Valorant Wallhack (DirectX Games)

  • Developer: dracorx
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.03.21
  • Current version: 27.04.2021

Hi! I found for you one interesting and legal way to look for enemies through the textures on the map in the game VALORANT. This is a great method by which you will see your enemies through walls and other fences on the map. Suitable for knowledgeable players who know the map and navigate it well even without textures.

At the moment, the script is completely safe and you will not get a ban, but be careful, the probability of getting a ban in the game VALORANT is very high.
In the comments there may be reviews about the bath, but most likely it will be fake.

Free Download Valorant Wallhack (DirectX Games)

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Comments: 108 Views: 54 554


  1. KindaKilledYou
    24 January 2022 01:19

    im completely new to this website does anyone know how to download or get the cheats that are mentioned here?

    nvm ik how to use this now but is it detected?

    1. Olivia Williams
      29 January 2022 22:25
      how explain?

      how explain?

    2. ugninis999
      6 October 2022 16:37

      you have to log in and nex to the comment section is donwload

  2. 0xb4dc0d3x
    10 August 2021 01:10

    there isn't any wireframe



  3. batbeat
    9 August 2021 07:01

    i dont get all the shortcuts just a few why?


    1. affecloco
      12 August 2021 20:32
      You need intel Grapics process analyser 2021 release 1. use the link in the comment below that directs you to youtube. BTW in low ranks from silver downwards, don't wallbang ppl like crazy and shoot through smoke, I got HWID banned

  4. affecloco
    3 August 2021 15:00

    I managed to find a place to get GPA 2021 R1 from

    but this wallhack only works when the enemies are close to you. with this hack on it is also hard to watch corners as the corners are not well defined which screws up your crosshair placement

  5. affecloco
    31 July 2021 08:09

    anyone still has the intel GPA 2021 version 1 on your PC perhaps in the downloads folder?


  6. hackerforfree
    29 July 2021 04:18

    I have been using this for months, no detect if you don't go wallbanging and shoot thru smoke like crazy, got to immortal

    1. MannyFresh2004
      29 July 2021 20:47
      when i open the program , valorant keep crashing

    2. 3More
      30 July 2021 10:53
      is it 100% safe ?

  7. Mouseik
    14 July 2021 01:33

    how to download


    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      17 July 2021 04:06
      There's not a download

  8. romantic
    12 July 2021 07:33

    Mine doesnt have that


    Quote: romantic

    Mine doesnt have that


    Mine doesnt have the show wireframe thing


    1. hackerforfree
      29 July 2021 04:22
      You need the 1st 2021 version. Instead of Graphics Monitor 2021 R2, you need to install Graphics Monitor 2021 R1. Search for previous versions.

      1. affecloco
        30 July 2021 13:46
        is there still any place to download the 1st version of graphics nonintor 2021?

  9. world_nether1
    4 July 2021 03:56

    his cheat is good for about three days then u will get banned if u want to keep ur acc i wouldn't suggest you use this


  10. cofkpop
    Real Cheater
    29 June 2021 22:11


  11. BlastedSkero
    Real Cheater
    23 June 2021 18:48

    Hi boys, Imma reseller of Valorant, to get the cheat you can add me on discord, i have proofs that i have the chair, i show you them.
    System Informations - Status: UNDETECTED - Windows 10 (All Versions) - Intel and AMD CPU's - Hwid Lock - Stream Proof - Auto Update - Gift Permanent Spoofer - Internal ------------------------------------ Features ------------------------------------ - Team Select (Enemy - Team - All) - Box ESP - Line ESP - Head ESP - Health ESP - Skeleton ESP - Character ESP - Ability ESP - Spike ESP - Draw Radar - Draw FOV - Aimbot On/Off - Aimbot Key - Aimbot Bone - Aimbot FOV - Aimbot Smooth - Aimbot Control Recoil - Menu Settings (Dark - Light) - Easy GUI - No FPS Drops! - Supported All Systems! - Safe Bypass System - Never Detected - Instant Update - Instant Delivery(edited)

    1. romantic
      12 July 2021 07:37
      whats your cord?

  12. Truwa
    22 June 2021 16:00

    Even battleye can see it needs bypass

    1. mbjkcbwqjebvuiqkv
      22 June 2021 21:07
      what you mean??

  13. Jackkkk
    20 June 2021 22:50

    where do i click to download?


  14. dickeah21313
    19 June 2021 00:04

    How can i make it more visible this actually sucks I cant see any of the ground the walls and things

  15. syrcb21
    18 June 2021 04:43

    Amd için destek var mı ? 

  16. Dragon Hack
    16 June 2021 04:55


    No Banned Nice

  17. Lukeylmao
    Lukeylmao · linus gaming#9675
    31 May 2021 19:32

    hey, so if you are playing legit, will you still be banned? or is it just flat out detected? actual answers only.

    1. SnapshotMe
      Real Cheater
      2 June 2021 10:44
      probably yes
      idk is it fixed now

  18. DariusGamerulYt
    30 May 2021 15:44

    how to download

  19. madhatterxk
    3 May 2021 22:29

    :( bannned 

  20. oobe23
    Real Cheater
    oobe23 · doovid#1234
    29 April 2021 15:44

    This cheat is good for about three days then u will get banned if u want to keep ur acc i wouldn't suggest you use this

    1. NemenisGaming
      30 May 2021 15:12
      i mean if nobody reports you for being sus then you will never get banned right?

      1. SnapshotMe
        Real Cheater
        2 June 2021 10:45
        yes i think so

      2. KingKiller20
        KingKiller20 · ! !#6990
        8 June 2021 23:46
        Vanguard can still detect the cheat and you'll get ban even if no one reports you.

  21. adoxx
    24 April 2021 10:25
    If you add the valorant spoofer you can use it, no spoofer.

    1. BlastedSkero
      Real Cheater
      23 June 2021 18:49
      Hi man, you can add me on discord: Zeleny Factor Trustu#8736 im selling spoofer and cheats

  22. itskashy14
    21 April 2021 17:01
    =>  American Megatrends Inc.
    =>  F8
    =>  12/14/2012
    =>  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    =>  To be filled by O.E.M.
    =>  90022B033404CA05F5060E070809
    =>  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    =>  H61M-S1
    =>  x.x
    =>  To be filled by O.E.M.
    =>  Intel
    =>  Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
    =>  A90603FFFBEBBF
    =>  830B
    =>  D0010326
    =>  2048

    =>  F046EAAC97DCD1E4DAEF1437F9898D0E77F999A1
    =>  A815432E339BF27807EF35A8D74FF88AC02F211A893D5AC407C9A347A408114D
    =>  807A32648E54AFA10557B03A64051CF2

    =>  2S64XJC0084292
    =>  902B34CAF50E

  23. Haniya Rajpoot
    15 April 2021 19:20
    Guys, on my channel, there is a new cheat of 2021, I advise you to watch

    1. dedpul
      16 April 2021 15:03
      you gave us a cheat that ned to be purchase it's license. please block this cunt from this site

      1. KenSG
        30 April 2021 18:07
        he never said it was free

  24. microfear11
    14 April 2021 09:40
    guys is this cheat detected? be honest

    1. SnapshotMe
      Real Cheater
      19 May 2021 13:44
      yes i got banned

  25. emincangener
    7 April 2021 00:55
    After a day banned. I have been using LOLmenu for a while now and this is what banned me.

    1. Daxicu
      29 April 2021 01:51
      What injector did you use for LOLmenu?

  26. KingKiller20
    KingKiller20 · ! !#6990
    6 April 2021 11:40
    The link below shows how to remove HWID valorant ban.

    1. Lehelvok1
      6 April 2021 17:33
      omg i just got rick rolled bro 12. time int this year pls top that is not funny

  27. XPR7
    3 April 2021 07:53
    i made the hot key "Y" and when i press it and nothing happens. i even restarted and tried. please explain. if this works i swear ill give you discord nitro.

  28. SnapshotMe
    Real Cheater
    2 April 2021 21:56
    i got hwid ban soo dont try or play legit 

    1. hello796
      3 April 2021 11:35
      now how will u remove ur hwid id ban

    2. 002
      4 April 2021 13:02
      It's probably from something else I am using it for a while now

  29. Stankryer
    1 April 2021 21:44
    it just doesnt open 

    why??? ( i mean like it crashes the game)

  30. madhatterxk
    1 April 2021 09:14
    does it still work after update ?

    1. SnapshotMe
      Real Cheater
      2 April 2021 21:56
      yes but im banned be careful

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?