Urosaurus - simple multihack

  • Developer: Urosaurus
  • Status:
  • Updated: 20.12.20
  • Current version: 20/12/2020

Here is a simple working multihack Urosaurus on Team Fortress 2 that you can download for free from our website. you can use this cheat on any game servers, for example, use it on classic servers and surprise your friends, or use it in the hvh arena against other cheaters. the functionality here is simple, but powerful and each function is good in its own way.

There are beautiful visual effects to see the enemies through the textures on the map, an excellent setting of the aimbot function for perfect shooting, additional settings for HVH mode, as well as the functions of AAA, antiaim, Slient, etc. Use this cheat yourself by controlling it through a convenient menu and dominate the game servers of any mode.

How to use:
To run this hack on TF2, use any working injector.
Section: injectors

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Comments: 47 Views: 18 421


  1. OMaguuuuu
    30 December 2021 03:37
    without download page...

  2. Ace22
    28 November 2021 06:42

    its gone off corsair wtf

  3. Mestroral
    13 October 2021 17:40

    what key opening menu?


  4. Keedan32
    18 August 2021 22:01

    The aimbot isn't working

  5. RaresDr22
    1 August 2021 14:22

    ye there is hvh in tf2 Petrica cercel 111

  6. Blazeolmo
    29 July 2021 11:48
    Quote: mrtankercheat

    What are the keybinds as I can't find them.

    probably ins

  7. mrtankercheat
    26 May 2021 01:41

    What are the keybinds as I can't find them.

    1. saxton hale
      28 August 2023 03:57

      press insert or f11

    21 April 2021 09:41
    Would somebody please tell me how exactly do I add the cheat to the game's files?

    1. Blazeolmo
      29 July 2021 11:48

      you have to use an injector like this one https://github.com/Broihon/GH-Injector-Library/releases/download/4.0/GH.Injecto

  9. Petrica cercel 111
    8 March 2021 22:01
    is there hvh on team fortress 2?

    1. L3RG3T
      21 August 2021 21:24
      yes but i actually think that its kinda dead

  10. kyznetsov12.200
    22 February 2021 22:34
    Very Nice Cheats!)

  11. iPhone_X
    16 January 2021 15:44
    when i inject it wont show up im using saz injector.

    1. cuderola
      Real Cheater
      21 January 2021 15:01
      go to a map after inject it.

  12. HackerIsfUn123
    Real Cheater
    10 January 2021 12:51
    is this for hvh ?

    1. MrVenomPL
      10 January 2021 17:10

  13. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    6 January 2021 05:38
    1. is this still working and undetected?

    1. Bob_sus
      7 January 2021 11:08
      i think it detected already...

      1. players
        8 January 2021 11:21
        dude ur using extreme injector ur retarded

        1. Axelmuga2
          Real Cheater
          Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
          9 January 2021 05:01
          what do you recommend me

          1. MrVenomPL
            10 January 2021 00:35
            gh injector 2.5

  14. Echofine
    4 January 2021 16:06
    What is the best injector to use?

    1. Bob_sus
      7 January 2021 11:04
      The best injector is every injector that works, but i'm using Extreme injector and i'm good, so download it if you want to. Not virus.

      1. MrVenomPL
        7 January 2021 22:59
        extreme incjector is detectable friend do not use this

  15. Ezi_kezi
    1 January 2021 17:35
    yeah it's detected I just got banned and this is my account to prove it: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199059794030/

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      4 January 2021 22:23
      why would you even use cheats on main account instead of trying on another account?

      1. Bob_sus
        7 January 2021 11:07
        i played on my twin account that is sucks i got banned and my main too bcuz i forgot that my phone number was on the alt acc, kinda sad but yesterday i got banned on another acc bcuz of Nudes Ware hack. i don't know why i'm writting this but ok.

    2. Bob_sus
      7 January 2021 11:05
      ew, now we have no hacks that are not detected, nice

  16. Lukas2208
    Real Cheater
    Lukas2208 · lukasderlulatsch#5473
    29 December 2020 02:00
    Looks good i will give it a try

  17. Realtimeout
    27 December 2020 15:46
    game keeps on crashing when i open the cheat menu, weird cause i don't see people having the same issue as me

    1. alivedaking
      29 December 2020 15:22
      how u even opened menu?

      1. Realtimeout
        30 December 2020 09:22
        i pressed the insert button but are you having the same issue as me?

      2. cuderola
        Real Cheater
        1 January 2021 16:48
        it's ingame menu, go to a bot map and cfg it.

  18. Crystalwolfgaming55
    25 December 2020 04:39
    i wanted to add this note for people who saying the menu doesnt open.
    1:inject the cheat
    2: join a match
    3: press f11, 0(ins) or FN+Del(ins)
    4: have fun.

    1. Echofine
      4 January 2021 15:55
      Wdym by ins?

      1. Crystalwolfgaming55
        5 January 2021 05:33
        ins short for insert this is the key used to open and close the cheat it is very common to use it.

  19. Hanzo_Ritsu
    Real Cheater
    24 December 2020 06:53
    nice cheat in my opinion

  20. JustAcheaterLoL
    24 December 2020 03:42
    Very nice cheatt

  21. Mertzy
    23 December 2020 16:37
    how do I open the menu

  22. Killershadowtwo
    23 December 2020 02:00
    still needs work but great cheat

  23. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    22 December 2020 09:23
    urosaurus is a real OG.
    I tried this cheat when it was released on UknownCheats.
    It's pretty damn good for wrecking catbots

  24. DutchCommunist
    21 December 2020 11:17
    this is just Chinese lithium 

  25. ThatComicGuy
    21 December 2020 01:07
    Does it come with a Smooth Aim?

  26. aaaa0919
    Real Cheater
    20 December 2020 18:21
    thank u sir ^^

  27. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    20 December 2020 14:33
    Dont work for me

    1. oarm721
      20 December 2020 20:19
      the menu only works ingame