RDR2 MultiHack - Family Menu (Gold & Money)

  • Developer: Zbing
  • Status:
  • Updated: 19.09.23
  • Current version: 1.1.3

RDR2 MultiHack - Family Menu (Gold & Money)

Here is a free hack for Red Dead Redemption 2, which you can download from this page. Multihack RDR2 will give you great opportunities in the most popular game about cowboys. You will get the hidden functions of the game; for example, you can get any amount of currency in the game, teleport to any point on the map, use any weapon, use the ESP function, and much more.

The Best Hack for Red Dead Redemption 2

Multihack RDR2 works both in offline mode and in online mode, which allows you to use cheats while playing online with other players. The developer is constantly improving and updating the software. At the moment, it is one of the best hacks for Red Dead Redemption 2. There is support for multiple languages, such as EN, TR, RU, GE, and many others, which is very convenient during the use of cheat menus.

At the moment the game is sold at a discount and the number of players increases. To have a great time and use all the features of the game, we advise you to download these cheats, with which you will be the most wanted cowboy in the wild west.

Control Keys:

F4= Open the Menu

Numpad 8= UP

Numpad 4= Left

Numpad 6= Right

Numpad 2= Down

Numpad 5= Enter

Numpad 0= Return

Language Support:



The United Kingdom




Update Log (1.0.7):

1.Changed the menu's dynamic logo effect to static due to feedback that the logo was causing visual discomfort.
2.Added file verification code to address the issue of some users seeing square characters in the menu text. This is because they ran the program directly from the ZIP file without extracting the language text configuration files. The code now checks if the files are extracted, and if not, prompts the user to do so before running.
3.As a result of removing the dynamic images, the program size in this version has also been reduced.
4.Added code for ASI plugins in the program, preparing for future support of MOD plugins.

Free Download RDR2 MultiHack - Family Menu (Gold & Money)

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Comments: 17 Views: 55 638


  1. Mr sweedishfish
    10 November 2024 19:14

    i have the files now how do i install the mod into red dead online

  2. dr stop
    15 January 2024 23:13

    update pls "


  3. Adam.Off
    9 January 2024 20:07

    how open menu?

  4. LazyDabs710
    18 October 2023 13:58

    Already patched instant crashes game

  5. KhALa3
    14 October 2023 23:46

    Work ?

    1. XYCoder
      26 November 2023 15:24

      no, its outdated

  6. malosssi
    21 August 2023 20:42

    non run crash game instant 

    1. Arrikonait
      13 October 2023 15:13

      same, cheat is either outdated or something, and author in an asshole who did not post any instalation guide ffs ...

  7. Ryan_6
    Real Cheater
    20 August 2023 09:54

    Best cheat there is for free 10/10

  8. Zhilwan2057
    19 August 2023 22:25

    This is a fix for the menu text problem.

    Delete any language in the "language" folder except "en_GB" file, Than run the game and Loader.exe
    Works for me! Let me know if its fixed.

  9. Alekzito
    19 August 2023 04:43

    bugged, the menu text does not appear

  10. rocma430
    5 August 2023 19:40

    all it is when i load the menu i just white boxes i made sure it was fully unzipped and all that any help?

  11. Odieclose
    18 July 2023 09:47

    I managed to use it for 3 days, then the game started to freeze, but at least I got rich with 1100 gold

    1. 2276747593
      14 August 2023 03:20

      you are so good list say your are cant got gold more than50 in24 hours

  12. Odieclose
    7 July 2023 00:59


  13. prazdaa
    1 July 2023 13:09

    crashed, please fix it

  14. hayl
    10 June 2023 17:18

    how to use it?

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?