FIFA World ⚽ Script: Infinite Coins, Collect All Treasure

  • Developer: -=VimeR=-#3178
  • Status:
  • Updated: 21.10.22
  • Current version: 1.0

For the first time on our website, a script for the official Roblox game from FIFA called FIFA World. The script is designed in black and red interface author -=VimeR=-#3178, has only three functions: Collect All Treasure, Infinite Coins and Auto Buy Pack. 

I think these three features are enough to be better than others in the game, the main thing is that they all work and you can use them right now. 

So, the official Roblox Place FIFA World from FIFA has been visited more than a million times from the moment of the release. It took about a month for the game to achieve these statistics.

In the FIFA World online experience, players play soccer on large and small fields, collect acheives, collect items and soccer jerseys, pump up their personal stats and explore the map to unlock its secrets.

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