Valorant Pixel Bot - Aimbot

  • Developer: ILunaChan
  • Status:
  • Updated: 29.11.20
  • Current version: 29/11/2020
valorant aimbot 2021 free
You can download a working cheat for Valorant Pixel Bot - Aimbot from our website. A small hack that uses a driver with which you can adjust your shooting and make it much more accurate. The probability of getting banned for this cheat is very small, most likely the developers will ban the active driver and you will not get banned. At the moment, the cheat is not detected, you can play safely without a ban with a hack in the game VALORANT.

When you close the cheat your mouse will stop working for a few seconds then it'll start working. Some cases you'll have to replug your mouse.

How to use:
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Free Download Valorant Pixel Bot - Aimbot

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  1. lolzx11
    1 December 2020 16:54
    i injected it succefully , when i select mouse 3 and click the button , aim is still off , any idea ? pls

    1. zezek13
      1 December 2020 18:42
      how to inject pls help mee

    2. BlastedSkero
      Real Cheater
      2 December 2020 00:27
      try another injector, it helped me

    3. Darklord3
      Real Cheater
      2 December 2020 03:38
      install interception  i had same problem 

  2. ariiq161205
    1 December 2020 13:39
    why when i injecting, its always failed, it says can inject 32 bit into native 64 bit, what happen?? anyone can help me please?

    1. Mulevs
      9 December 2020 00:42
      same me too please someone help 

  3. marikit
    1 December 2020 10:24
    what injector should i use? i need 32bit

  4. RobyCaOfficial
    1 December 2020 06:15
    Umm, for me the Aimbot don't work , it says ON , but in game don't do anything .. I set the Smoothness to 5 , nothing , some help? + i have the purple enemy aura thing ON

    1. BlastedSkero
      Real Cheater
      2 December 2020 00:27
      many people needs have windowed fullscreen, fullscreen doesnt work for many people

  5. zezek13
    30 November 2020 23:30
    Please help me. I don't understand anything. How can I do it? Is there anyone to help me?

  6. AdamYoxall
    30 November 2020 22:40
    me and my team have created a aim bot for valorant which is private the cheat costs 20 euro £20 $24 usd.

    features include:
    smoothing 0.01-0.2
    aim assist
    aim correction
    both combined

    code from scratch, that mean this cheat im selling is not detected if you are interested add my discord 


    1. KeepCalmMichael
      Real Cheater
      KeepCalmMichael · FeelsDeadMan#2863
      1 December 2020 18:52
      Nobody will ur trash

  7. Othello
    30 November 2020 20:20
    An error occurred while injecting "framework_new.dll" into "notepad++.exe".
    System.Exception: The injection method used returned NULL (injection failed).

    help :(

    1. xd_aids1
      30 November 2020 20:48
      i get the same thing, try using the x86 interception.dll

      1. Othello
        30 November 2020 21:31
        Merak ediyorum bir bağlantı var mı

        Seçtiğiniz DLL "framework_new.dll", düzgün çalışması için "MSVCP140.dll" gerektirir, ancak gerekli dosyaları yüklememişsiniz gibi görünüyor. Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 Runtime'ı kurmak ister misiniz?

        1. zezek13
          30 November 2020 22:45
          çözebilin mi ve nasıl yapacağız tam anlamadım discordun varsa yaz kullanıcı adını ekliyim anlat bana

  8. xd_aids1
    30 November 2020 07:07
    link to the injector, and is there a video or something?

    1. Darklord3
      Real Cheater
      30 November 2020 16:05
      Xenos injector (Supports x86 and x64)  yo try this 
      in injectors 
      its workin for me 

      1. marikit
        1 December 2020 10:09
        but the dll is x32 it always said cannot inject 32bit on 62bit

        1. ariiq161205
          1 December 2020 13:40
          i have same problem with u

  9. Furiouz
    30 November 2020 05:35
    WHICH injector should i use?

    1. Darklord3
      Real Cheater
      30 November 2020 16:06 im usin this working for me :\

      1. Furiouz
        30 November 2020 18:52
        thanks man i was finding for exact injector

        1. lolzx11
          1 December 2020 16:19
          i injected it succefully , when i select mouse 3 and click the button , aim is still off , any idea ?

          1. Darklord3
            Real Cheater
            2 December 2020 18:49
            cuz u didnt install interception bro 
            i had same problem 
   watch this how to install interception

  10. DuduGamer
    DuduGamer · Mr.#0999
    30 November 2020 03:47
    can anyone can send me the dll

    1. Scrubbybtw
      Real Cheater
      30 November 2020 03:50
      by the looks of it its a .exe . A .dll wont do anything

      1. DuduGamer
        DuduGamer · Mr.#0999
        30 November 2020 04:05
        wtf ???????

  11. slowhead
    29 November 2020 15:34
    What is the best settings for new version ? It's works but very shaking

  12. Killua88
    29 November 2020 13:52
    where dll in inception it not there even when I installed inception 

  13. Darklord3
    Real Cheater
    29 November 2020 10:50
    how to turn on aimbot im presing mouse 3 but nothing happens:| help 

    1. Darklord3
      Real Cheater
      29 November 2020 11:12
      found it ...
      i didnt install interception
      works now -__-

      1. DuduGamer
        DuduGamer · Mr.#0999
        30 November 2020 03:44
        can you send me the dll

  14. BlastedSkero
    Real Cheater
    28 November 2020 22:17
    Guys, if you wanna aimbot, you can add me on discord and you can buy it, i show you proof that it works :) i recoded one aimbot.... Blasted Skero#8736

  15. raxn
    28 November 2020 21:50
    where is the injection.dll retards


  16. greenedboi
    greenedboi · garfield#9172
    28 November 2020 05:36
    how to get the dll 

  17. ABHINAV3003
    27 November 2020 07:25
    its a bit delay!!

  18. kurosei
    kurosei · KuroseiKs#6698
    27 November 2020 03:13
    i've been using this for 1 week , i think it's safe if you do it properly , and not using detected injector .

    1. MOLIPO
      29 November 2020 18:54
      can u give me ur discord for help plz :)

      1. kurosei
        kurosei · KuroseiKs#6698
        1 December 2020 20:19

        1. TrackerMaGeule
          4 December 2020 18:09
          vous donnez votre injecteur s'il vous plaît

  19. Zordok
    21 November 2020 14:20
    So don't use it I got HWID ban and I need help now to unban it because I dnt know how can I unban it. If someone knows how to unban it please let me know Furiac#0621

    1. BeastTheBest
      29 November 2020 13:18
      u cant get unban if u cheated before in valorant
      valorant has the best anti-cheat better than battle-eye (in my opinion) 
      so i guess u have no chance
      play valorant with ur skill go cheat in csgo

      1. KeepCalmMichael
        Real Cheater
        KeepCalmMichael · FeelsDeadMan#2863
        29 November 2020 14:39
        U can unban urself with a HWID Changer very easy sherlock.....

        1. MOLIPO
          29 November 2020 19:00
          no hwid spoofer works genius ^^

    2. trxtn2
      1 December 2020 22:38
      I have a HWID spoofer. Contact me on discord: Trxtn#6216 and I will sell it to you for a very cheap price. I will send it via google drive and show you proofs. 

      P.S. You can trust me because I used to be banned too and have bought this spoofer for a much expensive price just to be spoofed. 

  20. martyboi2016
    19 November 2020 03:04
    1. Watch his vid in yt he made instructions.. 

  21. konya42
    Real Cheater
    16 November 2020 12:06
    Update Time !

  22. Diegomes767
    15 November 2020 23:29
    Fiz tudo certo, mas o aimbot está desligado ... meu mouse não tem botões laterais, esse hack só funciona em um mouse com botões laterais ?!

    I did everything right, but the aimbot is off ... my mouse doesn't have side buttons, this hack only works on a mouse with side buttons ?!

    1. Minati
      16 November 2020 11:41
      how your cheat is working plis explain. I've done everything that i watched from the video in the comment. PLEASE HELP

    2. MikeKaz
      21 November 2020 14:11
      usa o botao do meio bro

  23. nakiba
    15 November 2020 22:17
    This post is such a shit, people dont understand how to install and most probably it doesnt work, ive tried watching the videos from guys in the comments and its still fking complicated to install something so simple. Delete post.

    1. Vigo
      22 November 2020 06:41
      It worked for me

      1. lolzx11
        22 November 2020 19:07
        what injector did you use

        1. Vigo
          23 November 2020 00:17
          Extreme Injecter and i put the interception dll and framework dll in it and selected notepad++

          1. dezzmon
            23 November 2020 09:30
            wat key to switch on aimbot ?

            1. napsterls
              napsterls · NapSterLS#5421
              24 November 2020 19:11

          2. qnln
            29 November 2020 18:55
            but aimbot is not turning on

  24. APTAL
    15 November 2020 22:09
    How it isn't dedected yet lol or is it?

  25. Minati
    15 November 2020 21:09
    can you make a simple injector for that??? we are facing a lot of problems

  26. guibot2
    15 November 2020 15:16
    i can't find interception.dll. Someone can help-me?

  27. Adien
    15 November 2020 07:39
    please ad adblocker dector

  28. Gabrielmastt
    15 November 2020 03:35

    o Programa Aimbot não funciona, mesmo fazendo todos os passos, instalando os drivers de interceptação, ele sempre mantém o "Aimbot OFF"

  29. martyboi2016
    14 November 2020 08:03
    It works:

    recoded val-lol-rant with middle mouse on/off toggle:

    1. wytrom
      15 November 2020 03:06
      It works, but I found it horrible, any tips?

  30. SekaiNoWaSeno
    14 November 2020 01:37
    *Deleted Comment*

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3