Muck Cheat Free on Steam

  • Developer: Aterror2be
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.07.21
  • Current version: v2.0
The game Muck is becoming more popular and that is why we are posting another free cheat for you on the game Muck Steam. This is a universal cheat with great functionality, it has all the necessary functions in order to dominate the game servers and always be the first among other players. There is a menu with which you can customize the world, manage players, mobs and much more. Download this cheat for Muck for free from our website and have fun on game servers using this hack from the developer Aterror2be.

Follow the instructions and you will succeed!

To run this hack, you will need the SharpMonoInjector injector, you can download it from this link: (password: 123)

Injection Steps

  1. Open injector
  2. Open Muck
  3. Refresh injector
  4. Set Name Space as : Loader
  5. Set Class Name as : Load
  6. Set Method Name as : CreateGameObject
  7. Inject!


  • Player Esp + [Distance]
  • Mob Esp + [Distance]
  • Tree Esp + [Health]
  • Resource Esp + [Health]
  • Snapline Esp
  • Snapline Position: Bottom/Center
  • FlyHack + [Bind F1]
  • PickUpAll
  • AttackStats + [Bind F3]
  • GodMode + [Bind F2]
  • Infinate Stamina
  • Infinate Food
  • SpeedHack + [Bind F4]
  • JumpHack + [Bind F5]
  • MobTeleportHit + [Mouse0]
  • BreakEverything + [Bind F6]
  • SpawnBoss
  • FollowPlayer
  • PingSpammer


  • Menu Key is [Insert]
  • Toggles Menu Key Is [Delete]

Free Download Muck Cheat Free on Steam

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Comments: 23 Views: 24 261


  1. radmehradinesah
    29 August 2022 14:18

    what is pass

    1. donate to pay for bills
      18 April 2023 23:20

      123 is the password

    2. Droneseb2
      12 May 2023 18:29

      123 is the password

  2. bunnyhopper3
    18 May 2022 03:18

    bruh you need to start with a capital letter haha stupid injector bruh

  3. 420BigMan
    31 December 2021 20:12

    This one does work, Refresh after you type Name Space, Class Name, and Method name. Make sure they're all the same after refresh.

  4. RenanZK
    28 September 2021 22:25

    doesnt work, the status is "status: injection failed: mono_class_from_name() returned NULL",someone can help me


  5. epicsniper106
    8 September 2021 14:50
    y the fuck is thare a MUCK CHEAT THATS SO SAD LOL

    1. PurpleGHOSTz
      26 January 2022 13:45
      then why did you click here dumbass bitch

  6. LemonLucid
    3 August 2021 18:44

    how do i inject i cant press the inject button 


  7. hhwf9hyo7yoi87423ye87gy8
    28 July 2021 14:44

    when i start the mod textures dosent load correctly so the apples and the stones are white. but the cheat works 


  8. xmoeinx
    19 July 2021 11:37

    doesnt work

  9. Besteee
    15 July 2021 21:12

    doesnt work


    1. Besteee
      15 July 2021 22:02
      nvm it works perfectily

      1. NaNasuuAkiaa3
        5 December 2021 15:46
        How did you make it work? What file do i inject?

        How did you make it work? What file do i inject?

        How did you make it work? What file do i inject?

        1. Nicshrineofnic
          15 October 2022 12:07

          You inject MuckHack.dll

  10. death9965
    10 July 2021 12:47

    how do i open the injecter


    1. MABNuma
      12 July 2021 18:23
      opening the injector...

  11. Einarmk
    Einarmk · Einar#8391
    7 July 2021 15:55

    nice one... this is good thanks

  12. fardman
    2 July 2021 02:57


  13. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    26 June 2021 22:52

    No mono processes found!

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      26 June 2021 22:53
      The same thing happens with the other muck cheats and I haven't found anyone with a fix yet so if anyone has one then just reply to my comment here plz :)

      1. fardman
        2 July 2021 02:54
        what i do in some cases is i either refresh injector processes or type Muck.exe

      2. fardman
        2 July 2021 03:01
        this one doesnt work but use internal or Rreis one