Hax4You - ESP, Aimbot, Teleport, JumpHack, FastRun

  • Developer: Code5yndicate
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.12.20
  • Current version: v10.3.0

Cool cheat Hax4You for ROS Rules of Survival which you can download from our site for free without viruses. Hack has a high protection against anti-cheat, which gives you the opportunity to play with him a lot of time. Also, the hack has its own unique menu with which you can carefully configure any of the functions. In Jaca there are features such as: ESP, D3D, Aimbot, Teleport, SpeedHack, SuperJump, and many other functions. A few words about the most necessary features that you must include in your gameplay.

hack rules of survial free
The ESP function is designed to highlight players through textures, allowing you to see your opponents behind walls, boxes and other obstacles on the map. The D3D feature complements the ESP feature, giving you the ability to turn on the stroke around opponents, will show the amount of health and distance to the opponent.

Aimbot function will make your shooting accurate and fast, you will easily get straight to the target. Also features SpeedHack to quickly move around the map and SuperJump function for high jump.

BAN BYPASSED BY HAX4YOU: (You will never get this ban in hax4you.) 30 days, ESP HACK (BYPASSED) Permanent ban, ESP HACK (BYPASSED) ==========================================
(If you got reported to the ROS Forum, there's a chance you'll get Ban from them.) ==========================================
10 Days, Abnormal Data (Cause of The Flash & Fast Parachute) 3 Days (ROS bug after ROS update) 24 Hours (Rage Hacking) Suspected For Cheating (Rage Hacking)
OTHERS: 30 Days, Abnormal Data (Cause of ROS Newest Security or Using other cheat provider that users blame it's hax4you got them banned or using modified ros assets & files.) Permanent Ban, ESP Hack (Cause of ROS Newest Security or Using other cheat provider that users blame it's hax4you got them banned or using modified ros assets & files.)

Free Download Hax4You - ESP, Aimbot, Teleport, JumpHack, FastRun

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Comments: 161 Views: 382 121


  1. sbzrayen
    Real Cheater
    sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
    28 July 2021 15:58

    @Kate hack is outdated i'll notice you when the hack is undetected

  2. Zedde
    2 June 2021 12:09

    Detected, eat shit.

    1. jerome pantig
      Real Cheater
      1 July 2021 16:24
      youre just a stupid noob at cheat kid. go cry in yo mama

  3. jogopttt
    23 April 2021 23:09
    CAde o link poha quero xita poha
     FPDS Arruma essa merda

  4. Sentocku
    20 April 2021 22:43
    Dead fucking link

  5. ArnoldPlayZ
    17 April 2021 01:06
    this is the official site of hax4you https://hax4you.net

  6. suneater
    8 April 2021 11:54
    when the link
     Fucking dies

  7. KantutanIsLife
    3 April 2021 21:46
    Dead fucking link, cunts

  8. spike15red
    10 March 2021 11:18
    dead link dead link dead link dead link dead link dead link

  9. spike15red
    2 March 2021 15:31
    can you make new again thanks

  10. ly2rynr
    1 March 2021 13:56
    take this cheat down, the link is no longer available.

  11. night.hacker
    23 February 2021 23:39
    cant download file not available in mega

    Cant delete the file lol HAHAHAHA

  12. dadadadadasssss
    8 February 2021 08:18
    Hacks in maintenance
    Cant hack rn

  13. elmericot
    28 January 2021 03:52
    Hii Can u help me about the error of the cheat??? bcoz when im in game i got disconnected says "Network Error Restored" thats anytime goes out and when it goes back your enemy will be blinking and i dont know why ?? ill send a video clip how it looks like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPINKpCns1w .. Please help me with these Thank you

  14. 420ninja40
    5 January 2021 16:06
    help mine h4x4you needs to complete 4 ads and it will take me to this website to complete the 4 ads and nothing still happens even i completed all the ads

    edit:NVM i was wrong i have to complete the 4 download links and there is a activation key soo cheat works perfectly :)

  15. Tydylan
    Tydylan · AsThinks#1852
    20 December 2020 01:24
    this cheat don't work and is a virus dont download trust me.

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      22 December 2020 15:19
      lmfao i am using hax4you from 2 or 3 years and my pc still good why it should be a virus

    2. Romainpinpin
      2 January 2021 07:34
      Hello, so the cheat work perfectly for me but you said there got a virus and this is not very a virus its called fake positive because the cheat include injector so its the reason thanks for replying my post and have a good day!

  16. Kianclintsanchez
    15 December 2020 13:13
    what is the password when I extract it

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:24
      123 is the password for winrar

  17. JamesPepesan28
    14 December 2020 06:01
    may bago bang update?

  18. voldemort988
    27 November 2020 06:04
    it is okay with steam version?

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:25
      yea it's ok but i don't think that is safe 100% so take care

  19. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    25 November 2020 13:30
    needs updating the new version of hax4you is 4.18

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:25
      thx for the information we will work in it soon

  20. ronalderejer96
    20 November 2020 05:42

    1. jerome pantig
      Real Cheater
      20 November 2020 10:13
      just dont mind them. its not like they give a fuck about your opinion anyway. just keep quiet and be a good boy amateur. 

      1. sbzrayen
        Real Cheater
        sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
        18 December 2020 15:28
        nah we care about all opinions i just can't understand he is language he should speak with english language

        1. Martin Lawrence
          5 January 2021 04:14
          What he means is that there are a lot of wanna-be cheaters who cant follow simple instructions then make complaints that it doesn't work.

          To add, he's one of the "Peenoise" who cheat every game and is toxic to all of the gaming community

  21. harolddevera24
    17 November 2020 04:53
    How to buy premium cheat in Hax??

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:30
      this is the discord of the real owner of hax4you: Code5yndicate#7184 if you want to buy premium just send him message and this is hax4you server discord : https://discord.gg/QD9Wddum

  22. SekaiNoWaSeno
    7 November 2020 04:13
    Virustotal the .exe lmao 

    1. Dunkyhax64
      Real Cheater
      14 November 2020 17:44
      all cheats get flagged retard

    2. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:31
      idiot it's hack all hacks had a virus anyway download is safe 99% nothing will happen to you i am using hax4you since 2018 and my pc still good

  23. sander512
    7 November 2020 01:36
    insta ban lol 

  24. Hello6666
    4 November 2020 19:31
    how to get the key

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:32
      it's too easy to activate hack just send me discord friend request and i will show you how

  25. killuaop
    4 November 2020 13:04
    Whats the decryption key?

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:33
      you need to activate it to get the key complete the tasks and copy the key and put it in loader but in new version just complete tasks and click activate hack and it will be activated

  26. Drugnutfreak
    1 November 2020 15:31
    it closes when i open it 

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:34
      don't put the game full screen when you launch it and you will be ok

  27. lifehack
    28 October 2020 00:42
    how to get the activation code?

  28. zhent0019
    27 October 2020 21:16
    can i ask if what emulator do you use for ros can you link it please..

    1. muymuy
      Real Cheater
      9 November 2020 14:20
      lol potato pc indian hahahaha

      1. tsaglashgui
        10 November 2020 10:27
        why you so racist

    2. jerome pantig
      Real Cheater
      12 November 2020 14:50
      whahahaha why emulator????

    3. YayaOn165Hz
      YayaOn165Hz · Yaya#1945
      4 December 2020 19:28
      not an emulator

    4. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:35
      you don't need emulator to play ros there is pc version this is the link of download : https://www.rulesofsurvivalgame.com/

  29. RaineirThehacker
    27 October 2020 07:08

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      18 December 2020 15:36
      thanks for your support hope you enjoy all our hacks

  30. sbzrayen
    Real Cheater
    sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
    25 October 2020 14:33
    download link already updated 

New Comments
zuhu zuhu

when the game just updated yeah.

Milania Milania

where should I paste the copied link in the blue "download" button?

naams naams

its normal my esp isn't working ?

adrian galvigi adrian galvigi

i've tried opening it a few different ways and still haven't been able to get anything to work </3

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