Explit Internal CS:GO Legit Hack

  • Developer: wiotq & Sad_Wolf
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.05.19
  • Current version: [14/05/2019]

A good Legit hack that is suitable for your style of play, everything you need and working waiting for you after the launch of the hack Explit Internal. The hack is still fresh and therefore not detected anti-cheat VAC, which gives you the opportunity to play on the official servers of VALVE and not be afraid to get a global lock, well, only if You block the patrol game, but here it all depends on You.

The hack boasts a beautiful and user-friendly menu where you can customize your favorite features, both for quality and for the beauty of the visual effects. For example, in Internal Explit You will be able to detect such features as ESP with a variety of subcategories, such as ESP BOX, Name ESP, Health ESP, Weapon ESP, Skeleton, and others, all these functions will be auxiliary and You will be able to know the nickname of the opponent, to know the number of his health, what if it weapons and much more. The hack also boasts beautiful visual Chams effects, convenient and fast GLOW_ESP, cfg saving and more. In General, download and enjoy light frags.

Free Download Explit Internal CS:GO Legit Hack

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Comments: 12 Views: 11 591


  1. GreekOv3rKiller
    Real Cheater
    13 June 2019 20:32
    Detected and it's need an update.

  2. muiamatii
    15 May 2019 20:55
    Detected today. So, not so great.

    1. Vojtaaacze
      4 June 2019 17:43
      playing with it 1 month and not get banned :)

  3. brandowun2
    15 May 2019 04:27
    No instructions idk how to use it

  4. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    14 May 2019 23:03
    Can we not get a csgo hack plz? Thats all i see

    1. Twadwerd
      15 May 2019 00:49
      Not to be annoying or anything but if you want cheats different than CSGO just go in the other sections or on other websites.

      1. itzlit
        Real Cheater
        itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
        15 May 2019 00:54
        first off. All other website sucks.

        Second of all the other ones are detected. The owner of the site isn't updating. She/he is only focusing on CS:GO.

        Really wish the CS franchise never exist

  5. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    14 May 2019 15:57
    lol lethality or some p2c paste XD

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      14 May 2019 20:36
      It cannot be lethality... Lethality has a LOADER

      1. mygunisbiggerthanurs
        Real Cheater
        15 May 2019 15:56
        the menu is a paste of old lethality or it could be insanity or redeye cheats idk

  6. paully
    14 May 2019 11:02
     ill try it right now

    1. anjelin12
      Real Cheater
      14 May 2019 16:02
      any good did someone call you out?You know some aims fuck up real hard