Valorant LOLmenu - Aimbot, Fov

  • Developer: 5H4D3
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.03.21
  • Current version: 04/03/2021

This is a great free cheat on Valorant that you can download right now. Thanks to this hack, you will be able to shoot perfectly and not get banned for it in the game. The developer tried and made the cheat very simple, but at the same time reliable for your account. All you need is to download this cheat from our website, run it and set the correct settings for a spectacular game.

my settings like this, but it's not aiming at the chest, it's aiming at the head
sensitivity = 0.75
smoothing = 0.1
mode = 3

aim color = PURPLE
snapping area = CHEST
toggle key = MB5
hold or toggle = TOGGLE
hFov = 100
vFov = 100

Nothing in this menu is set to default. Set every setting yourself (more information in the GitHub). Feel free to let me know of any bugs/suggestions on what I should add via the replys.

I'm not going to share how I've injected it, been using the original va-LOL-rant for two months now, and using this one for two weeks with no issues.

Put a lot of hours into this and ran into many issues; this was super annoying to make, but it was also fun. I hope you enjoy


Free Download Valorant LOLmenu - Aimbot, Fov

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Comments: 228 Views: 110 447


  1. bighaxernow
    11 March 2021 22:55
    its only for 32 bit lol like bro this is 2021 not 2004 make cheats for 64 bit

  2. ilaysh
    11 March 2021 22:15
    when im trying to inject with saz its not working

  3. Savan887
    10 March 2021 09:21
    valorant hwid ban bypass ?

  4. Aveq
    9 March 2021 23:07
    detected, reached gold 2 rip

    detected, reached gold 2 rip

    1. bebeko
      10 March 2021 05:18
      can you please help me how to download injector?

    2. wordfang
      Real Cheater
      10 March 2021 09:24
      6 days still no detected

      1. Shalex
        10 March 2021 18:57
        Nice, what injector are u using? was thinking on processhacker or saz

        1. Yassine Aji
          11 March 2021 20:27
          dummi wth u nigga

    3. raseh57011
      11 March 2021 18:59
      discord plz

      dll inject how? plz discord

  5. cofkpop
    Real Cheater
    9 March 2021 18:04
    detected. pls update

    8 March 2021 10:09
    Install interception,
    put the interception.dll into the file that you are injecting
    Use a LoadLibrary Injector, don't bother with extreme injector you are just gonna get banned instantly
    then just fix your settings
    turn your color to purple in valorant then baam. thats it

    1. rifson1
      8 March 2021 18:49
      how i come to know if the cheat is working in valorant

      1. wordfang
        Real Cheater
        8 March 2021 22:00
        when click the button automatically aim

    2. Mitzza
      8 March 2021 22:02
      link the injector

  7. RaulxDizi
    7 March 2021 13:37
    *use dll injector or extreme injector 3.7*
    even tho i do everything good in game nothing happens .....

  8. muymuy
    Real Cheater
    6 March 2021 17:54
    howw plsss howww

  9. deflo
    6 March 2021 16:48
    i got ban because of this

  10. iamjaymark11
    6 March 2021 16:05
    Nothing works for me man

  11. wordfang
    Real Cheater
    6 March 2021 15:41
    i use it for 2 days, still work fine and no ban for me

    1. iamjaymark11
      6 March 2021 15:56

    2. KingJ
      6 March 2021 15:57
      tutorial bro c'mon dont be selfish

      1. EC61886
        8 March 2021 13:45
        You're the selfish one here trying to learn how to inject. Can't you figure it out yourself? If somebody makes a tutorial, that makes everybody at risk who use that method. Use your brain dummy

        1. wordfang
          Real Cheater
          8 March 2021 22:04
          usually people like u who have no brains  joy

    3. Lt.Kh
      6 March 2021 21:29
      how to inject?

    4. BabaMrb37
      6 March 2021 23:59
      nasıl yaptın knk bizede söylsene

  12. iamjaymark11
    6 March 2021 15:02

  13. cofkpop
    Real Cheater
    6 March 2021 14:42
    insta banned rage 

    1. iamjaymark11
      6 March 2021 14:46
      how did you inject it?

    2. wordfang
      Real Cheater
      8 March 2021 09:13
      nope, i use it for 4 days and no ban

  14. iamjaymark11
    6 March 2021 14:37
    An error occured while injecting

  15. gavin_cole33
    6 March 2021 09:50

  16. Kubuz
    5 March 2021 02:12
    i'll test it now
    EDIT: works perfect, one question, how do I change settings if I already have the program running?

    1. senka
      5 March 2021 15:52
      how? it dont work for me,i commit changes, start game but it dont work

    2. Lt.Kh
      6 March 2021 12:50
      how to inject it

  17. Aveq
    3 March 2021 22:00
    Outdated          .

  18. BossCZ
    3 March 2021 20:58
    Its for 32 bit only!!  Not working with 64 bit!!

    1. Death_PH
      5 March 2021 09:26
      yea its only for 32 bits

    2. wolf_army_cz
      10 March 2021 12:13
      Aha dík za info

  19. GRAMM
    3 March 2021 11:40
    undetected or already patched?

  20. Zeyrox123
    1 March 2021 21:55
    add me zeybinks#0001 in discord for tutorial

    1. asetils
      2 March 2021 16:04
      Send you a friend request! (also I'm new with cheats, please, can you tell me how to manage them and to use/download them?)

  21. konya42
    Real Cheater
    1 March 2021 13:59
    it might need a fix

  22. napsterls
    napsterls · NapSterLS#5421
    1 March 2021 11:13
    guys this is not a aimbot, its just aim-assist.
    inject it properly so its not detected
    mostly doesn't work on 1366x768
    1920x1080 is suggested

    1. bot1234
      2 March 2021 06:42
      can you teach me the steps to use that cheat program

  23. Kathuysa
    Real Cheater
    Kathuysa · device#0235
    1 March 2021 09:55
    why tf when a valorant cheat come out they the developer never show how to inject the dll properly

    1. TheRealChickc
      1 March 2021 16:38
      Download adobe XI
      put dll in folder together with extremeinjector

      open it, select in injector adobe process ( scroll down )
      press inject

      then 1st numver = your sens
      2 = how smooth, 0.1 - 0.2
      3. aimbot mode, 1 = shoot correction, 2 = aim assist, 3 = both

      : )

    2. Pinkked
      Real Cheater
      Pinkked · roby#4580
      1 March 2021 18:18

      Both video's show how to install it and use it.
      From the original site.

    3. colinskighg
      3 March 2021 21:47
      Cus It only takes 2 braincells to understand it :laughter:

  24. VonindraX
    1 March 2021 04:27
    My Vanguard suddenly shuts down every injection etc

  25. ly2rynr
    1 March 2021 04:21
    1. Install the Interception driver
    2. Download the cheat (two .dll files)
    3. Find an original way to inject the "inject me" dll into 32-bit process - !DO NOT INJECT THE DLL INTO VALORANT!. I will not provide a tutorial on this, look up internal/externals. You can use any decent injector or hijack some legitimate dll like shown in the video
    4. The interception.dll file needs to be in the appropriate folder according to how you inject, if you do not know what this means, put the interception.dll into a folder (for example C:/Interception) and add this folder into system PATH variable (google that)
    5. If you did this correctly, a console will show up with "YES" written in it
    6. Input your sensitivity, smoothing, and mode into the console, details are below
    7. The console should disappear and you should be good to go
    8. In-game, set colorblind mode to Purple
    9. To disable the cheat, end the process you injected into

  26. feras1212
    feras1212 · ! Feras#7950
    1 March 2021 00:27
    Please tutorial !

  27. hinata
    28 February 2021 22:20
    Please tutorial how we can inject the cheat file with the injector, is that any objection to you ?

  28. konya42
    Real Cheater
    28 February 2021 22:09
    i inject to notepat++ and this

         Error = 0x00000028

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      3 March 2021 06:51
      download notepad++ 32 bit not 64 bit

      If you compile the dll yourself make sure to release it as x86 not default or x64

  29. hinata
    28 February 2021 22:09
    How to inject files, tell the tutorial maybe a little will help

  30. mahessamalikf
    28 February 2021 21:59
    what injector?

    1. konya42
      Real Cheater
      28 February 2021 22:03
      What am I going to inject the cheat?

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?