Farlight 84 External Cheat PC - Aimbot, ESP

  • Developer: TheGeogeo (fix by TNMJibs)
  • Status:
  • Updated: 13.03.24
  • Current version: 7.7

Farlight 84 External Cheat PC - Aimbot, ESP

To your attention is a new external cheat for Farlight 84 PC Steam, which is available for free download from our site. The cheat is very simple and understandable to every player. By using it, you will be able to activate two main functions: Aimbot and ESP. With the help of these two cheat functions, you will be able to customize your shooting and make it more accurate. You will also be able to see your enemies through any textures on the map and know their distance, their health, their nickname, and much more.

Farlight 84 External Cheat PC

At the moment, the developer Bunti supports his project and follows the recommendations from other players, trying to change the cheat in a better way, adding new functionality, eliminating bugs, and much more. We advise you to subscribe to this publication so as not to miss the current version of the hack.


Q: How to Use this?


Step 1:Open Farlight

Step 2:Run HackExternal.exe

Step 3:Enjoy~

Q: Not Working or -1 Driver


Step 1: Turn off UAC

Step 2: Turn off Anti Virus or add Exclusion for this Cheat's Folder

Step 3: Restart

Free Download Farlight 84 External Cheat PC - Aimbot, ESP

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Comments: 53 Views: 44 699


  1. Free cheat user
    20 August 2023 13:19

    4.0 version not working. The menu loads, but the functions like aimbot, wallhacks don't work.

  2. DarKaBlacK
    19 August 2023 10:31

    ami no me sale cuando abro el hack me sale todo pero cuando quiero utilizar e ESP no me deja y cuando inicio el hack me sale esto 

    [-] Failed to register and start service for the vulnerable driver

  3. akosijaymark1
    19 August 2023 04:25

    Is this working only for steam?

    [<] Loading vulnerable driver, Name: kusPEgwzVdmstTsrPerkeZenrjEH

    [+] NtLoadDriver Status 0x0

    [+] PiDDBLock Ptr 0xfffff80075330634

    [+] PiDDBCacheTable Ptr 0xfffff80075330770

    [+] PiDDBLock Locked

    [+] Found Table Entry = 0xFFFF8008EDDB3460

    [+] PiDDBCacheTable Cleaned

    [+] g_KernelHashBucketList Found 0xFFFFF800792AF088

    [+] g_HashCacheLock Locked

    [+] Found In g_KernelHashBucketList: kusPEgwzVdmstTsrPerkeZenrjEH

    [+] g_KernelHashBucketList Cleaned

    [+] MmUnloadedDrivers Cleaned: kusPEgwzVdmstTsrPerkeZenrjEH

    [+] Image base has been allocated at 0xFFFFAD897DD1A000

    [+] Skipped 0x1000 bytes of PE Header

    [<] Calling DriverEntry 0xFFFFAD897DD1A000

    [+] Callback example called

    [+] DriverEntry returned 0xc0000001

    [<] Unloading vulnerable driver

    [+] NtUnloadDriver Status 0x0

    [+] Vul driver data destroyed before unlink

    [+] success

    Driver: -1

    ProcId: 5968

    BaseId: 0

    HWND: 1115066

    OverlayWindow::Name: 4n2DPcNgNjJIk0KJ2OA4jckLoL4iWnk7

  4. vall03
    16 August 2023 20:58

    WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT is this a csgo or valorant cheat I found it on homepage???

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      18 August 2023 12:36

      if you would read at the top of the post it would be obvious

  5. namyang ju
    16 August 2023 12:11

    not working.. any idea?

    1. Jonttu
      Jonttu · jxnttu
      17 August 2023 05:02

      Works perfectly, just use it Borderless or Windowed mode. Also inject when you're in the "warmup lobby" sometimes you also have to open the .exe file after a match.

  6. Nyoexx_
    16 August 2023 01:11

    The cheat is very good, I was banned playing for about 3 hours, but it was because I was rage, I activated it at the maximum, lol...

    1. Jonttu
      Jonttu · jxnttu
      16 August 2023 08:30

      I've played for 3 days now... no ban. Using smooth 2.2

  7. Qiyanala84010
    15 August 2023 11:11

    pretty good cheat but i got banned in 2 games with eac bypass (ban 10 years)

  8. Best221
    15 August 2023 10:47

    Please Update need  😀

  9. akosijaymark1
    14 August 2023 04:55

    Is this working in windows 11?

    1. akvin20200
      2 September 2023 14:20

      its a cheat why wouldnt it are you 10yrs old or smth 

  10. Zidax
    12 August 2023 08:04

    How do you actually use this? can you please always provide instructions?

    1. Jonttu
      Jonttu · jxnttu
      14 August 2023 18:07

      What do you mean? you just open the HackExternal.exe and press insert ingame

    2. Jonttu
      Jonttu · jxnttu
      14 August 2023 21:09

      Play borderless or windowed

      1. akosijaymark1
        15 August 2023 04:31

        You dont need to add the file at the farlight?

        1. Jonttu
          Jonttu · jxnttu
          15 August 2023 07:22

          No. I've got the files in Documents.