[AHK] R6S-Ultimate Scripts [inc. Ahkhider]
- Developer: GamesofFreak
- Status:
- Updated: 03.10.20
- Current version: 03/10/2020

How to use:
- Open RandomTitles.txt and change the R6S-Ultimate Scripts.exe file Name to one of the RandomTitles inside RandomTitles.txt
- Double click R6S-Ultimate Scripts.ahk/.exe
- On start up Ahkhider will be run to hide autohotkey
- Press ok to all Messageboxes they pop up
- Press insert to enable these scripts, press insert again to disable all scripts again
- Press F1-F7 to activate specific scripts, after you pressed insert to enable scripts.
- Have Fun!
- Activate: press insert to activate or deactivate scripts(PRESS INSERT FIRST!!)
- No Recoil: hold LButton, after you toggled the Script with F1
- Bettersprint: after you walk 1 second you will automatically sprint, toggle it with F2
- Crouch Spam: hold C to spam crouch, toggle it with F3
- Ez Melee: hold V to spam melee, toggle it with F4
- Fast Peek: hold Q or E to spam peek, toggle it with F5
- 180 Spin: Press XButton1 to make a 180 degree, toggle it with F6
- Aim Peeking: hold RButton to peek left and right automatically, toggle it with XButton2
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