Free MultiHack ProExt for CS2

  • Developer: vytrol
  • Status:
  • Updated: 30.11.23
  • Current version: 2.0

Free MultiHack ProExt for CS2

I am sharing with you another free hack for Counter-Strike 2 from the developer vytrol. This is a full-fledged MultiHack with a large selection of features, easy management and constant updates from the developer. ProExt is based on the well-known hacks CS2_External and AimStar. Using this hack in the game CS2 you will be able to control functions via GUI, for example, there are settings for Aimbot, ESP, TriggerBot, Bomb Timer, Crosshair, Spectator List, visual GUI settings and many other features that will be added and updated.

This ProExt cheat for Counter-Strike 2 is available for free and you do not need to get keys to activate it. Download this hack from our website, run it in two clicks and enjoy the convenient, fast and affordable ProExt hack.


ESP 👁️

Aimbot 🎯

Triggerbot 💨

Crosshair ⌖

Radar 📡

Bomb Timer 💣

Spectator List 👀

Styling 🖌️


FPS drops when focusing on the menu, any way to fix that?

The solution to the problem is very simple. Type the following command in the console: engine_no_focus_sleep 0

Free Download Free MultiHack ProExt for CS2

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Comments: 31 Views: 39 935


  1. smekereition12345
    28 June 2024 12:37

    on what key do i open it?

    1. optifyyyy
      8 July 2024 03:50

      ins you dumb ass

  2. skunek33
    24 May 2024 12:39

    please update esp under new version of cs2

    1. Brodaa77
      26 May 2024 22:47

      they gave an update? do you recommend something with an update?

  3. NACrusaderZI
    1 May 2024 22:18

    Aimbot and trigger not work animor

  4. adafwfafafafafaw
    26 April 2024 19:12

    Is there a way to make aimbot toggelable instead of having to hold down the button?

  5. LUDER12345671
    23 April 2024 17:12

    Update pls doesnt work after cs2 update

  6. 123123123s1
    20 April 2024 23:18

    Very nice cheat, thanks for that bro <3

  7. coaielemeleu
    16 February 2024 23:37

    how can i change the cheat binds? i hate the fact that the cheat stops itself when i press END key..

  8. 363467457
    12 January 2024 15:28

    Does this still work

  9. Gokuh
    15 December 2023 18:53

    ¿Recomendáis algún otro? este iba genial la verdad, y el resto de la página no me funciona ninguno...

  10. IRyS
    Real Cheater
    IRyS · moon00estelle
    14 December 2023 15:49

    The BEST cheat I have ever used on prime account

    Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.
    (P.S what I meant was I didn't got banned at all). It's quite unfortunate but developer (OP) discontinued the project anymore because of people redistributing without permission and OP also have personal matters to attend.

    Thanks for making this project OP  ☝️  💜 

    1. nifuji
      Real Cheater
      14 December 2023 16:35

      I too was using on prime and didn't even get me banned after blatantly walling and aimbot haha. That aside, I read the publishers' announcement and what you're saying is true about people redistributing and also the discontinuation of his software. I hope publisher will be back soon

    2. qpwoeirutyqwer
      14 December 2023 17:52

      True. Also aimstar have nice interface and realization too. Both makes classic glow like wh cs 1.6.

      1. IRyS
        Real Cheater
        IRyS · moon00estelle
        15 December 2023 04:31

        One thing that ProExt is the best one because of it's auto update feature which Aimstar do not have. If Aimstar OP can add that then it'd be great. But Aimstar Devs are too lazy to update the offsets to re-upload their post here  🤣

        Tried Cynosys and has also a potential for a ESP only cheat. Kinda liked it too and used it on my current prime.

  11. Pratinha
    6 December 2023 10:13

    Please add a skin changer and bhop

    5 December 2023 12:23

    why doesn't it work anymore after I reinstalled CS 2?

  13. gonzaloalonzo999
    3 December 2023 20:46

    buen truco, tiene buena configuración, todo lo que un tramposo legítimo necesita

  14. kurtban31
    30 November 2023 11:16

    scale is swayed from real character desing like 5 centimeters, it works but doesnt it has to be

    1. Gender Equality
      1 December 2023 09:06

      How's yours working, mine is always showing a black 1366*768 px screen on top of cheat menu

  15. fangxin778
    30 November 2023 11:13


  16. Gender Equality
    30 November 2023 08:08

    Bro a black screen appears in-game as soon as i launch this cheat. I tried most of settings but this problem does not resolve.

  17. wakaflaka
    Real Cheater
    30 November 2023 01:10

    its ud but neede to fix the esp sometimes show on teammates

  18. 5645645
    29 November 2023 23:07

    skin changer please

  19. kurtban31
    29 November 2023 16:01

    it works but scale is out of center please fix man

  20. MapYui
    29 November 2023 14:17

    Does this untrust/red trust?

  21. amirdr1388
    Real Cheater
    28 November 2023 14:41

    f,cking boll sh.t

  22. GonZ
    Real Cheater
    28 November 2023 12:52

    THX :)

  23. tetrasill
    28 November 2023 07:01

    looking good but not working correct scaled ..

  24. yjwj2032931413
    28 November 2023 06:28

    why i cant download

    1. Petergrajfin
      28 November 2023 15:44

      because you are noob

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work