Pet Simulator X Roblox Cheats, Scripts and Codes

  • Developer: Naiviq#1335, acsu123#9826
  • Status:
  • Updated: 06.06.23
  • Current version: Unknown

Pet Simulator X Roblox Cheats, Scripts and Codes

I really like Pet Simulator X and that's why I decided to find a working Roblox Pet Simulator X cheat script for you. Using this hack, you will be able to have more gaming features in the game, for example, the following functions will be available to you: Auto Play, Auto Buy, Teleport, as well as a convenient beautiful menu with which you can configure all these functions. Additionally, I am sharing with you the actual and working codes for the game Pet Simulator X Roblox in 2023, which you can legally use and get additional gifts in the simulator.

Pet Simulator X Functions Hacks:

  • Auto Farm
  • Misc
  • Auto Eggs
  • Auto Pets
  • Local Player
  • Open GUIs

Pet Simulator X Roblox Scripts 2023:

Pet Simulator X Scripts - Auto Farm

Pet Simulator X Auto Farm scriptsby Naiviq#1335


Pet Simulator X: Auto Hatch Egg, Auto Farm, Webhook

Pet Simulator X: Auto Hatch Egg, Auto Farm, Webhook

by acsu123#9826


Best Pet Simulator X Script Hack 2023

Best Pet Simulator X Script Hack 2023

by Naiviq#1335


Codes 2023 Pet Simulator X Roblox:

Working codes for Roblox Pet Simulator X, which can be exchanged for diamonds, coins, happiness and boosts.

404roblox - 8 Triple Coin Boosts
santapaws - 3 Triple Coin Boosts
xmas - 5,000,000 Gingerbread
1Mfollowers - 5 Triple Coin Boosts
happyholidays - 3 Triple Coin Boosts
tonsofcoins - 3 Triple Coin Boosts
Release - 1,000 Diamonds
DiscordDiamonds - 10,000 Diamonds
Super25k - 5,000 Diamonds
Lucky50k - Super Lucky Boost
Triple80k - Triple Coin Boost
Easy125k - Super Lucky Boost
EzDiamonds150k - 10,000 Diamonds
MoreCoins180k - Triple Coin Boost
Ultra225k - Ultra Lucky Boost
SuperUltra1 - Ultra Lucky Boost
FreeDiamonds0 - 5,000 Diamonds
Back2Back - 8,000 Diamonds
blamedavid - Triple Coin Boost
morecodes3 - Ultra Lucky Boost
big1234 - Triple Coin Boost
Underworld - 13,000 Diamonds
plaid1234 - Triple Coin Boost
Clouds - 2 Triple Coin Boosts
halfamillion - 10,000 Diamonds
TripleCoins999 - Triple Coin Boost
anothertriple - 2 Triple Coin Boosts
morecoins4u - 2 Triple Coin Boosts
700kDiamonds - 25,000 Diamonds
steampunkpets - 25,000 Diamonds
easyboosts - Triple Coin Boost
halfamillion - 3 Triple Damage Boosts
VoiceChat - 2 Triple Coin Boosts
Triple800 - Triple Coin Boost
pumpkin333 - 20,000 Diamonds
sorry4thewait - Triple Coin Boost
bandsundrbidn - 30,000 Diamonds
its1million - 100,000 Diamonds
alienpets - 2 Ultra Lucky Boosts
yaydiamonds2 - 50,000 Diamonds
1billion - 5 Triple Coin Boosts
happysaturday11 - 3 Triple Coin Boosts
1mplus300k - 2 Ultra Lucky Boosts
im2lucky - 3 Ultra Lucky Boosts

Free Download Pet Simulator X Roblox Cheats, Scripts and Codes

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Comments: 3 Views: 70 382


  1. Linki3
    22 April 2022 14:43

    whats the code to inject the the script?

  2. weronikawerkawer
    23 February 2022 23:53

    how can i take a script to a game?

  3. Ashbe
    23 December 2021 17:40

    how inject 

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work