SimpleCheats Apex Legends - Aimbot, GlowESP, ItemGlow

  • Developer: vincent74563
  • Status:
  • Updated: 17.05.21
  • Current version: v3.0

Hello friends! I am glad to present to your attention my first cheat for the game Apex Legends which is available for free for everyone. This is a small cheat with great functionality that you won't be able to find in other free hacks on Apex.

You will be able to play the game Apex Legends with great advantage using this cheat. There is a smooth aimbot that will improve your shooting and make it more accurate, as well as the ESPGlow & ItemGlow functions - these two functions will add glow to your enemies and things on the map, thereby making them visible through the textures.


  • winver 1909 or winver 20h2 ( i made a 20h2 version but i don't have any pc to test it you guys are being my tester for this version)
How To Use:

  1. Start apex (Wait to be on menu to start cheat)
  2.  Start Lulu v3.0 as admin !!
  3. I added some stuff but its just training random shit dont worried about it xD
  4. Login = 666
Select your feature one by one using "1 for yes/0 for no "+hit enter

  1. glow --> players glow (!! its a must have , if you dont enable it cheat isnt working) , NO vischeck so you will see alltime red enemy
  2. Glow item--> display all stuff on ground with color and shit
  3. imbot--> i made soft Aimbot, i tryed to make it like controller aim assist (stronger ofc ), (aimkey is numpad 0 so bind it somewhere)

Free Download SimpleCheats Apex Legends - Aimbot, GlowESP, ItemGlow

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Comments: 303 Views: 68 759


  1. dippyz
    6 June 2021 23:05
    Quote: BRYAN asers

    thanks for program. guys use x-mouse for bind key numpad to left click is easy .

    how to use

  2. BRYAN asers
    6 June 2021 16:23

    thanks for program. guys use x-mouse for bind key numpad to left click is easy .

  3. tanoshingod
    4 June 2021 02:09

    aimbot does not work.Of course I bound.

    Does it work in the firing range?



    1. MelagisGG
      Real Cheater
      4 June 2021 11:44
      it is a numpad key just stick somefing to make stuck pressing numpad 0 and done

      1. rakbuza
        4 June 2021 17:21
        man im dumb as fuck in this :D can u tell me how to bind it or show it

        1. tanoshingod
          4 June 2021 20:32

          continue numpad 0 holding. why

          Does it support 20h2?

    2. Texel
      4 June 2021 21:04
      no only in match

  4. SdR_fredryan
    3 June 2021 15:44

    Quote: ttrncx

    Quote: felizioeksan

    its detected man i used it for 3 days now its banned

    trust me youll regret

    its detected bois i got banned

    say me proof

  5. ttrncx
    3 June 2021 10:30


  6. felizioeksan
    2 June 2021 11:46

    its detected man i used it for 3 days now its banned

    trust me youll regret

    its detected bois i got banned

  7. xtreet123
    2 June 2021 11:08

    It works! Just the aimbot maybe is too soft haha

  8. amirtaha037
    2 June 2021 08:33

    login password is wrong it says access refused



    1. felizioeksan
      2 June 2021 10:48
      cheat password is 666

  9. maidevdude
    2 June 2021 05:43

    It says access refused.

  10. Darkheartwar
    2 June 2021 05:11

    I cant see any of the glow on people?


  11. juhua520
    2 June 2021 04:47

    1909 no work

    1. felizioeksan
      2 June 2021 05:08
      it works you must've done something wrong

  12. miotys
    2 June 2021 00:51

    pls up aimbot 

    1. miotys
      2 June 2021 00:56
      on windows version 20h2 ty

  13. Lil Mo
    1 June 2021 22:14

    it keeps crashing whenever I get into a game and the cmd dissapears. also, this happens whenever i choose an option

  14. sanjay4512
    1 June 2021 16:53

    detected plz fix 

    1. stev26
      Real Cheater
      1 June 2021 18:07
      you have a new cheat for Apex?

    2. felizioeksan
      1 June 2021 19:26
      i used it for 2 days havent been banned yet

    3. AbeltheKING6
      1 June 2021 19:31
      its true happend to me

  15. Selecao
    1 June 2021 15:48

    who want to reach master ? im diam IV

    1. felizioeksan
      1 June 2021 19:29
      me ofcourse

      1. Selecao
        1 June 2021 19:54
        what's ur rank?

        1. felizioeksan
          2 June 2021 03:45
          my rank is d4 add me on steam
          Steam : FUJIN

          Diamond 4 btw add me on steam (FUJIN) add me on discord aswell so i can ask a few questions zzzz#4491

          1. Selecao
            2 June 2021 09:09
            i add u on discord

            1. felizioeksan
              2 June 2021 10:39
              whats the name

  16. Aveq
    1 June 2021 00:43

    why it doesnt load for me, i inject but after that it doesnt do something in game

  17. Le Cloaker
    31 May 2021 20:07

    it keep crashing 

  18. truktrukarcik
    31 May 2021 13:47

    how aim work 

  19. Texel
    31 May 2021 13:04

    you have to hold it in



  20. AMDisRED
    31 May 2021 05:51

    aimbot doesnt work
    plz fix this


    1. stonerboy
      31 May 2021 09:08
      aimbot is working. Its not a hard aimbot, just an aimassist like controller. Try binding aimlock key (0) in RMB

  21. ryanho1999
    30 May 2021 15:22

    The Glow and wall hack are working very well, but the Aimbot is not working. No matter how far or close to the enermy, when I press 0 on numpad, nothing happend.

    1. MadRoxx
      Real Cheater
      31 May 2021 01:14
      you need to hold it

  22. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    30 May 2021 13:42

    @vincent74563 i have tried both versions but the 20h2 version has a very weak aimbot compared to 1909 version can you make it same as 1909 please ? and the same glow color too (red) i hope you reply to my comment thank you

  23. Lucifer96
    30 May 2021 08:36

    Detected Warning!!

    use at own risk 

    1. Texel
      30 May 2021 13:14
      it is fake the cheat still works im using it ringht now

    2. MadRoxx
      Real Cheater
      30 May 2021 13:40
      lier idiot its undetected im using on main account

      1. felizioeksan
        2 June 2021 05:09
        can i have ur discord i want to ask questions

    30 May 2021 00:07
    Quote: Texel

    how to bint or use aimbot


    how to bind it?


    1. Texel
      30 May 2021 13:10
      you can use ahk to make a script i can put the code in here.

      RButton::Numpad0 or Numpad0::Rbutton one of the two
      oh and dont forget to change left click ingame to numpad0
      thats all.

      1. antruong676
        30 May 2021 17:41
        "dont forget to change left click ingame to numpad0" - i really dont understand that, what's "left click ingame", u mean that firing buttom ?

        1. Texel
          31 May 2021 13:06
          sry i mean rightclick and yes its the aim key change that to numpad0

          1. ELTSUP
            1 June 2021 02:26
            i binded it to mouse4 and work good ty :)

            1. Texel
              4 June 2021 21:06
              np your welcome

              1. itslogan614
                9 June 2021 08:49
                but where do i put in the code

  25. Prox11
    29 May 2021 22:47

    how do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbothow do i bind aimbot


  26. azertyuiop1422
    29 May 2021 20:26

    Essayez avec cette orthographe : juste apres avoir renseigné les option. des ligne rouge apparaissent est la page se ferme je n'arrive pas a l'utiliser merc

    just after having informed the options. red lines appear and the page is closing I can't use it!

    1. Texel
      30 May 2021 13:11
      have you tryed both the cheats they send

  27. felizioeksan
    29 May 2021 19:24

    is 20h2 still stable for this cheat also do we need any spoofer for this one


  28. janwealb13
    29 May 2021 10:32

    can someone confirm to me that this is not virus ? I wanted to try this one doe. 

    1. Texel
      29 May 2021 15:10
      i can confirm im using it for 10 hours nou and still no ban.

  29. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    28 May 2021 17:28

    bro when the enemy is closer the aimbot is weak and not aiming at target.. its only strong when the enemy is far than 10m so if you could add aimlock :D

    1. janwealb13
      29 May 2021 10:32
      Did u get banned or not ? I wanna try this doe

      1. MadRoxx
        Real Cheater
        29 May 2021 14:06
        its safe 100%

    2. brightfield
      29 May 2021 15:34
      how to use the bind for aimbot ? its just press it or we should hold it?

  30. aryan09383386125
    28 May 2021 17:14

    thanks  its best

    1. gandolf.pir5
      28 May 2021 18:40
      kar kard barat??!