Forza Horizon 5 - Save 100% + Guide (Max Money, Max Level)
Developer: Shockitz
Current version: 1.0
This is a guide to saving in the game Forza Horizon 5 + working saves from the developer and other players. Using this guide you will be able to replace your game save with another, thereby open all the cars, get a lot of money and much more. At the moment, the way working, works on Steam platform and the Microsoft Store. Follow the instructions and you will succeed!
The first round of steps is to convert a given save to your own account.
This only works on the MS version of the game. If you are on steam, read on.
1. Back up and delete the contents of your "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.624F8B84B80_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData" folder. Both wgs and helium
2. Take note of the xuid of the target save and your own profile save
3. Launch the game. When you get to the main menu do an 8byte search for your own XUID in CE
4. Press next scan until happy with results, then change all values to the XUID of the account you want to convert to
5. Press start in game and you will get hit with a new save prompt*
6. Quit and replace this newly created profiledata with the target profiledata
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 but this time it will load the target profiledata when you press play
8. You will load in on a "fake" xbox account with that persons Gamertag
9. Search for every instance of the target XUID and replace it with yours
10. Switch cars to force a save and close the game
11. Copy the new save somewhere safe
12. Paste the backup from step 1 back into systemappdata and replace your profiledata with the one copied in step 11 (copy the modded one into the folder, then replace the name of the modded one with the name of your real profiledata)*
13. Restart the game and the save should load like normal as if it was yours to begin with
* If you get a profile error for these steps, simply sign out of the Xbox app (not companion), sign into an alt account, sign out of that alt account, and back into the account you were using.
Once these steps are complete, the save is now converted to work with your account.
The following steps are to convert an already converted save to another gamertag, this can be used to help someone on steam.
The reason this can help steam users, is someone can convert the save for the steam users xbox account, then the steam user can swap the save using the steps at the bottom of the guide.
2. Do an 8byte search for your accounts XUID in CE
3. Press next scan until happy with results, then change all values to the XUID of the account you want to convert to
4. Copy the newly created save somewhere safe, close the game, and replace the new save with the your old converted save, otherwise, the account wont load
5. Send this new save to the user who wanted the save, so they can save swap themselves
1. Go to C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.624F8B84B80_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs\
2. Sort by date modified, open the newest folder, then sort by date modified again.
3. Open the newest folder, then open the container.x in notepad, if it says "P r o f i l e D a t a" you are in the right one, if not, go to the next folder, repeat until you have the right folder
4. The biggest file in this folder is your save, copy it to somewhere safe as a backup, and copy the name to clipboard
5. Paste the modded save in, and rename it to match the original save.
For Steam:
1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YourSteamID\1551360\remote\
2. Sort by date modified, and open the newest one
3. Search "*.ProfileData", this is your save, copy it to somewhere safe as a backup, and copy the name to clipboard (including the .ProfileData)
5. Paste the modded save in, and rename it to match the original save.
For OnlineFix:
Same as Steam, but the dir is C:\Users\Public\Documents\OnlineFix\1551360\Saves\
Click the DOWNLOAD button below this post to get the actual game save code for Forza Horizon 5.
List Saving:
Yeethan's Modded Save
Level - Max
Money - Max
Other - All cars up to series 5, Horizon Open Level 1000 Badge, Max Wheelspins + Super Wheelspins
Creator - Yeethan69
XUID - 2535437838765713
Yeethan's Legit Save
Level - P0 LVL91
Money - 890,880
Other - Horizon Open LVL 1000 Badge, 577 Cars, 783 Skill Points, 292,200 Accolades
Creator - Yeethan69
XUID - 2535437838765713
Major V2
Level - P3 LvL 183
Money - 350m+
Other - All achievements unlocked. All cars up to series 5(Including 1932 Ford De Luxe Five and Ford GT OPI) . 999m wheelspins. 999m super wheelspins. 7k FP. 9933 SP
Creator - Major Colaman
XUID- 2535420288962953
Ariza's semi-legit 100% save v2
Level - P4 270
Money - 200m+
Other - All stories completed. All achievements unlocked. All cars up to series 5(except 1932 Ford De Luxe Five and Ford GT OPI) Horizon Open lv1000 Badge. 900k accolade points. 25m wheelspins. 25m super wheelspins. 5k FP. 90 SP
Creator - Ariza
XUID- 2533274811725688
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