- ragebot, legitbot (crack)

  • Developer: crack by Smouty, Benny
  • Status:
  • Updated: 13.02.21
  • Current version: 13/02/2021

Your attention is a private cheat on CSGO which is available for free download from our website. Thanks to the developers of Smouty, Benny for the provided crack. You can use this software with RageBot settings, as well as LegitBot settings. Additionally, there are settings for the world, visual effects, and much more.

To run the hack, you will need any working injector.

Free Download - ragebot, legitbot (crack)

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Comments: 54 Views: 20 518


  1. Rzeszo
    14 February 2021 13:49
    Menu pasted from outrun and source pasted too

  2. CoolBrand
    Real Cheater
    14 February 2021 03:32
    skeet menu paste

  3. UbojniaV5
    14 February 2021 01:05
    anyone has a config?

  4. elmatahacks
    14 February 2021 00:41
    weave pastee , menu eternity ? cool xD

  5. oobe23
    Real Cheater
    oobe23 · doovid#1234
    13 February 2021 22:42
    another weave paste like always

    1. dafyegyfwgby1234
      1 March 2021 17:01
      ur crying about pastes when ur on free cheat site retard

  6. oYey
    13 February 2021 22:17
    isnt that trash lol and it boost my fps but missing anytimes with auto =)))

  7. bebebibixd
    13 February 2021 21:42
    weave paste probably trash

  8. PauliusJ
    PauliusJ · P̶a̶u̶l̶i̶u̶s̶#7466
    13 February 2021 21:14

  9. darisoctavian
    Real Cheater
    darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
    13 February 2021 20:15
    weave paste...

  10. jeasus1
    13 February 2021 14:40
    cmon why posting pastes

  11. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    13 February 2021 14:30
    weave paste

    1. yescheats_V.2
      Real Cheater
      yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
      13 February 2021 15:13
      definitely agreed

New Comments
zefkun zefkun

And there's another update in the game, and I still can use the cheat 😁

zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊 

Barney0101 Barney0101

Thank you 💗

TnyavnTo / Svxy / Sneaky

Falleny Falleny

Z4ee/Pipsi account on GitHub where's updates was uploaded from was deleted. So we might not get an update at all 

rayknife rayknife

Do not use it on Asia servers I got ban twice. I also tried using it with VPN but still got ban.