Osiris Light | Ultra-Legit, better version of Osiris

  • Developer: ephelogy
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.10.20
  • Current version: v1.9.3
Osiris Light | Ultra-Legit, better version of Osiris

Constantly playing with the free Osiris hack on CSGO? How about an alternative version for a low-profile CSGO game? Your attention is a simple cheat on CSGO that was built on the basis of the popular hack Osiris. All unnecessary functions were disabled, leaving only the functionality for the Ultra-Legit game.

This release of Osiris is lightweigt.
It aims to make the cheat easier to use and harder to detect by removing functions that are not used in legit cheatplay.

Limited aimbot FOV to 30
Disabled Skin changer
Disabled Anti-aim
Disabled Sound settings
Disabled Style settings
Disabled Fake Ban
Disabled Kill message
Disabled Custom clan tag
Disabled Clock clan tag
Disabled Aimbot Ignore Flash & Smoke
Disabled Triggerbot Ignore Flash & Smoke
and some other things that are not used in legit cheatplay


Original Osiris Core by danielkrupinski

Free Download Osiris Light | Ultra-Legit, better version of Osiris

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Comments: 131 Views: 23 382


  1. hachiman3411
    19 December 2020 17:12
    update please

  2. wordfang
    Real Cheater
    30 November 2020 10:37
    pls update this

    1. czSmoG_
      Real Cheater
      czSmoG_ · czSmoG_#7180
      15 December 2020 16:25
      do you tested or you retard?

  3. Pedram.h987
    20 November 2020 19:04
    Please add skin changer

  4. Nibger666
    19 November 2020 04:07
    Give us the source code

  5. DanielAndAll
    Real Cheater
    DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
    18 November 2020 16:55
    Dont say its detected until you make sure you injector isnt detected USE SAZ

  6. Soheil2700
    16 November 2020 20:13
    Detected and got vac after 2 hour

  7. mahdi.e
    13 November 2020 14:45
    update pls.

  8. franhebles
    12 November 2020 23:03
    Os tarda mucho en entrar, cuando tengo el software ajecutado no sale partida nunca

  9. fake_skripe
    12 November 2020 17:05
    hey i got untrusted ban, basicly a vac it just got detected

  10. Luchitzul
    12 November 2020 11:58
    I legit cheated from unranked to LEM with this but got banned at overwatch.I injected onetap in a game and got banned after 3 days or so.
    Also,yesterday i made a new acc and 1v1d a friend to troll him and after only 5 hours i got vac banned.I didnt play any dm,casual,comp/anything else.

  11. saradipsaspidaras
    12 November 2020 09:59
    Dont use it on main acc :( I got vac.

    1. Vali_12345
      17 November 2020 12:56
      Why tf wold you use a free hack on a main ? Go use gamesense or nnblaster.club

  12. alexcorle
    9 November 2020 06:03
    vac banned after 32 hours (https://steamcommunity.com/id/ilyjett)

  13. St3vk0o
    8 November 2020 12:41
    100% better cheat than normal Osiris.. on Osiris i got banned since 2 days of playing.. now im playing 14 days and no ban :) so +rep 

  14. Triq
    Real Cheater
    5 November 2020 22:34
    UPDATE !!!!

  15. dragosi
    5 November 2020 22:25
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199046898215/ well i learn from my mistake . Guys DONT USE FREE CHEATS ON YOUR MAIN. Well what can i say R.I.P 150$ inventory dont make a mistake like me

    1. h6xa
      Real Cheater
      h6xa · h6xa#6666
      6 November 2020 21:24
      ur mf'ing retarded

    2. Coloratu
      10 November 2020 15:54
      esti prost?

    3. El3m3ntSss
      15 November 2020 10:37
      bruh... this guy

  16. alexcorle
    4 November 2020 13:46
    I used this for 10 minutes on my main, should I worry about anything? (I injected during the last few rounds of a mm)

    1. macik
      Real Cheater
      macik · Dojarz#0887
      4 November 2020 19:18
      Don't use free pasted cheats on your main acc lol.

      1. alexcorle
        5 November 2020 06:14
        im aware but the opponents were blatant af, also if u could answer the question that I originally wrote then that'd be great!

    2. DanielAndAll
      Real Cheater
      DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
      5 November 2020 18:06
      you should be okay as long as nobody reported

    3. trooper3214
      7 November 2020 19:06
      your main is dead 

    4. dartdan76
      8 November 2020 07:59
      no you retard

  17. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    2 November 2020 05:02
    @ephelogy will you still updates this as the game updates and add more junk code and stuff to make it more undetectable over time?

  18. danial81180
    1 November 2020 06:17
    Whatever I did to Diffig, it didn't happen.

  19. ZLUF
    31 October 2020 22:33
    Vac banned after 7 days....

  20. furkany
    31 October 2020 16:51
    adam changer why ?

  21. DanielAndAll
    Real Cheater
    DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
    28 October 2020 19:31
    Finally after 3 weeks got a ban. Sorry Good cheat though

    1. Nicolin
      30 October 2020 19:31
      Hey u got banned by Overwatch?And pls can you give me your config?

      1. furkany
        31 October 2020 16:52
        m you owerwtach you problam don"t hack problem

      2. DanielAndAll
        Real Cheater
        DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
        5 November 2020 18:08
        yeah i did, i shouldnt have used aim with low smooth its my fault. Go use godware with legit config and ur set. Just dont change configs and make sure you turn off walls

  22. manco_kny
    28 October 2020 10:30
    acto vac prohibido

  23. TallowyCookie5411
    26 October 2020 16:57
    Cuando intento iniciar el injector me sale error 0x00007b que cierre el injector, y no me deja utilizarlo, alguien sabe porque¿?

  24. NickyGaming1
    25 October 2020 06:57
    vac banned with legit af config

    1. Dom88
      25 October 2020 20:15
      brain issue

    2. DoubleColin
      26 October 2020 11:45
      play legit noob

  25. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    24 October 2020 13:35
    I prefer osiris light better than the original!

  26. DanielAndAll
    Real Cheater
    DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
    24 October 2020 07:51
    still no ban. like I've said before play with radar hack and aimbot .75 fov and 2.5 smooth if u wanna go further use chams no walls tho im serious vac didnt see this one coming keep updating offsets and eventuallly you can add auto update<3

  27. robysamin
    23 October 2020 08:52
    update 23.10.2020?

  28. hunts
    23 October 2020 02:30
    can you rage with this one?

    1. lambda
      Real Cheater
      lambda · soda#0495
      23 October 2020 02:44
      dude, you can perfectly read in the title: Osiris Light | **Ultra-Legit**

      Osiris is not a rage cheat, go try otc if u want to rage

  29. vladi2109
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 14:16
    thats a big shit, i recommend original osirirs

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      22 October 2020 22:24
      Do you prefer to play at 10 fps and getting vac ban?

    2. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      24 October 2020 13:19
      if you don't like it just don't use it don't be toxic there is a someone who working hard and others who keep sleeping and eating all days and insulting ppls

  30. konya42
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 13:00
    i dont use :^/

New Comments
mrh0742 mrh0742

AlexSYS5512 1 senedir sitenize giriyorum hep bakıyorum pubg mobile emilatör güncellemesini durdurmussunuz çok üzücü sizin sitenize size hayranız biz arkadaşlarla hep sizin hacklarınızı kullanıyoruz fakat neden pubg mobile emilatör için 3.7 güncellemesi yapmıyorsunuz sagmısınız yaşıyormusunuz lutfen güncelleyin sizden rica ediyorum saygılar.

zuhu zuhu

how about the json file that comes with the download 

viveirosvh viveirosvh

yeah... it stopped working for me as well... guess no more hsr for me, as it is unplayable without cheating/skip btn.