gamefence - Legit (FakeDuck+LegitAA+Resolver+VoteTroll)

  • Developer: fakehead
  • Status:
  • Updated: 12.10.19
  • Current version: [12/10/2019]

This free hack on CS:GO under the name gamefence for a long time is for General use, but we decided to provide it for You only after checking our team and today under the next update of the game CS:GO, we are pleased to provide you with a new, free working cheat gamefence on CS: GO. Hack is exclusively for Legit games, but with proper settings, you can make this cheat served you as for Rage games, as well as for HVH games. The functionality here is very tasty and some features you can find only here, which gives the uniqueness of this project. The menu is compact and beautiful, as well as convenient to configure the desired functions.

As I said, the functionality here is very interesting. For example, in addition to the well-known functions, there are also such rare functions as: FakeDuck without a ban, working and configured LegitAA, as well as everyone's favorite resolver and an interesting function called VoteTroll. These and other features you can test yourself by downloading the cheat on CS: GO gamefence for free from our website.

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Free Download gamefence - Legit (FakeDuck+LegitAA+Resolver+VoteTroll)

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Comments: 113 Views: 21 023


  1. bsybfyga
    Real Cheater
    12 October 2019 17:41
    Works fine ;)

    1. bsybfyga
      Real Cheater
      12 October 2019 17:47
      but stills undetected

    2. 1T6EL1KE
      14 October 2019 15:25
      how did u open the meniu >

  2. Zortos293
    12 October 2019 13:28
    got vac banned with nothing on and the injector is new that i used 1 year in the past 

  3. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    12 October 2019 11:45
    Can we get the source?

    1. ripPeeR1
      12 October 2019 14:10 he is bro, ur injector is the best lol

  4. tead4141
    11 October 2019 20:10
    Does not show up when I inject

    1. 1T6EL1KE
      14 October 2019 15:26
      mine too :)(((

  5. pajezecheats
    11 October 2019 18:54
    It's working fine you just need to run Steam on Administrator.
    the Legit AA on is not that bad.
    and the Fake Vote I never try but i wil.

    pretty good cheat 9/10!

    EDIT: if you can't inject. run your injector with administrator.

    changed my mind i just got VACCCCC

  6. wilson1999
    11 October 2019 06:37
    update the cheat please  

  7. Lorenzoffef
    10 October 2019 23:25
    You need to update offsets

  8. Dragospop7
    10 October 2019 21:59
    asdasdasdasdasdasd im crashing

  9. Fr0sTEU
    Fr0sTEU · werry#4800
    10 October 2019 21:16
    how to use source code

  10. NotJustAnWomen
    Real Cheater
    10 October 2019 20:42
    trojan gen idk i am scared

  11. weildufettbist
    10 October 2019 11:37
    it crashes because yall need to update the offsets

    but everyone here is probably too retarded

    if you arent, here is the source:

    1. wulcrit
      10 October 2019 21:59
      i myself i am a part of the retarrr gang, but id like to know how to get the offsets thing done, could you explain bruh?

    2. ole321
      11 October 2019 16:19
      i am sorry
      but how to i do it?
      i never did this how i use the source

  12. ExileStyle
    10 October 2019 10:05
    dont you know how to remove vac?

  13. sergio2000
    Real Cheater
    10 October 2019 06:20
    More crash :/

  14. heiko-von-der-lippe
    10 October 2019 01:40
    Status: DETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!
    VAC Will recognize 4 accounts Shortest time Locked

  15. vincenty47
    Real Cheater
    9 October 2019 22:03
    It dosent pop up?

  16. wulcrit
    9 October 2019 20:17
    -entered steam+injector as admin
    -Sazz injector crashes and reboots csgo in insecure mode-
    -cmr just crashes it
    -any other injector kick msg

    shit cheat

  17. vadász
    Real Cheater
    vadász · atishh
    9 October 2019 19:25
    Where is the votetrol and when I inject tge game is crash open_mouth 

    1. SkyLacex
      Real Cheater
      9 October 2019 19:28
      Csáá, működik a votetroll csak crashel 1 meccs után szval nem ajánlatos használni :D

      1. Tapiir
        9 October 2019 21:02
        Jó látni magyarokat lol :D Hallod egyszer akartam injectelni, erre azota crashel a game minden injectnel. Can you help?

        1. SkyLacex
          Real Cheater
          9 October 2019 21:41
          Frissített a csgo, ezért frissíteni kell a hacket is, várj türelmesen

          1. vadász
            Real Cheater
            vadász · atishh
            10 October 2019 19:04
            12 December 2018 21:57

      2. vadász
        Real Cheater
        vadász · atishh
        10 October 2019 19:02
        jóaz :_D én már rég tolom

        1. SkyLacex
          Real Cheater
          12 October 2019 18:25
          toljad is :D

  18. PexLegends
    9 October 2019 16:12
    this cheat is the worst . i did all the step and nothing works

  19. Th3Flash
    9 October 2019 14:50
    Why its crashing my game i tried more then 4 injectors but my game crashes :(

  20. johntimmalog123
    9 October 2019 13:34

    1. elvesperpick
      Real Cheater
      9 October 2019 14:50
      if u want hentaiware, u need to get invited to hentaiware

    2. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      9 October 2019 19:51
      I have this cheat. I got invited

  21. notbreathless
    Real Cheater
    notbreathless · DepressedManBun#1535
    9 October 2019 03:27
    Osiris was better. Ngl

    1. helooo123
      9 October 2019 08:49
      osiris is still working . use saz injector with it . i swear it works

  22. DragonSlayer148
    Real Cheater
    9 October 2019 02:18
    on god i love it XD

  23. VESCO
    9 October 2019 01:31
    works perfectly fine, started steam + SazZ Injector as admin, worked. 

  24. Charles131
    9 October 2019 00:17
    run steam as admin but still the hack cant be injected. im using Lit injector.

    1. deXyy
      9 October 2019 01:44
      use getowned<3

    2. Patoke
      9 October 2019 07:30
      Lit injector doesn't work, use the new CMRInjector :3

      Lit injector broken, F

      1. itzlit
        Real Cheater
        itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
        9 October 2019 08:18
        its not broken -_-

        but i cannot edit it because i lost my dev role for the mod role

    3. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      9 October 2019 08:19
      you need the visual c++ 2015 thingy to get it to work

  25. alexandrillaxd
    9 October 2019 00:06
    no funciona

  26. Tapiir
    8 October 2019 23:51
    I use saz injector, and when i load the cheat, i press insert and nothing works... 

  27. TheWalis
    8 October 2019 22:32
    Bruh... all of these kids with outdated injectors xD.
    Works almsot great (the fake-ban dosen't work for me for some reason) everything else works perfect.
    Keep up the good work m8 <3

    1. DragonSlayer148
      Real Cheater
      9 October 2019 02:19
      I feel you, poop injector 4 the win

    2. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      9 October 2019 09:21
      lit injector 1.5 is private atm

  28. BaKe14
    8 October 2019 22:23
    Where is config folder

  29. Darkrevox
    8 October 2019 20:29
    nah bro isnt working i tried 3 other injector

  30. Immortality
    8 October 2019 19:57
    i run as admin steam inject hack and boom nothing work.