Time's Hack [LUA]

  • Developer: TimeX4
  • Status:
  • Updated: 15.12.21
  • Current version: V2.2

Your attention is drawn to the new working cheat Time's Hack [LUA] 2021 on the popular online game Garry's Mod which is available for free download from our website. This is a full-fledged MultiHack with which you can dominate the game servers of the GMOD game. It has all the most famous and relevant features for a comfortable game. For example, you can highlight the excellent Aimbot, beautiful visual effects to see enemies and objects through the walls, as well as additional features.

Executing a lua script

To run the script, you need to log in to the game and go to any map in a single game (in multiplayer, they often disable the execution of third-party scripts from players, for security reasons). In order to run your script, you need to write the following line in the console: lua_openscript timeshack.lua


-> Enable Aim

-> Aim On Key

-> No Recoil

-> Predict Velocity

-> Target Selection

- Crosshair

- Closest Distance

- Lowest Health

-> Hitbox Selection

- Hitscan

- Head

- Body

-> Aimbot FOV

-> Aimbot Smoothing

-> Ignore Friends

-> Enable Triggerbot

-> Triggerbot On Key

Player Visuals

-> ESP

- Box, Name, HP, Armor, Weapon, Rank, Team, Skeleton, Snaplines

-> Glow

-> Chams

-> Max Render Distance

-> Highlight Friends (Name + Box)

Other Visuals

-> Fog Modulation

-> Nightmode

-> Hitsound

-> Draw Aimbot FOV

-> Fullbright

-> Thirdperson


-> Auto Bunnyhop

-> Auto Strafe

-> Reveal TTT Info

-> Observer List

-> Rainbow Physgun

-> Auto Click

-> Player List

-> Filter By Teams

-> Net Logger

-> Config System

Free Download Time's Hack [LUA]

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Comments: 28 Views: 30 804


  1. Camaro1990
    7 January 2024 02:13

    it just says lua EEROR i cant use it why?

  2. bogdanboner
    3 January 2023 19:20

    I need a Password for the zip to open what is the password or where can i find it?

    1. Chheater Injector
      28 June 2023 03:46

      Its "123" and its on the button to download the script 💀

  3. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    15 June 2022 20:53

    When I put in lua_openscript timeshack.lua the command console just goes down a line and nothing else happens. This happening to anyone else?

  4. VeeAKAsicky
    29 March 2022 11:14

    how do i use it 

  5. CoRrUpTAGoD
    6 October 2021 10:19

    it still crashes very often, i put the the lua file in my gmod files and it still crashed also i dont have a lua loader i use a 3rd party one maybe thats the reason why. but still please fix the crashing, (do i have to run it in a single player game to use in a multiplayer game?)

  6. denin123094723094732
    20 June 2021 08:51

    does garrys mod have vac?

    1. CoRrUpTAGoD
      6 October 2021 10:22
      bruh your kidding right?, your asking if a single/multiplayer sandbox game with 3rd party addons and custom files has Valve anti cheat like dude of course not. everyone would be getting banned within the opening minutes of releasing the game deadass do your research first and dont ask questions like this

      1. helddennis
        29 December 2021 09:19
        Don't be salty bro lmao

  7. Mlekoboczek
    4 May 2021 02:17

    nuuuu dont hack in gmod its sad :(

    1. CoRrUpTAGoD
      6 October 2021 10:23
      your on a website with people who want to cheat in every game what do you expect.

  8. Matikipinol
    2 May 2021 13:14

    This is amazing also there is a better way so it works on multiplayer you can get a hack from the interium.ooo webiste thet lets you execute luas using it and bypassing the protection kissing_heart

  9. BinLaden9
    25 April 2021 23:02
    need a ytb video to explain man it coud be very helpful hope you will do it cuz this cheat has a great future

  10. puidpudik
    18 April 2021 04:07
    its not working :/

    1. valve_fluttershy
      Real Cheater
      valve_fluttershy · @[valve]rainbow_dash#5506
      19 April 2021 11:28
      any error or something is not normal, or nothing happen?

  11. TheWoeion
    18 April 2021 04:05
    Couldn't include file 'timeshack.lua' how can i fix this??

    Quote: TheWorion
    Couldn't include file 'timeshack.lua' how can i fix this??

    Couldn't include file 'timeshack.lua' how can i fix this??

  12. abouche
    10 April 2021 17:57
    if ther is a way to use csgo cheat to garry mod it will be very cool.

  13. litopus228
    16 March 2021 14:09
    steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\lua - here drop lua file

    1. Litter_bitcX
      10 August 2021 12:21
      But I don't have this folder,Is there a problem with the path? :steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\?

  14. Bob_sus
    11 March 2021 11:46
    Wow! Is this a new hack for Garry's mod? Yoooooooo
    i waited for so long. Hope aim working

    1. Bob_sus
      11 March 2021 11:58
      hmmmmm, i wrote in the console lua_openscript timeshack.lua but it says Couldn't include file 'timeshack.lua' (File not found) ()

  15. Pakkura
    7 March 2021 19:00
    Where to upload the timeshack.lua file?

  16. uranium2363
    20 February 2021 09:54
    [ERROR] lua/timeshack.lua:3: attempt to index global 'surface' (a nil value)
      1. unknown - lua/timeshack.lua:3


    1. BerkoSVK
      23 February 2021 21:16
      same error here

    2. Méliodas80
      5 April 2021 02:05
      i have this error too ....
      Im sad right now

  17. ssxloka
    16 February 2021 03:12
    Gonna test, come back for review

    1. zRobertz
      16 February 2021 23:55
      so does it work?