R8 CS:GO - Aimbot, RCS, Wallhack, Skins

  • Developer: Cracked by Arting
  • Status:
  • Updated: 17.02.19
  • Current version: 17/02/2019
When the game CSGO just appeared this hack R8 was very popular among private cheats and to this day it was the choice of some cheaters, but now we are not about the history, and its crack version, which you can download for free from our site. Cheat contains in its functionality a good menu with which you can configure any desired function, from the most powerful and ending with the choice of appearance of weapons using a working SkinChanger. 

The software is easy to run and configure (see the full instructions below). You will also be able to easily customize your own personal CFG or to download already ready, which we will soon publish in open access. All its functionality you can see on the main screenshot or just download it for free and test it yourself, good luck!

Free Download R8 CS:GO - Aimbot, RCS, Wallhack, Skins

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  1. cofita
    21 February 2019 14:36

  2. getrekt1
    21 February 2019 10:20
    How to open menu?

  3. Cloud9
    21 February 2019 02:15
    Hola, lo descargué del video y todo va genial. Espero que si tienes conocimiento puedas ayudar a las personas que lo necesiten pero no jueguen con tramplas, utilicen Global: D y lo aprecio. Llevo días intentando arreglarlo. Gracias

  4. NuncaXitarei
    20 February 2019 22:07
    I can't save my confi '-'.... What's happened?

  5. OvidiuGabriel
    20 February 2019 22:05
    this files have viruses :))

  6. Valentyn41M
    20 February 2019 12:05
    How do I create a config file for this hack?
    I'm new here. 

  7. Minedmetal
    19 February 2019 23:08
    Hey I really need help because nothing saves for me either :) 

  8. Cloud9
    19 February 2019 22:49
    please if someone saves the settings please tell me and send capture for people who also happens. It is the best legitimate hack of the entire page

  9. yayeet123456
    19 February 2019 21:12
    what u want to do is close steam then start r8

  10. WeyX
    19 February 2019 20:57
    How i open the menu?

  11. Cloud9
    19 February 2019 20:13
    Yo creo que lo hago bien pero no me guarda

    Quote: Axelaxel141
    Nice Cheat :)

    Quote: Cloud9
    Por favor, alguien sabe cómo se guardan las configuraciones?

    según el archivo del hack es "config_path=C:\r8"

    Por favor dime como se hace te he dejado mi discord supongo que hablas español?

  12. BalticoPT
    19 February 2019 15:27
    I would just like to know where to save our confings and how to setup the aimbot

  13. SoyGoty
    Real Cheater
    19 February 2019 13:26
    Muy buen cheat la verdad pero aun no se como hacer que el aimbot pegue pero igual no soy de esos h

  14. Axelaxel141
    19 February 2019 02:36
    Nice Cheat :)

    Quote: Cloud9
    Por favor, alguien sabe cómo se guardan las configuraciones?

    según el archivo del hack es "config_path=C:\r8"

    1. Cloud9
      19 February 2019 17:42
      Gracias bro pero no te he entendido me puedes mandar captura a mi discord?NAI_S1mple

  15. kikinatorCZ
    18 February 2019 20:30
    how to inject?.. need to turn off steam idk how

  16. Cloud9
    18 February 2019 20:29
    Por favor, alguien sabe cómo se guardan las configuraciones?

  17. David27OnYT
    18 February 2019 20:28
    good for hvh and legit??

  18. NoAdyyy1
    Real Cheater
    18 February 2019 18:12
    looks really good nice type of menu

    1. oofpoof22
      18 February 2019 23:50
      how can i set it up?

  19. furkantumanx
    18 February 2019 17:35
    nice  cheat :D

  20. Szeryf75
    18 February 2019 15:49
    The best cheat. :D

  21. s1ngle
    18 February 2019 15:44

  22. feylord
    18 February 2019 11:01
    somebody have a config?

  23. Monster4k
    18 February 2019 09:00
    Can somebady help i i can't save cfg :(

  24. Cloud9
    18 February 2019 07:48
    No guarda las configuraciones. Como se hace

  25. zeyfx
    18 February 2019 07:42
    any legit config ??

  26. Cloud9
    18 February 2019 06:36
    ¿Cuál es la semilla del cuchillo totalmente azul ?. Muy buen trabajo siempre haciéndolo bien. Bonito.

  27. NotFoxxy
    18 February 2019 02:42
    Amazing cheat thank you very much for helping me trolll my friends. 

  28. ynsemre19
    17 February 2019 23:47
    very nice good thank you 

  29. Corsair
    Real Cheater
    17 February 2019 23:43
    Menu looks like a shit version of "how to inject in csgo" but with a GTA style of a menu. Never seen a menu like that, of GTA wise.