Valorant Wallhack (DirectX Games)

  • Developer: dracorx
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.03.21
  • Current version: 27.04.2021

Hi! I found for you one interesting and legal way to look for enemies through the textures on the map in the game VALORANT. This is a great method by which you will see your enemies through walls and other fences on the map. Suitable for knowledgeable players who know the map and navigate it well even without textures.

At the moment, the script is completely safe and you will not get a ban, but be careful, the probability of getting a ban in the game VALORANT is very high.
In the comments there may be reviews about the bath, but most likely it will be fake.

Free Download Valorant Wallhack (DirectX Games)

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  1. zeepan546
    31 March 2021 21:33
    BRO I REACHED IMMORTAL JUST NOW discord me prometheus #4993

  2. Raressan
    31 March 2021 15:09
    can someone help me? It crashes my game when its starting. I tried to restart myy computer but still doesnt work. Raressan#1857

    1. Raressan
      4 April 2021 18:26
      I resterted my computer again and it worked

  3. njibf
    31 March 2021 10:26
    its detected i swear

  4. MilloTheBoi
    31 March 2021 04:21
    Quote: NemenisGaming
    I made the hot key "Y" and when i press it and nothing happens. i even restarted and tried. please explain. if this works i swear ill give you discord nitro.

    you cant be pressing any other keys on the keyboard only the y not ctrl or anything

  5. feras1212
    feras1212 · ! Feras#7950
    31 March 2021 01:16
    dont use this u will get ban after join game in 1min !

    1. madhatterxk
      1 April 2021 09:19
      after the new update ?

  6. RageHacker
    30 March 2021 09:15
    dont us ez hwid ban 

  7. vanxixx
    30 March 2021 04:05
    don't do it bro its make bios problem and gonna risk ur pc wasting time to restart :(

  8. 002pancakes
    30 March 2021 02:10
    This works but my game goes to 30fps, any fixes?

  9. Samubrine
    29 March 2021 18:38
    Quote: NemenisGaming
    I made the hot key "Y" and when i press it and nothing happens. i even restarted and tried. please explain. if this works i swear ill give you discord nitro.
    Have you configured the settings properly? Don't forget to use auto-detect launched programs. If it doesn't show a menu with your computer status then you did something wrong.
    If you feel like you need further help contact me on discord : Bamboozled#1188

    1. Shrekt_
      29 March 2021 21:49
      set the key to like f and dont touch anything else when pressing it try it a couple of times

  10. NemenisGaming
    29 March 2021 15:09
    I made the hot key "Y" and when i press it and nothing happens. i even restarted and tried. please explain. if this works i swear ill give you discord nitro.

    1. mr.earl
      29 March 2021 16:35
      Ye sometimes I press it and it takes a while so I spam the button idk it works tho

  11. HanXye
    29 March 2021 05:54
    Where The link Apk??

    1. yescheats_V.2
      Real Cheater
      yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
      29 March 2021 12:42
      apk?????? this is a pc guide not a mobile hack

      1. mr.earl
        29 March 2021 16:36
        yes it is for pc bruh no one expects a man with a android playing valorant idiot

    2. mr.earl
      29 March 2021 16:37
      This is for pc bro

  12. Einarmk
    Einarmk · Einar#8391
    28 March 2021 22:15
    my game crashes Michal#1668

    1. HanXye
      29 March 2021 09:21
      SAMEE me too

    2. Samubrine
      29 March 2021 18:39
      You probably Alt-Tabbed while you were using "Show Wireframes" Try toggling it off before alt tabbing

  13. SaBenHacker1233
    28 March 2021 20:09
    where is the link ?

    1. Samubrine
      29 March 2021 18:40

  14. PortocalaRedA
    28 March 2021 17:04
    can someone help me?

  15. SvanteG
    Real Cheater
    28 March 2021 15:19

    1. Einarmk
      Einarmk · Einar#8391
      28 March 2021 22:15
      hey did'nt you're game crash? and can u help me? Michal#1668

  16. Sqramb
    28 March 2021 15:08
    Hi i need this please?!

  17. ONiLEE
    28 March 2021 14:04
    i want download

  18. uTrav
    28 March 2021 14:01
    It works but it's not the greatest.. you still gotta be close to the enemy and its a bit difficult to see.

    Still pretty good and I don't really see a chance of getting banned doing this. (:

    1. uTrav
      9 April 2021 05:13
      UPDATE: I got banned lol.

  19. Huda
    28 March 2021 09:10
    i still find hwid spoofer :)

  20. CodatDeMic
    28 March 2021 05:28
    yeah, it's working but it's useless, u see the enemy too late, it confuses you... overall good guide!
    If with this thing you could see across the map would be overpowered!

    1. kaiorjx
      28 March 2021 16:24
      useless in the sight of others kkkk mine makes a difference because I have aimbot kkkk lifetime kkk arduino thanks

    2. Samubrine
      29 March 2021 18:41
      Yes, this method will work if someone figures out a way to make intel force-renders the whole map using the application provided.

  21. VLadosSKukos
    28 March 2021 04:33
    It says I have to disabled secure boot, I tried to disable it, but It won't let me, I can't change it, even with admin password, anyone can help?

    1. Samubrine
      29 March 2021 18:43
      You can disable it from your BIOS by going to
      Windows -> Settings -> Update & Security -> Advanced Startup -> Restart Now

      After you restarted your computer I suggest finding a tutorial on how to disable secure booting on youtube.

  22. finel74755
    28 March 2021 00:34
    They patched it i think because now then it auto-detects game crashes

    1. Zorgias
      28 March 2021 01:09
      No, it just sometimes crashes your game it is not fixed still works. Just need to restart your computer maybe add me od discord: Zorgi#2335

      1. CodatDeMic
        28 March 2021 05:31
        @Zorgias it's right, restart ur pc and will work

  23. tkachuk0308
    27 March 2021 23:22
    ban chance ? 

    1. Zorgias
      28 March 2021 01:10
      Only from reports it isnt cheat that is being detected it basicly isnt even a cheat

  24. oky212121221
    27 March 2021 19:45
    working thanks

  25. Zorgias
    27 March 2021 19:37
    It is pretty ok, but sometimes you just cant see but good

  26. llkeeeaz
    27 March 2021 15:46
    thankyou sooo muchhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. RenjuYT
    27 March 2021 14:10
    how you download it then?

    1. arhan
      Real Cheater
      27 March 2021 19:34
      are u retard?

  28. BobbyBotten
    27 March 2021 13:31
    Not working for me. If you can make maybe a video of how to do it will really help.

    1. kokol kokol
      27 March 2021 14:13
      you cant have key f use shift and f

      1. BobbyBotten
        27 March 2021 18:26
        still not working my discord is BobbyBotten#4890 if you can help me there

    2. TheRealChickc
      27 March 2021 23:44
      Why do people dislike when someone just needs help tf?

  29. Thynexq
    27 March 2021 12:25
    intrestingg... i will try it 

  30. Faqih3546
    27 March 2021 12:02
    where the link ?

    1. TopMlky
      Real Cheater
      TopMlky · AsderManas#3312
      27 March 2021 13:27
      thats a guide...

      1. luffydono
        27 May 2021 12:32
        where is the link

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?