Saphire Free HVH Cheat for CS:GO + Configs

  • Developer: maj0r-
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.04.22
  • Current version: April 2, 2022

I am glad to bring to your attention a new cheat Saphire HVH on CSGO, this hack is intended for players who prefer to play on HVH servers against other cheaters. At the moment, there are a limited number of hacks for playing against other cheaters, so you can diversify your game using the free Saphire cheat on CSGO.

Saphire Free HVH Cheat CSGO

The HVH mode in CSGO was created by the players themselves, because valve is fighting with cheaters, and therefore we had to create our own platforms to compete in the power of the software and its functionality, which is why such a mode was created. In this mode, they usually play with special software that has a Rage and Antiaim, as well as additional functions, such as desync and resolvers.

How to use:

Configs Folder:

  • cfg - %appdata%/saphire/cfg
  • lua - %appdata%/saphire/lua

Free Download Saphire Free HVH Cheat for CS:GO + Configs

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Comments: 54 Views: 27 461


  1. Chetachok
    Real Cheater
    25 June 2021 14:05

    now I will try this cheat on my own
    are there ready-made configs?

  2. Kadetka
    Real Cheater
    25 June 2021 13:52

    nice hvh hack on csgo 😍 

  3. mariodacuhac
    25 June 2021 10:52 copy xD

    1. Matei02Mihai
      Real Cheater
      25 June 2021 12:51
      priveste partea buna. macar asta are toate sectiunile facute, nu ca la exodium

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.