Farlight84 EAC Bypass (Steam)

  • Developer: Fer3on
  • Status:
  • Updated: 22.07.23
  • Current version: 2.0

Farlight84 EAC Bypass

This is a simple bypass of the EAC anticheat in the game Farlight84, with which you can run any cheat and not get banned for its use. As you know, in the last game update, Farlight84 updated the anticheat and closed the possibility of editing settings.json files, but thanks to a few actions, you will be able to edit json files again and thus run any cheat in the game.

Farlight84 EAC Bypass FREE


1. Restore your original settings.json files (by deleting it and restore it again using steam recovery).
2. Launch the exe file.
3. Open your game from steam or desktop shortcut.

After game start and you're at lobby, enter tdm or tg for the first login only to find the red flag message, and as most members said it's useless. So, press OK , then inject your favorites dll.

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  1. EGZOTIK6969
    23 July 2023 16:26

    Is it work for war thunder?

  2. Zidax
    26 June 2023 11:10

    Any updates on this one please?

  3. IonelGaming13
    1 June 2023 17:26

    I got 1 day ban using cheat and after i got unbanned i play again and after 1 minute i got 1 day ban again because i think farlight just updated in game

  4. rosco214
    29 May 2023 01:05

    is there any tutorial how to do it ?

  5. bebelzin
    28 May 2023 22:31

    It is only my game that crashes when I inject any dll, do I have to change anything in the Steam folder?

  6. DawnFall
    28 May 2023 06:12

    how to injec my \dll?

    1. nixlek
      28 May 2023 11:03

      you need to download "extreme injector" from google.

      1. fakehand88
        31 May 2023 12:38

        is the hack working?

New Comments
zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?

nimaparvane nimaparvane

when i click y the program was crash
sorry my english is bad but yes

Loukes Loukes

only works if tabbed out of the game