CSGhost v4.3.1 - Fast and simple CSGO injector will FULL Vac bypass

  • Developer: KittenPopo
  • Status:
  • Updated: 31.05.23
  • Current version: v4.3.1
CSGhost v4.2.1

CSGhost is a all-in-one VAC bypass and cheat injector that completely disables VAC, making it near impossible to be banned even when using detected cheats.

With this CSGO injector, you can embed any downloaded cheat from our site into your game and thus run any cheat without any problems.

At the moment, you will not get a ban for using this injector, if you do everything correctly.

Free Download CSGhost v4.3.1 - Fast and simple CSGO injector will FULL Vac bypass

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Comments: 1 176 Views: 1 081 437

1 176 comments

  1. teguhmonk66
    30 April 2021 16:38

    thx u sir for hack

  2. DaBombMan3
    29 April 2021 05:38

    what do i do when i get this error failed to start unpacked program

    1. Ganso
      29 April 2021 20:37
      Turn off antivirus launch the program, inject, and then you can close the program turn and turn on antivirus

  3. pedrosdfz222
    28 April 2021 18:48

    tem virus?aqui ta aparecendo que e um arquivo perigoso

  4. chupame las bolainas
    27 April 2021 23:22

    hope it doesn't bring any virus or malwaresweat_smile



  5. osjdfhdsziofsdfihob
    27 April 2021 20:41

    Thanck you! :D

  6. Geoeregeparomania
    26 April 2021 21:19

    i can t download it :((

  7. Robick
    26 April 2021 16:21

    mie imi da o eroare ca nu sa gasit steam si sa bag gs ghost in acelasi fisier cu steam


  8. Cheater.fun
    25 April 2021 14:19
    nice when i load the injector it opens steam on my other drive where i dont have cs installed

    1. ClassicuL
      27 April 2021 12:32
      LOL you have bad luck

  9. spacely
    Real Cheater
    25 April 2021 14:02
    is this v.3 or v4?

    does this have vac bypass built in it?

    1. narutoirado
      narutoirado · takizinmkr#0114
      30 April 2021 17:51
      yes is v4 and have bypasser

  10. SpL1Nt3r
    24 April 2021 22:46
    Cel mai bun injector am cautat pe virustotal si nmk din toti antivirusi aia nu au detectat cv si vac bypass chiar merge am ban pe steam id pe un server pe contu main si cand am bagat vac bypass am putut sa intru 

    1. B_L_U_E_warrior
      26 April 2021 14:45
      auzi ti sa intamplat cumva dupa ce te ai jucat cu el sa incerci din nou sa l deschizi si sa iti zica ca win n are permisiune sau ceva? ca nush de ce da mie imi zice asta cand vr sa l deschid si am antivirus disable =(

  11. Everton Sacramento Muchaski
    24 April 2021 02:24
    O link de download não está funcionando

    1. narutoirado
      narutoirado · takizinmkr#0114
      30 April 2021 17:52
      faça o download de novo

  12. asdasd9992
    23 April 2021 10:27
    idk now the download is working

  13. raulentiu100k
    22 April 2021 16:29
    Thank you developer :)

  14. Boncu911
    21 April 2021 17:43
    Download link not working

  15. Poky15
    20 April 2021 14:43
    I cant downoald it :(

    1. Tereza Klesková
      21 April 2021 10:32
      same :< my baby

      1. jaggörseggs
        21 April 2021 15:13
        allahu akbar

    2. IULI2
      21 April 2021 16:15
      u need to download on edge

      1. oznni234
        Real Cheater
        28 April 2021 14:58
        microsoft edge*

  16. NoarRO
    20 April 2021 09:49
    Failed to start unpacked program 😐😐

  17. nagydavid82
    19 April 2021 16:34
    thank you they upset my prime account. the loader is good

  18. Varutzuuu
    Varutzuuu · Varutzuuuuu#6558
    19 April 2021 09:23
    Version 4.0 ok.
    Version 4.0 is not ok.
    Version 4.0 is... 
    Version 2.3 is the best.
    Whit v2.3 u are save. 

    1. 123cheat:))
      19 April 2021 10:26
      whit v2.3 no vac?

  19. dsturbx
    18 April 2021 21:51
    lol so its true that only libtards appear here on this site:D.d::D:D so fucking hilarious to read those commends, i got a recommendation to go here and read the braindead comments and its been a tan fun:DD:d.

  20. dsturbx
    18 April 2021 21:48
    Quote: GooseBoiHasKnife
    The same people here saying its detected are the same ones who are abusing their cheats with anti aim and too many rage features. If yall didn't use so many rage features maybe you wouldn't get banned
    ur puking shit kid XDDDD "too many rage features" :Xd.dx:d. fucking 2021 nc

  21. trimm
    trimm · HiTTA#2104
    18 April 2021 15:38
    dumbasss using osiris and saying the injector is detected -.-

  22. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    18 April 2021 02:31
    The same people here saying its detected are the same ones who are abusing their cheats with anti aim and too many rage features. If yall didn't use so many rage features maybe you wouldn't get banned

    1. 20061130
      18 April 2021 04:57
      i only use Osiris and i use ESP and backtrack. Then i got VAC banned i'm not raging bro

    2. dsturbx
      18 April 2021 21:49
      ur puking shit kid XDDDD "too many rage features" :Xd.dx:d. fucking 2021 nc

  23. hullk01
    17 April 2021 22:51
    cant download it

    when i press ins not opening

  24. sachin.123
    17 April 2021 11:29
    got vac ban on first round... @KittenPopo
    work on vac bypass....3.1 is still undetected...
    Thank You!!!

    1. 20061130
      17 April 2021 11:31
      i got vac banned too. this injector is really detected.bye my high rank acc(Rank:Legendary Eagle) :)

    2. Noob24.ro
      Real Cheater
      17 April 2021 13:39
      use undetected dll lol

    3. alohaYT
      Real Cheater
      alohaYT · ᴀʟᴏʜᴀ#8421
      17 April 2021 14:11
      Learn how to vac bypass

  25. 20061130
    17 April 2021 11:27
    this injector is really detected! i got vac ban . the vac bypass isn;t working. 
    here is my steam:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199071698008/
    real vac ban not overwatch i checked it


  26. aronnxd
    16 April 2021 20:02
    i got vacced using this, dont use it

    1. KittenPopo
      KittenPopo · KittenPopo#9336
      16 April 2021 23:37
      It was probably an overwatch ban or something lmfao.

      1. mindz0r
        17 April 2021 05:00
        is vacbypass working 100% ?

  27. retard2133554
    16 April 2021 19:49
    Why you got banned because you dont you use flash drive

    If you dont trust it here is virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/724c6c491d8d46f9a7e41192ba5926f0ee7b82e9315

    1. dsturbx
      18 April 2021 21:50
      obviously retarded. u dont have to use any flash drive u stupid 2021 nc:D.D:D:D

  28. MrDevil_1998
    16 April 2021 15:15
    it's detected mother fucker why say undetect?????? i get vac banned

    1. amojiz
      16 April 2021 15:46
      Dash to dige skeet mizani xD

      1. MrDevil_1998
        16 April 2021 17:21
        xD na khob ta biad cfg mm dashtm vas otc migaiid in binamus ro gereftm k crash nade k vac kard

        1. amojiz
          16 April 2021 19:49
          khob pas dige lazem shod cfg ro bdi mn xD
          comeon discord send me broooo

          1. Noob24.ro
            Real Cheater
            17 April 2021 13:39
            yes bc otc is out -_-

            use undetected dll lol

    2. thecyan1de
      17 April 2021 05:05
      mame bede khale

  29. pizdamatacurva
    16 April 2021 15:04
    Hope this works fine, ima install it!
    Jesus please be legit!

  30. KittenPopo
    KittenPopo · KittenPopo#9336
    16 April 2021 14:30
    CSGhost VAC bypass has been greatly improved, and false antivirus detections should no longer occur.
    For those of you who have been claiming this software is malicious, you are unaware of how cheats interact with antiviruses and have no actual evidence other than false detections. All of my public software is completely safe, spreading malware is a crime I would never commit. CSGhost is safe.

    Have fun!

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3