Triathlon Star Simulator Script - Inf Money and More

  • Developer: gaxify, toraisme
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.10.24
  • Current version: 1.2

Triathlon Star Simulator Script - Inf Money and More

To your attention free scripts for the new popular game Triathlon Star Simulator on the platform Roblox, which you can copy and download from this page. We have selected for you only the best and tested scripts and hacks for Triathlon Star Simulator, which are available to everyone! The game is very new, but already enough players are playing it that you can use scripts to improve your time and have fun with your friends. Below you will be able to use two working scripts for infinite money from two developers, which script you like - it's up to you.

Triathlon Star Simulator Script Inf Money (No Key)

by gaxify

while true do
local pl = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
pl.CFrame =, -22.2512207, 1.82)
pl.CFrame =, -22.2512207, 1.82)

Triathlon Star Simulator Script Infinite Money

Triathlon Star Simulator Script Infinite Money

by ToraIsMe


Free Download Triathlon Star Simulator Script - Inf Money and More

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mrh0742 mrh0742

AlexSYS5512 1 senedir sitenize giriyorum hep bakıyorum pubg mobile emilatör güncellemesini durdurmussunuz çok üzücü sizin sitenize size hayranız biz arkadaşlarla hep sizin hacklarınızı kullanıyoruz fakat neden pubg mobile emilatör için 3.7 güncellemesi yapmıyorsunuz sagmısınız yaşıyormusunuz lutfen güncelleyin sizden rica ediyorum saygılar.

zuhu zuhu

how about the json file that comes with the download 

viveirosvh viveirosvh

yeah... it stopped working for me as well... guess no more hsr for me, as it is unplayable without cheating/skip btn.