Kefir9 - Rage Cheat [crack]

  • Developer: Kefirchik
  • Status:
  • Updated: 18.04.19
  • Current version: [18/04/2019]

This hack Kefir9 CSGO recently sold and presented as a great Rage cheat on CS:GO, but craftsmen quickly released a crack version of the hack and kindly provided Kefir9 for General use. Cheat is a little different from other free Rage hacks, for example, take the menu, it is not standard and not familiar, but all You will need to configure this hack is contained in one tab, you do not need to teleport.

As I have already noted the hack contains in its functionality only one function - a Rage function with the ability to customize the HVH mode. In the right hands the cheat will be good to play, all you need is to configure this hack through its menu. And we are happy to share with you a free config for scar weapons, after downloading this cfg you do not have to configure this software yourself.

Free Download Kefir9 - Rage Cheat [crack]

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Comments: 22 Views: 17 878


  1. luka1232
    Real Cheater
    luka1232 · luc3k#9901
    15 February 2021 03:49
    anyone have source for it?

  2. plibu
    22 April 2019 12:36
    hast this hack a triggerbot?

  3. meska
    22 April 2019 10:15
    uf its pretty good

  4. Sonsi
    Real Cheater
    21 April 2019 16:25
    Menu is very good but the cheat sucks

  5. motzix
    21 April 2019 11:43
    this is the worst cheat i ever seen in my life. get tapped even by pphud without AA. the aimbot dont even shot against other hvh players with AA. i really dont recommend it.

    1. Absot
      21 April 2019 13:29
      What do you want from crack? Dude xDD

    2. polaczekslowia
      13 December 2020 21:47
      ezfrags is the worse

  6. narcis1973
    19 April 2019 14:48
    tare frate chiar imi place

  7. TimeOfDead
    19 April 2019 01:23
    detected obviously

  8. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    18 April 2019 23:47
    Yeah, shit cheat, it's a disgrace

    1. turmux
      Real Cheater
      21 April 2019 12:05
      cant believe the developer were selling this shit

  9. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    18 April 2019 23:21
    Time for a ?Hack Review?

  10. JokerAl
    18 April 2019 22:02
    Where is the injector?

  11. motzix
    18 April 2019 19:17
    lets see if this cheat is good or not.

    1. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      18 April 2019 22:58
      how was it? Is it good?

      1. motzix
        21 April 2019 11:39
        no. this is the worst cheat i ever seen in my life. get tapped even by pphud without AA. the aimbot dont even shot against other hvh players with AA. i really dont recommend it.

  12. gutrekt
    18 April 2019 15:16
    It is ok but the AA is shit. Manual turns on shit desync even with desync off and there is no freestanding. It can probably be better with scout but nearly impossible with an auto.

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      18 April 2019 17:21
      I'll test this to see if your theory is true

  13. ShawnFrost
    18 April 2019 14:51
    cfg link doesnt work

  14. mariothemememachine
    18 April 2019 14:45
    3 person to comment :face_with_sun_glasses:

  15. 420Ethan420
    18 April 2019 14:29
    send cfg pls

  16. skept1
    18 April 2019 14:20
    Rage as in it can only be used for hvh, or it can be used for both?