Football Manager 2020 - Trainer (+8)

  • Developer: peizhaochen
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.08.20
  • Current version: [20.4.1]
Do you like to play Football Manager 2020? How about a free trainer for the game Football Manager 2020 with which you will have a large number of opportunities with which you can easily win and pass the game in a matter of seconds. Use this free trainer for Football Manager 2020 and win with us :)

Hot keys and the ability of the trainer:
1: Change the property of an open Manager
2: the Maximum attributes of a coach
3: Maximum spiritual attributes
4: Enable career status change
5: Set your career status to professional
6: Professional status set to Amateur
7: changes in the reputation of Open Club
8: the club's Reputation is set at 5 stars
9: the club's Reputation is set at 1 star
0: Double the speed of the game
-: Triple the speed of the game

Trainer instructions:
1. modifying Manager attributes: when adding a Manager or editing a Manager, select a style that pays attention to the effect.If there are any remaining assignable points, click the reset button to take effect.
2. Professional status change: click the club information, click the arrow to the left of the club name to go to the club you want to change, change, save / download the archive update.
3. Change club prestige: change your club, double-click club information to change, change other clubs, click club information, click the arrow to the left of the club name to switch to other clubs, select summary information 2 times, change, save / download archive update

Free Download Football Manager 2020 - Trainer (+8)

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Comments: 2 Views: 9 314


  1. EJ37
    10 April 2021 06:41
    Link caído no se descarga

  2. belillo
    10 August 2020 01:13
    no funciona rage 

New Comments
zuhu zuhu

when the game just updated yeah.

Milania Milania

where should I paste the copied link in the blue "download" button?

naams naams

its normal my esp isn't working ?

adrian galvigi adrian galvigi

i've tried opening it a few different ways and still haven't been able to get anything to work </3