Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

  • Developer: CLiv
  • Status:
  • Updated: 22.11.23
  • Current version: 3.7

Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

To your attention, the first free and working hack on Counter-Strike 2 has auto-update offsets. A simple hack for CS2, but necessary for every player. Using it, you will be able to activate the aimbot function to accurately hit the target, the ESP (wallhack) function to see enemies through the walls, and additionally, the distance and amount of health.

Please note that this is a beta version of the hack, and there may be problems with its operation. For example, an incorrect ESP display or crashes during the game.

cs2 hack update menu free download


  • BoneESP
  • BoxESP
  • AimBot
  • EyeLine
  • Auto update offsets

How to use

Everything is very simple!

Run the downloaded .exe file

Menu Open Key [HOME]

Enjoy :)

also it only works the esp with bordless window or window mode, also if it does'nt show on the screen, try executing it as administrator by yourself, also should use it for hvh cuz for legit you'll get untrusted but u cant get VAC

Free Download Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

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Comments: 142 Views: 106 828


  1. Nezur
    11 October 2023 19:31

    can u make this work on other games to ?

  2. mafiarangerxd
    mafiarangerxd · Heimeric
    11 October 2023 06:27

    when you guys gonna add skinchanger? please thank you!

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      11 October 2023 07:50

      external + skinchanger = higher chance of detection (ban)

      1. iamketchum
        11 October 2023 13:53

        aren't the externals supossed to be safer than internals? are more hard to notice them with anti cheats (also skin changer no need to say why so risky to ban, literally changing item's in game changing params)

        1. zuhu
          zuhu · zuhuinc
          12 October 2023 07:55

          externals are safer if you are not gonna write into the game memory if you are gonna write into the gamememory with a external its less safe for the cheat than just going internal.

      2. mafiarangerxd
        mafiarangerxd · Heimeric
        12 October 2023 00:03

        When i used the osiris one way back before cs2 it doesn't banned me.. i only got banned cuz i raged aimbot lmfao imo skin changer is only a client side not server side so yea that it 

        1. mafiarangerxd
          mafiarangerxd · Heimeric
          12 October 2023 00:05

          Client Side = You can only see it.

          Server Side = Everyone can see it even your teammate :)

        2. zuhu
          zuhu · zuhuinc
          12 October 2023 07:54

          1. osiris aint external.
          writing in memory with externals is more risky than when u allraidy hooked into the game

    8 October 2023 17:51

    Is this read only or it writes to memory in some parts?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      9 October 2023 07:57

      people allaidy reported bans on the unknown page so watch out

  4. snovigameLOL
    7 October 2023 11:34

    Not Working Cant Find .dll 💔 

    1. GoStiee
      8 October 2023 10:59

      It isnt a dll cheat its an external one, so there wont be a .dll file

    2. gunonyourhead
      10 October 2023 11:34

      anyone can fix this ?

  5. aaron17
    7 October 2023 11:32


  6. mafiarangerxd
    mafiarangerxd · Heimeric
    7 October 2023 05:57

    Is it possible to use the hack in NORMAL 4:3 RESOLUTION? PLEASE NOT JUST IN WIDESCREEN RESO?

    1. gijoe
      7 October 2023 10:22

      yes as long as ur not in fullscreen u can use this hack

      1. spacely
        Real Cheater
        8 October 2023 05:31

        but why doesn't it work in 4:3 fullscreen? I'm sure they can update it so it works.

        1. iamketchum
          11 October 2023 13:54

          cuz it needing an overlay and it's not like an complete internal, none of the actual cheats work in fullscreen, NONE 

  7. Brian Vogel
    7 October 2023 01:47


    whats the "[HOME]" button??

    1. spacely
      Real Cheater
      9 October 2023 09:19

      are u really asking whats the "HOME" button on keyboard? LMAO

      1. iamketchum
        11 October 2023 13:55

        bro stfu, we are supossed to help ppl and about the home button for brian, its the "inicio" for me or also can be insert

        1. spacely
          Real Cheater
          12 October 2023 04:51

          shut the fuck up dweeb if u don't know what home button is u shouldn't be using a cheat.

  8. leninsm
    6 October 2023 23:32

    open cs2 and launch exe and then tick and untick and it work 

  9. 3xoticx
    6 October 2023 15:00

    cheat is working but i cant access the menu

  10. knight898
    6 October 2023 02:09

    how i can use the rcs?

  11. mafiarangerxd
    mafiarangerxd · Heimeric
    6 October 2023 01:37

    Guys, its this actually works? please i need a solid answer

    1. Minero
      9 October 2023 05:18

      No, it doesnt work. It just dont run. missing "MSVCP140D.dll. "

  12. Daikirai96
    5 October 2023 15:24

    Its working now, thanks! Does anyone has a good config for this?

  13. johnsonmarc
    Real Cheater
    5 October 2023 02:21

    Besides all the other people saying bullcrap stuff.


    Works, fast updates, aimbot is funky, (adding a lot to this mod daily)


    Game updates so fast because of the recent release, hard to get more than 24 hours in without an update.

    This cheat works fine and should be given more credit, keep up the amazing work.

    1. sasdmd283asd23
      9 October 2023 00:14

      i cant open the menu with home key, i execute exe file it opens a cmd but nothing happens, what i need to do ? and the debug exe give me full dll errors

  14. DropOps__Xo
    5 October 2023 00:04

    the dev of this cheat would have to one either add source to get the dll file to run this cheat or would have to update the file with this file in order for the cheat to run

  15. GoStiee
    4 October 2023 15:17

    'The Code execution cannot proceed because ucrtbased.dll was not found.'

    how to fix this?

    1. Kelzuiu
      9 October 2023 18:13

      Everything is very simple!

      Run the downloaded .exe file

      Menu Open Key [HOME]

      Enjoy :)
        bro just run the exe T _ T why are you injecting it

  16. kiellim09
    4 October 2023 15:14

    how to use aimbot bro. i think its not working.

  17. dwadwadawdwadawd
    3 October 2023 20:53

    Error 0xc00007b.

    1. Daikirai96
      4 October 2023 09:45

      Same here

  18. CrisCastri2020
    Real Cheater
    3 October 2023 05:43


  19. SOPAS27
    3 October 2023 04:04

    VCRUNTIME140D.dll this problem can be fixed by re installing the program 

  20. Danurchik
    2 October 2023 21:32

    Aim bot not working

  21. gameonenetwork
    2 October 2023 12:32

    how to fix this , thanks

  22. MaxiKaxi10
    2 October 2023 04:29

    where is the exe file

  23. Iamtheglobglobgabgalab
    30 September 2023 21:27

    It is safe ,i mean viruses?

  24. GonZ
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2023 16:50

    [ERROR] Failed to attach process, StatusCode:3

    1. Vairas_Birutis
      30 September 2023 21:01

      same :( help pls

    2. Daikirai96
      2 October 2023 12:06

      I had dll errors then 0xc00007b error.

  25. Raffe666
    30 September 2023 13:46

    How to turn it? cuz i get code error 3 and 1 even when i try to open it on bots with antivirus turned off 

  26. deresandra73
    30 September 2023 13:26

    cant extract maybe know somebody why

    1. comandocachopo
      30 September 2023 14:00

      use 7zip and put the password

    2. Raffe666
      30 September 2023 14:05

      use winrar or 7zip to extract it

  27. offlyne
    30 September 2023 12:59

    thanks for the quick update

    no ban yet xd

  28. s1ngle
    30 September 2023 12:56

    version 30.09.23 works fine

  29. GonZ
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2023 10:50

    [ERROR] Failed to attach process, StatusCode:3

    1. kingsburygantner
      30 September 2023 12:48

      same for me

  30. Kadetka
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2023 07:10

    The cheat works great, thanks!

    Who does not work, try to run it first with bots on the map de_dust2. Be sure to run the cheat after entering the map!

New Comments
mrh0742 mrh0742

AlexSYS5512 1 senedir sitenize giriyorum hep bakıyorum pubg mobile emilatör güncellemesini durdurmussunuz çok üzücü sizin sitenize size hayranız biz arkadaşlarla hep sizin hacklarınızı kullanıyoruz fakat neden pubg mobile emilatör için 3.7 güncellemesi yapmıyorsunuz sagmısınız yaşıyormusunuz lutfen güncelleyin sizden rica ediyorum saygılar.

zuhu zuhu

how about the json file that comes with the download 

viveirosvh viveirosvh

yeah... it stopped working for me as well... guess no more hsr for me, as it is unplayable without cheating/skip btn.