Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

  • Developer: CLiv
  • Status:
  • Updated: 22.11.23
  • Current version: 3.7

Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

To your attention, the first free and working hack on Counter-Strike 2 has auto-update offsets. A simple hack for CS2, but necessary for every player. Using it, you will be able to activate the aimbot function to accurately hit the target, the ESP (wallhack) function to see enemies through the walls, and additionally, the distance and amount of health.

Please note that this is a beta version of the hack, and there may be problems with its operation. For example, an incorrect ESP display or crashes during the game.

cs2 hack update menu free download


  • BoneESP
  • BoxESP
  • AimBot
  • EyeLine
  • Auto update offsets

How to use

Everything is very simple!

Run the downloaded .exe file

Menu Open Key [HOME]

Enjoy :)

also it only works the esp with bordless window or window mode, also if it does'nt show on the screen, try executing it as administrator by yourself, also should use it for hvh cuz for legit you'll get untrusted but u cant get VAC

Free Download Simple CS2 External Hack (Auto update) - Aimbot, ESP

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Comments: 142 Views: 106 795


  1. AndyKruger1239
    30 November 2023 18:26

    Could you please show how to update it?

  2. fiorfun
    24 November 2023 22:44

    Está dando erro ao abrir, instalei todas as dll's que pediu, depois deu erro 007e

  3. tadafila
    22 November 2023 23:17

    alguém já testou essa nova att ? 

  4. yjrtrh
    22 November 2023 22:54

    fix aimbot and esp lmao

  5. pichicho
    22 November 2023 22:02


  6. krmz123
    19 November 2023 08:25

    Bro, Fix aimbot rage mode account ban not a problem. create a new account. but fix rage mode 

  7. toshacked
    18 November 2023 13:04

    Need update again since today 18.11.2023

  8. dakotafenix12345
    17 November 2023 05:10

    How does this auto update work?

  9. TickleM3Elmo
    17 November 2023 03:54

    CS had another update big one 7gigs ... not working anymore

    1. dakotafenix12345
      17 November 2023 05:10

      How does this auto update work?

  10. jamesmith
    16 November 2023 15:29

    All good now thanks working fine. 

  11. amazing_hack:-)
    16 November 2023 11:56

    No availability after today's update .......

  12. eutopia
    15 November 2023 08:34

    need an urgent update.wallhack unusable.

  13. TickleM3Elmo
    14 November 2023 21:54

    Need update because for me it dosnt auto update

  14. Fahimreza12
    14 November 2023 16:27

    when will be update

  15. Quixotic
    Quixotic · Quixotic#0001
    14 November 2023 12:07

    aimbot is broken

  16. VoidTheCheater
    11 November 2023 07:25

    got banned in about 1 day dont use high aimbot settings

    1. lubas1992
      14 November 2023 19:24

      Ive been using it for 2 weeks you must be realy obvious with it (facepalm)

  17. katil3444
    6 November 2023 00:01

    when update?

  18. carlosmedina1
    4 November 2023 19:28

    any bind or key to able and unable the wallhack with a key? or anyway to do it?

  19. Almostmeez
    3 November 2023 22:07

    using it on main acc its safe xD

  20. xiaode1833
    3 November 2023 17:31

    Aimbot not working

  21. johnsonmarc
    Real Cheater
    3 November 2023 05:09

    No Longer Working For Update on Nov 3nd 2023

    Hopefully soon you'll get more credit, just wanted to take a second to thank you for your hard work.

  22. johnsonmarc
    Real Cheater
    30 October 2023 05:29

    Been using for close to or over a month now, I love it! Dont go crazy and zero bans. Not even red trust, thanks for your work!

    1. Gofeto
      30 October 2023 12:38

      My AIM bot not working. how to use it , may be i not using it well

    2. Myoersona
      31 October 2023 08:34

      how to use the cheat ?

  23. abigilani49
    29 October 2023 06:29

    simple cs2 hacks will ban dont use it.. use aeonix 

    1. GODUSOPP60
      30 October 2023 01:16

      do u have a proof ?

  24. lechibupi
    28 October 2023 19:23


  25. carlosmedina1
    27 October 2023 19:42

    The cheat inject, but dont show anything until I minimized/maximized the game and it shows the menu for a few seconds but disappear instantly after repeat the process, its weird

    1. kbrom247
      9 November 2023 22:55

      tenes que usarlo en modo ventana o ventana pantalla completa

  26. zycn0910
    26 October 2023 13:45

    how can i translate the hack

    1. aaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccc
      29 October 2023 17:22

      this is english that not hard :///

  27. kl1v0
    26 October 2023 13:27

    Please bring back the "Show when Spec" button and please fix the aimbot

    1. johnsonmarc
      Real Cheater
      28 October 2023 22:26

      Look under Misc, the setting has never been removed...

  28. Gofeto
    26 October 2023 10:27

    AIM BOT not working, please fix. 

  29. Kakonch35ter
    21 October 2023 15:33

    We need aimbot key on left mouse button 

    aimbot is not good (smooth and aimlock)

  30. DropOps__Xo
    21 October 2023 14:58

    this dont run on my pc for some odd reason!!! i can get other cheats to run but this one and three other cheats like this one doesnt run

    1. Quixotic
      Quixotic · Quixotic#0001
      23 October 2023 10:43

      it works fine for me

    2. Gofeto
      26 October 2023 10:28

      Run as Administrator

New Comments
SinoisSilence SinoisSilence

the maker decided to make a premium version after having everything free for everyone. got greedy. shame really

PlayerXY PlayerXY

Where is this offsets.json, it is in the csgo files? I didnt find it

sogasn13 sogasn13

Does everyone open the cheat page on GitHub? I try to open it and it says that it was not found or that such a page does not exist. 😐