CS:GO TM Injector (Best Injector For CS:GO)

  • Developer: CemreKusdemir
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.05.21
  • Current version: v1.1 [18/03/2021]

Hey, you, I know you're looking for an injector for CS:GO... You've tried a lot of different injectors and they don't work? Maybe this injector will help! usage is extremely simple. just open the game and open the injector. Yes it's EASY!

How to use injector?

Just open the game select your dll and inject!

Your game still crashes?

Just Try disable your anti-virus and please run as administrator..
Check your dll's.. Make sure they're up to date!

What's New v1.1?
                                                 The Link has been uploaded again because it is broken!

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Comments: 187 Views: 112 558


  1. whatever
    27 October 2020 01:56
    LinkVertise? rlly? no ty

  2. reset545145
    26 October 2020 15:19
    csghost paste xd

  3. DonLoser
    26 October 2020 01:58
    Porque quando eu fui tentar abrir, me apareceu isso?
    Se vocês dizem que não tem vírus... Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml

  4. Indominous
    25 October 2020 21:50
    Injector is working fine the problem is in ur Dll`s.Great job by the developer.

  5. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    24 October 2020 22:09
    amk sala yapıcaksan virüssüz bişey yap

    1. Vac Killer
      25 October 2020 11:37

  6. ninjakillerv2
    23 October 2020 18:57
    it doesn't do shit, doesnt inject. also it's not dll's fault.

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      24 October 2020 22:12
      don't be fking toxic he is working hard for making us good and its V1 its like a test version u shouldn't be bad guy

  7. Cedric Lim
    23 October 2020 18:55
    this is rat i got banned when i started it

    1. MehmetBey
      24 October 2020 20:49
      ur cheat bad bro. i using this

    2. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      24 October 2020 22:13
      lmfao how can an injector ban are u dumb or dumb ?

  8. sunuse
    23 October 2020 18:43
    Detected or no detected

    1. cemrekusdemir
      23 October 2020 18:47
      No Detected :) 

  9. rancionick
    23 October 2020 16:51
    Is it a malware? please, windows defender tells me that it is

    1. macik
      Real Cheater
      macik · Dojarz#0887
      23 October 2020 18:36
      no, it's a fake result. Injector is 100% safe.

  10. The_Cihan
    23 October 2020 09:30
    Ban Yermiyim injectorden Osiris kullanacam

    1. CagriBeyHD
      Real Cheater
      23 October 2020 11:19
      Yemezsin ban falan, Güncel osiris Dll indir Kullan CFG ataım istersen
      legit oynamazsan OW ban yersin

      1. MehmetBey
        24 October 2020 20:43
        Bana bir legit cfg yollasana çağrı :d

    2. cemrekusdemir
      23 October 2020 16:05
      Yemezsin özel bypass kodları var içinde. 

  11. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    23 October 2020 01:03
    aslan , Gel buraya gel gel , Çok caz yaptın sen :D

  12. Robedddd
    22 October 2020 22:54
    sa moara familia mea de nu ma pis eu pe injectoru vostru?

    atunci sa fie lung duceti va in PULA MEA

    1. Serban1337
      24 October 2020 21:11
      ce sa zici si tu lua-mi-ai pula-n gura

  13. MehmetBey
    22 October 2020 15:20
    Eline sağlık... Bu injector sayesinde osirisi belli etmeden inject ettim. 

    1. cemrekusdemir
      22 October 2020 15:25
      ❤️❤️❤️ Ne demek güle güle kullan belli etme hileyi fazla 😉

      1. MehmetBey
        24 October 2020 20:43
        Legit oyuncuyuz biz :)

  14. Fxgom
    22 October 2020 14:58
    Best injector i've ever seen good, job its works! 

  15. ppap1
    22 October 2020 13:56
    copy paste csghost... 

  16. Sunset_Cake
    Sunset_Cake · Sunset_Cake#4148
    22 October 2020 12:59
    Will this Cheat get "everyday updates" ? because I'm scared of getting banned with this injector.

  17. aboo01
    22 October 2020 11:35
    taşşaklı adamsın

  18. JamesHacks
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 03:59
    Isn't this just a copy of Csghost?

    1. cemrekusdemir
      22 October 2020 04:00
      Nope.. I don't know csghost source codes.. this is myself code :)

      1. JamesHacks
        Real Cheater
        22 October 2020 04:07
        i See, Thanks for letting me know.

  19. locaion
    21 October 2020 19:33
    Eğer Bitcoin virüsi ise sorumlusu Cemre Kusdemirdir.

    1. cemrekusdemir
      21 October 2020 19:42
      ???? iyi misin kardeş?

      1. locaion
        22 October 2020 17:04
        @cemrekusdemir Kardeşim injectorü test ettim ellerine sağlık çok güzel olmuş tebrik ederim.

    2. SvanteG
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 23:39
      bu adam öyle bişey yapmaz ananı sikerim bakk

      1. locaion
        22 October 2020 17:03
        Orospu evladı ben bu cemre kusdemir midir nedir tanımıyorum nerden bileyim ?

  20. Darklinninenine
    21 October 2020 16:38
    this is a really good injector, its really good with onetap 3

  21. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    21 October 2020 16:19
    Hooopp aslanım Benim Ne Yaptın sen :D

  22. iMaah
    21 October 2020 16:01
    is this a good injector??

  23. Swiizyyy1337
    21 October 2020 12:29
    This is a good injector?

    1. papapkzhelp
      21 October 2020 13:24
      not tried it yet

    2. Dank bOOgIe
      21 October 2020 22:27
      Works Fine. Already got a vac with no Public matches played useing cartel cheats

New Comments
phantorios phantorios

Been using this on Asia server for a month now. Havent banned yet. Using nothing crazy, just auto talk, esp, infinite stamina, skill&ult, no dmg. Only using on world. No event, abyss, imaginarium.

zefkun zefkun

And there's another update in the game, and I still can use the cheat 😁

Small.Finger Small.Finger

It would be Cool if you add that the Weapon is under The Box to see what weapon they have. 

zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊