added
- Aim switcher toggle will now switch between the custom key 1 and custom key 2 instead of LMB & RMB
- Previously removed spectator options are now back just before you select aim key. 

For v2.1 use this as a reference as what to input for the aim keys https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Input the 0x01 instead of VK_LBUTTON etc

Free Download Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

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  1. アクアコロニア
    9 January 2021 02:40
    Can I replace the aim button with a right click?

    1. sesef68
      9 January 2021 15:33
      No, but my hack have my aim on right click it's easy i going add speedhack soon and more shit but it's paid if you want add me on discord: Nesquik#6230

        10 January 2021 10:29
        Don't be fooled by the charge. Those that have already been updated by the author will be approved and will be released soon.

  2. williamesteban9987
    9 January 2021 01:16
    como siempre todo perfecto excelente el trabajo que siempre haces con este truco muchas gracias !!!!

  3. zOpen
    8 January 2021 14:50
    I have the new version updated, add me to discord. remember still need to do EFI [zOpen#3788]

  4. shi3aa
    8 January 2021 12:55
    nope it tells me that the person who uploaded it removed it or that he didnt have the permission to upload it impossible to download the cheat.

  5. shi3aa
    8 January 2021 12:16
    I just checked uc the cheat isnt approved yet idk how u guys manage to get it please share with us.

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 12:21
      you can't download it from here?
      Just click the download button.
      Im using it just now.
      Work perfectly.
      But there is no cheat menu for this ver.

      1. Imraanftg
        8 January 2021 16:53
        this is old version and missing features. we suppose to get new features, but its kind of old version

        1. Mursalin
          Real Cheater
          8 January 2021 18:05
          ya that's it that i want to say. Because I want to reward their efforts .. So I don't say it directly😂

          that's because v 2.1 source not released yet

          1. chad101111
            9 January 2021 01:45
            does your cheat have enemies showing as green? cuz i want the one where all are red and when i right click it tracks
            that one is the best cheat

    2. Ozemandias
      9 January 2021 10:16
      the source code is available. you just need to update the offsets.

  6. anamasry5
    8 January 2021 10:43
    guys anyone download the cheat pls send for my mail 

    The downloaded file has been deleted

    my mail [email protected]

  7. k4g3r3
    8 January 2021 09:35
    yo why origin only -_-
    please can you make it for steam?

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 09:48
      just try it first bruhh...
      I use steam. It works perfectly. But no menu like 2.1 cheat. Previous one, before fight night

      1. k4g3r3
        8 January 2021 10:55
        thanks buddy.

  8. naman12811
    8 January 2021 07:26
    I've already downloaded the aimbot(fight night) , It's perfectly working on steam version and aimbot is also working fine as well as glow hack is working perfectly, I don't know how they shared the cheat here yesterday and I downloaded it suddenly because UNKNOWN CHEATS still didn't approved the hack...... I think it will be reuploaded soon

    1. willycool9
      8 January 2021 07:47
      I have done everything possible and I can't find a way to make them work, the beeps sound in a row but it doesn't activate

    2. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 09:20
      yea but there is no menu like 2.1 cheat

      1. willycool9
        8 January 2021 18:11
        Yes, but for me it doesn't work ... I get the part where one activates with the questions where one gives 1 or 0 after there is black without menu but when entering the game it does not work it simply does not work

  9. akosirica1122
    8 January 2021 06:31
    not working

    1. willycool9
      8 January 2021 06:36
      could you download it?

      1. akosirica1122
        8 January 2021 06:48
        yes bossqweqweq

        1. willycool9
          8 January 2021 06:54
          can you pass them to me?

          If I make it work, I'll explain how to do it, it's that I won't let me load it

          1. Mursalin
            Real Cheater
            8 January 2021 06:55
            just press the download button

            1. willycool9
              8 January 2021 07:12
              I already did and in the end I threw this error...This attachment is not available. It may have been deleted or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it at this location.
              Error code: 2C171 / 1

              1. akosirica1122
                8 January 2021 09:20
                give me your gmail and I send it to you

    2. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 07:10
      its only origin now. You have to change your laucher to origin. Leave steam. But i havent try it yet. Im on progress to move apex legends to origin

  10. willycool9
    8 January 2021 06:17
    This attachment is not available. It may have been deleted or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it at this location.
    Error code: 2C171 / 1
    Does anyone know why I get this?

  11. davinvrdn
    8 January 2021 05:55
    Apex Legends Season 7 Aimbot and Glow Cheat/UNDETECTED -$10/month #2021 [add me on discord: zOpen#3788]

  12. willycool9
    8 January 2021 05:36
    The downloaded file has been deleted

    Someone who downloaded it to me, plz

  13. yuhin0326
    8 January 2021 04:40
    Hey bro Can you send a video tutorial for us because i dont know how to start USB please 

  14. chad101111
    8 January 2021 04:18
    updated fight night cheat is available on uc
    it also provides information on how to change offsets for future updates

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 04:29
      how to change offsets?
      Im new here

      can you attach the link here?

  15. Mursalin
    Real Cheater
    8 January 2021 03:10
    what is it mean cazzzza has been banned in uc?

    1. TOLOL11
      8 January 2021 03:15
      i don't know why, he got banned . but someone says he is arguing with people in UC

  16. sawsay
    8 January 2021 01:50
    why is everyone asking for update? does the cheat not work anymore?

  17. ZumitoDeOwO
    8 January 2021 00:57
    I need some help instaling the cheats if someone can help me Disc: ZumitoDeØwØ#7450

  18. ahmader
    7 January 2021 19:08
    update pleaze

  19. xgunthy
    Real Cheater
    7 January 2021 18:18
    Ya need to STOP being impatient lol.. it'll be here soon sheesh. 

  20. Mursalin
    Real Cheater
    7 January 2021 07:12
    why it take so long to been approved by uc staff?

  21. zOpen
    7 January 2021 01:38
    I have the new version updated, add me to discord. remember still need to do EFI [zOpen#3788]

    1. willycool9
      7 January 2021 02:33
      hello you can upload or pass me the updated cheat try to add you in discord but it comes out that it is wrong

    2. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      7 January 2021 17:42
      how to update it by ouselves?

  22. borid21
    6 January 2021 23:56
    hola a todos nesecito ayuda de como instalar el Aimbot and Glow hack?
    mi discord es borid21

    1. willycool9
      7 January 2021 00:03
      it still doesn't work bro

  23. willycool9
    6 January 2021 23:43

    please someone know if it already works ???

  24. willycool9
    6 January 2021 20:54

    Cuando montan la actualización

  25. shi3aa
    6 January 2021 19:17
         do u guys think the update will be done today for this cheat or more ??

    1. TOLOL11
      6 January 2021 19:38
      the update is done, just need UC to aprove it

      1. shi3aa
        6 January 2021 19:55
        Nice ty for u response

  26. zOpen
    6 January 2021 19:09
    I did my update myself and I'm already using anyone who wants to call me on discord. zOpen#3788

    1. professorparadox
      6 January 2021 20:18
      which version did you update the offsets of v1.3 or v2.1

  27. professorparadox
    6 January 2021 17:27
    well, good news people, cazza has updated the offsets and the new dll is being approved by UC mods so expect it shortly.
    I tried updating the offsets myself on the last source code I could find and it works but it was glitchy.

    1. TOLOL11
      6 January 2021 17:35
      you update it with the v2.1 version ? i don't have MVS 19 to update it, but they already fix it i guess, i just wait the DLL realease

      1. professorparadox
        6 January 2021 20:19
        no v2.1 source code is not uploaded

        1. TOLOL11
          8 January 2021 00:36
          i already update it by my self using bobjankens source , and it's work

      6 January 2021 18:13
      I also tried offset, but I was worried because there was no problem. There was no problem even for volunteers, so should I report it?

  28. worstorworth
    6 January 2021 14:51
    is it work for the latest update

  29. ArtaMurphy
    6 January 2021 14:36
    cheat is not working for last update apex please update cheat 

  30. professorparadox
    6 January 2021 13:31
    i am trying to find the coder (kind stranger) to ask him the v2.1 source code but no luck so far