Overlay Hack for BF5 (ESP, ESP Line, Spectator warning, FairFight screenshot safe)

  • Developer: WhiteByte
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.12.21
  • Current version: 4.0

New free cheat Overlay Cheat BF5 - Internal overlay on Battlefield V. A great solution for players who want to dominate game servers. This cheat is very simple and safe, the probability of getting banned for using this hack is very small, if only you will play aggressively and noticeably to others.

Hack for BF5

Here there are a couple of functions that you will need and like, for example, the main function of this hack is the ESP Lines function that will direct the lines at your opponents and thus you will know about their location, gray means you do not see the player, and if the color is orange, then the player is in the field of view. There is also a function that warns you if someone is watching you. And another feature is a secure screenshot, i.e. if you take a screenshot, it will not display the cheat for security reasons.


  • ESP Skeletons
  • Crosshair
  • Spectator warning
  • FairFight screenshot bypass


Start the game to the main screen and then use windowed or borderless mode and inject after that. And close the injector before going in MP.

I've tested the hack on Windows 10 Pro 1909.

Overlay Hack for BF5


You need to install "DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime" and vc_redist.x64.exe to use the hack.

I am averaging about 100FPS (maxed details DX11 1680x1050) and overlay FPS is usually all the time over 100. This is an overlay, so both DX11/DX12 should work.

Free Download Overlay Hack for BF5 (ESP, ESP Line, Spectator warning, FairFight screenshot safe)

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  1. Pakkura
    9 October 2020 11:05
    When will the cheat update be released?

  2. cedy88
    cedy88 · Cedy#8888
    7 October 2020 20:33
    is it ud ? the Battlefield 5 Cheat ?

  3. Pakkura
    7 October 2020 18:37
    Whatever you are banned, use the injection through Process Hacker 2

  4. maltew0812
    3 October 2020 19:21
    Its detected, im banned permanent, dont use it
    banned after 4 hours

    plus not screenshot safe

    1. Okan789
      4 October 2020 13:44
      I'm sad for you

  5. datwayxx420
    28 September 2020 18:27
    i cant get it working could it be myt injector i use cmr 

  6. youssefua72
    23 September 2020 23:44
    how to inject useing  cheat tool set ?

  7. juliam
    23 September 2020 17:39
    Works perfectly but the only think that I don't like is that is more laggy because you have to play with borderless mode or windowed, it say that i'm playing at 120 fps, but I feel 30 fps 

    1. Okan789
      3 October 2020 17:01
      What injector did you use?

  8. vallahbrathahn
    21 September 2020 19:01
    is it possible to open a menu or something like that ?

  9. Wicked Lord
    20 September 2020 05:59
    Does anyone have a working BF4 esp/aimbot or just wallhack? Can't find one anywhere. 

  10. Saanane Lan
    15 September 2020 17:21
    not working.

    1. Saanane Lan
      15 September 2020 17:39
      opening but not working.

  11. tozayze
    2 September 2020 02:04
    low fps and i dunno how to inject cheat using Cheat Tool Set PRO 

  12. lucasvissovatz
    30 August 2020 17:49
    its cool cheat, but not works 100% perfectly , sometimes when mapchange it stop working sometimes.

    also sometimes when inject dont work at the 1st time , u have to re-open teh game anda ll the process...

    i gave up..

  13. Pakkura
    28 August 2020 11:46
    Please add aimbot or some other functions, otherwise it is impossible to play normally against other cheaters, they stupidly humiliate.

  14. Dai David
    21 August 2020 21:45
    it's a good cheat but my skill suks :(

  15. Pakkura
    18 August 2020 20:16
    It works, thanks.

  16. urjust2ez4me
    16 August 2020 14:14
    does not work...

  17. Nixeboy13
    14 August 2020 11:38
    Best Cheat ever WORKING!

  18. Amadeo Polak
    12 August 2020 01:47
    doesnt work

  19. gorushb43
    3 August 2020 22:36
    wich injector

    1. urjust2ez4me
      16 August 2020 14:27
      just use any injector although i would recommend crim injector it looks good and its got a pretty good gui

  20. akune123
    Real Cheater
    1 August 2020 14:34
    BIG PP

  21. DragonSlayer148
    Real Cheater
    29 July 2020 10:13
    must say, used it once and had a blast

    1. CSOM
      6 November 2020 21:12
      Can it get you banned?
      Im very curious.

      1. Snifted
        3 October 2021 00:24
        No, i used it now for 8 days and still not banned

        1. uOuZzz
          27 October 2021 19:52
          Which injector ?