Valorant Internal/External AimAssist/Shot correction (Magnet)

  • Developer: pean153
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.09.20
  • Current version: 02/09/2020
A good hack on VALORANT that is available for free download from our site. At the moment, the cheat is not banned. The functionality here is very simple, but with these features you can play much better than your opponents. Aim Assist/Shot correction (Magnet) features will make your game much brighter and easier. An excellent external cheat that is internal. The developers of VALORANT did not close the intercept drivers, and thanks to this, the cheat works on the basis of intercept drivers. Thank you to the developer of pean153 for providing a free cheat on VALORANT.

Shot correction (Magnet)

@Puddin Poppin for the original Internal/External cheat for CSGO.
@Denyagola for writing some parts of the code

Never inject into Valorant or RIOT associated processes.
Do not inject if the game is running.
Injecting into CSGO like shown in the video is not a smart way of doing it.
Ideally, find your own way of injecting the dll somewhere.

Console input
Input the values in the following order:


Smoothing has reasonable values around 0.01-0.2 based on your CPU and setup. The mode has 3 values (1, 2, 3). 1 is for Shot correction only, 2 is for AimAssist only, 3 is for both.

Free Download Valorant Internal/External AimAssist/Shot correction (Magnet)

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Comments: 167 Views: 52 778


  1. JamesHacks
    Real Cheater
    31 October 2020 12:28
    For people who's asking if it's detected, no it's not, and you can too make it undetected by injecting it into something uncommon, like google chrome etc and renaming it into something else like "steam.dll". Second, play legit and don't go full obvious, i suggest you only use aim assist or aim correction only instead of both. Yes, you can still get banned but the chances have been lowered. I also recommend you to put these into a usb drive, when you are not using it, unplug the usb to not let Riot Vanguard detect it. When you want to use it, plug your usb in.

    1. Sysurp
      2 November 2020 21:48
      Do you have a discord? I would really appreciate help doing this thanks!

    2. Liromik2
      12 December 2020 11:11
      I get a window with the cheat setting, but nothing happens in the game. Interseption was installed successfully. Where should the file be located interception.dll? Notepad++? 

  2. nachocheat
    6 December 2021 01:25


  3. Kubuz
    22 February 2021 00:45
    can't download it link is dead please fix it ;(

    1. 1Bnxy
      19 July 2021 23:12
      yes ikr pls fix it ;///

  4. Carlito53
    8 February 2021 13:29
    hi I inject it in notepad ++ the command appears well with yes I enter the values but in the games nothing does not change like assist

  5. seuze2
    25 January 2021 01:42
    o meu fica puxando no pe do Cara alguem sabe Como arrumar?

  6. herefaszmili
    20 January 2021 20:25
    Kösz bazdmeg kurva jo a cucc csak geciszsr
    Kurva anyáfdat

  7. ken89
    4 January 2021 16:42
    Why everytime I use the hack, I need to tap like 3 times just to headshot? If the smoothing is the problem, how can match it with my cpu?

    1. ken89
      4 January 2021 22:10
      ALSO, most of people that use this can autolock, but in my case it doesn't lock.

    2. habibi2131
      6 January 2021 04:40
      cheat work and undetected ?

  8. Hisoka50
    2 January 2021 06:51
    does this cheat still work or no ?

  9. Liromik2
    11 December 2020 22:11
    I get a window with the cheat setting, but nothing happens in the game. Interception was installed successfully. Where should the file be located interception.dll? Notepad++?

  10. zizolite13
    10 December 2020 13:55
    si une personne sais comment injecter le fichier dll est ca marche dit le mois sur discord Jonas Z_k # 8455

  11. Darklord3
    Real Cheater
    7 December 2020 23:29
    man its so obvs only hs :| 

  12. dukeacejosh
    29 November 2020 08:42
    still working for me. you have to find your own way how to use it. injecting on calculator would be good

      4 December 2020 14:39
      can u help me bro?

    2. Liromik2
      12 December 2020 11:10
      I get a window with the cheat setting, but nothing happens in the game. Interception was installed successfully. Where should the file be located interception.dll? Notepad++?

  13. emincangencer
    23 October 2020 14:43
    I coded our version of this cheat. My friend uses it and still no issue. You need to compile your own. Dll2 named dlls are searched by vanguard. Edit the project name and output. Also change recoil* to rc or something else. You can get this info from unknowncheats.

    1. CR2202
      23 October 2020 18:04
      para mi funcionando

      1. xNeix
        7 December 2020 09:17
        como hago tenes discord? pls ayuda

    2. Slayercombat
      25 October 2020 15:08
      Hi, can we talk on discord? im having some trouble please. Raphy_Tong#9832

  14. JamesHacks
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 03:59
    This is detected right now, please don't use it for your own safety.
    What is with the dislike? It is detected rn..

  15. DaniFN
    DaniFN · ᴅᴀɴɪ#1399
    19 October 2020 22:34
    what is Dll2

  16. BlastedSkero
    Real Cheater
    15 October 2020 23:20
    is it banneble rn ? hwid ban ? or cant get banned if i dont get reports

    1. zizolite13
      10 December 2020 13:53
      comment vous tu a injecter fichier dll voici mon discord si tu veux me dire Jonas Z_k#8455

  17. BlastedSkero
    Real Cheater
    14 October 2020 17:24
    is it detected rn ?

  18. Mon83197
    13 October 2020 11:15
    Dont know what happened but riot seems to detect this now. I was using xenos injector and I injected to utorrent process. Was not detected a couple of days then suddenly my friends acct got banned cause unfortunately he used my computer with it still on. Have no idea what happened.

  19. 1980s
    13 October 2020 07:09
    oden is all over the comment session wanting to tell you how to use the hack, I'll tell you how to use the hack, go to UC, download the source, modify, protect and compile, buy a damn private injector and inject it into the discord process. It is not difficult, just have some brain.

    1. Slayercombat
      25 October 2020 15:21
      Where can i buy a private injector?

    2. Indokah
      24 November 2020 18:31
      YoU kNoW wHerE tHe SouRce iS?

  20. jemsjustine
    12 October 2020 18:01
    Is this detected?

  21. camethought
    9 October 2020 16:35
    Now detected I think

  22. Lychtinet
    8 October 2020 17:12
    instantly banned first game i was playing with my friends and i didnt get any kills so no reports does it mean it's detected?

  23. oden28
    4 October 2020 16:38
    You will got banned but not hwid banned ... its detection is base in reports don't use it obviously.. i have 3 account still no ban..

    1. Hassani 120
      8 October 2020 16:03
      make a video how u install the hack

  24. cofkpop
    Real Cheater
    4 October 2020 12:21
    detected. dont use^^

  25. oden28
    4 October 2020 03:56
    not yet detected ... but their account got banned because of reports.. the good thing is.. the ban is not hwid ban .. you can create a new account..

    1. xuehuapiaopiao
      20 October 2020 19:54
      gave me hwid?

  26. botxaviour
    3 October 2020 03:18
    For all those saying it's detected i have been using it 2 weeks in a row and no ban reached diamond and i was reported aswell when i played silver gold lobby.. No Ban Yet :)

    Reasons you could have been banned:
    1. You did not installed interception driver correctly.
    2. Did you put dll in X86 in c: and renames it to something legit
    3. Your injector may have been detected
    4. You might use it while defender turned on or win ver 2004 these factors make cheats detected fast aswell.

    1. Martin Lawrence
      3 October 2020 11:33
      how to properly install?

      1. oden28
        4 October 2020 04:00
        First is you need to learn how to install interception driver.. you can find it in youtube.. if you properly installed it .. just reply here..

        1. Okem12463
          4 October 2020 16:56
          hey dude i think i am stupid or this thing is so hard can u pls make a vid bout it ?

  27. oden28
    2 October 2020 16:17
    Only smart people can use this.. for spoonfeed kids: install interception driver then download any injectors.. open a any 32bit programs..inject the 2 dll files into its process .. if you got it right .. a console will appear.

    1. Martin Lawrence
      3 October 2020 11:43
      detailed process pls

    2. dduo
      4 October 2020 06:50
      can you help me with it? like can you explain more on like discord? im mad confused

  28. joshua124
    2 October 2020 03:31
    wloud i get ban if i use it in traning mode

  29. Dylandez13
    1 October 2020 00:23
    its literal detected i just got banned 3 times in a row fucking liers'

    1. Kashwtf
      1 October 2020 04:01
      it works? the fuck howd u get it to work?

    2. jorenx01
      1 October 2020 07:09
      what do u expect of cheats? dumb just play normal and be pro idiot why do u need to cheat

      1. nfkezrd,ulx
        1 October 2020 08:14
        why r u in if youre not cheating?get the fuk outa here

        1. oden28
          4 October 2020 05:05
          Your mom is lier lol

      2. vonvaughn
        Real Cheater
        1 October 2020 08:25
        seriously commenting like that in this site.what a fag! XD

  30. Kashwtf
    27 September 2020 23:50
    idk if this shits patched or not but whenever i inject and type the numbers press enter i go into a shooting range and it doesnt work this guy on discord yesterday showed me it working perfectly so im like wtf man idk

    1. Anas MKadmiri
      29 September 2020 02:51
      nice try bro

      1. Kashwtf
        29 September 2020 06:30
        it works?

    2. fastknight
      29 September 2020 09:53
      hi i have the same problem. can you help me out. i type all the numbers then when i got to shooting range it's not working

    3. oden28
      4 October 2020 04:14
      1.change enemy highlights to purple
      2.general sensitivity to 0.2 or 0.3
      3. Try to change resolution to full screen (it depends)

      The console is your choice but try my input:

      1. threeouts
        29 October 2020 07:17
        can you add me on discord and how me how to set up? thanks! ThreeOuts#5124

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WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

INFO from 17.02.2025:

I Released a full new update and also work on a complete overhaul with new GUI and stuff like that. Stay tuned :)

menishot menishot

Is it possible to change the resolution