Marvellous Playground Script: Paid Characters, Secret Characters

  • Developer: DrifterX
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.12.22
  • Current version: 1.0

We publish on first script on roblox game Marvellous Playground, which is currently quite popular. The script is developed by the author DrifterX, he also gave the name to the script DrifterX Hub, and in it he decided to add such features: Paid Characters, Free Character, Secret Characters, namely that when you click, your character will transform into the selected character. Thus, you will have access to a lot of characters that are paid, or even secret that no one else can. Fans of Marvellous Playground we recommend to try out this script, thanks to the author it does not require an activation key and is available for free to download.

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user991 user991

Got it to work by running with directx11 before launching the game. Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Xenos Injector. Use manual launch and select the WuWa.dll image and Client.exe. Press inject. It should say awaiting for the Client-Win64-Shipping.exe process.

2. In the game launcher, select launch with DirectX 11 before launching then press Launch.

ScruffleBear41 ScruffleBear41

so did some testing today; this trainer is no longer active after updates. will not work through Epic or Hoyo. =) fun while it lasted for sure. 

Dorin4321 Dorin4321

I don't think so, i want to play it in fullscreen 4:3 stretched and i cant :/