Zombie Rush Script: Silent Aim, ESP & More

  • Developer: Unknown
  • Status:
  • Updated: 09.03.23
  • Current version: 1.0

Only one script for all time was published on cheater.fun on roblox game Zombie Rush, it is likely already outdated, since its release was a lot of time. For fans of this game we found another cool script, which also does not require a key activation and has the following functions: ESP, Silent Aim, OP Weapon, WalkSpeed, JumpPower, FOV and others.

Zombie Rush is another kind of killing crowds of oncoming enemies. In this game, you will play in co-op with other players. At the start of the user will appear in the lobby, where you can look at the other participants or buy yourself some weapons. After that the project will move the hero to the starting point, and you will have to fight off the first wave. Each time the difficulty will grow and grow. Thanks to the script it will become much easier to fight off zombies.

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