Battlefield V Cheat - External YaESP

  • Developer: Tormund
  • Status:
  • Updated: 30.07.20
  • Current version: 30/07/2020
A free cheat on Battlefield V External YaESP is available for everyone. Do you play BF 5? then this cheat is created especially for you. There is only one function, but thanks to it, you can dominate the game servers and show your opponents a beautiful game. The cheat is controlled by only one function - the ESP function (Wallhack, WH) with which you will see all players through walls, fences, any structures. The cheat will highlight the enemies with a square and display the nickname, which is very convenient for long distances and you will know the enemies by sight.

To start, you do not need an injector because the author took care of the players and made a direct launch of the hack, you just need to run the cheat on behalf of the administrator and enjoy easy frags.

1. Download the cheat from our website
2. Run the game in windowed mode (important!)
3. Run the cheat as an administrator
4. the Cheat will automatically turn on and you will see enemies through the walls

Free Download Battlefield V Cheat - External YaESP

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  1. vadász
    Real Cheater
    vadász · atishh
    12 September 2020 23:31

    • Do not say this is detected!
    • We know it.As you can see at the top of the page "USE AT OWN RISK" stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye 

    14 August 2020 21:56
    Im Honestly Surprised To See People CANT READ Like It Literally Says At The Top USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, THERE IS A CHANCE TO GET BANNED And yet i still see people like joshuasss saying "ChEAt DeTEcTeD, DoNt UsE" NO SHIT. IT WAS DETECTED CAUSE OF HOW YOU USED IT.

  3. joshuasss
    14 August 2020 16:00
    this cheat is detected do not use

  4. jeen486245
    7 August 2020 10:33
    [+] Found Protected Thread ID: 0x00000000
    [+] Searching for game ObfuscationMgr...

    And nothing happen 
    How to fix?

  5. Deathkills14
    2 August 2020 17:58
    Works or banned?

    1. dudew
      Real Cheater
      4 August 2020 12:57
      USE AT OWN RISK - use this hack at your own risk. There is a chance to get banned.

New Comments
user991 user991

Got it to work by running with directx11 before launching the game. Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Xenos Injector. Use manual launch and select the WuWa.dll image and Client.exe. Press inject. It should say awaiting for the Client-Win64-Shipping.exe process.

2. In the game launcher, select launch with DirectX 11 before launching then press Launch.

ScruffleBear41 ScruffleBear41

so did some testing today; this trainer is no longer active after updates. will not work through Epic or Hoyo. =) fun while it lasted for sure. 

Dorin4321 Dorin4321

I don't think so, i want to play it in fullscreen 4:3 stretched and i cant :/