Roblox MM2 Hack: Silent Aim, ESP Players, Kill All & More

  • Developer: Bolts Hub
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.04.23
  • Current version: v5

Introducing a new hack on roblox game Murder Mystery 2 called Bolts Hub, it has many useful features, among which: Silent Aim, FOV, Draw FOV, Aim Bone, Grab Dropped Gun, Kill All, KIll Murder, ESP Players and others. This hack and its features will greatly improve your game and make you invincible. Murder Mystery 2 is a popular game on the Roblox platform. Developed by Nikilis, the game is a social deductive game in which players try to determine who the killer is among a group of players, while trying not to be killed themselves. In the game, players are randomly assigned the roles of either an innocent player, a sheriff, or an assassin. The goal of the assassin is to eliminate all other players without getting caught by the sheriff or other innocent players, while the goal of the sheriff is to identify and eliminate the assassin. The MM2 hack is available for download from

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  1. Cheater.ban
    13 April 2023 10:10

    where to paste the script ????