• Developer: nadoclient
  • Status:
  • Updated: 13.08.20
  • Current version: 13/08/2020
There is one well-known cheat on CSGO OneTap, and there is a cheat called nadoclient which is a copy of the onetap hack, but with improved functionality and a more convenient menu. Your attention is a free cheat on CSGO nadoclient that is available for download from our site. A large number of functions, a convenient menu and a quick launch of the hack. The cheat is aimed at hvh servers where cheaters play against cheaters. It has all the necessary features for aggressive play and dominating the game over other cheaters. Try this cheat yourself and you will know the full power of this hack.

1. Download the cheat from our website
2. Download any working injector from our site (Section: Injectors)
3. Make a injection hack using injector the game cs GO
4. Enjoy the hack 🤩

Free Download OTC - NADOCLIENT

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Comments: 152 Views: 65 725


  1. sever.bot11
    19 August 2020 23:03
    when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix itwhen i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it

    1. talon
      19 August 2020 23:07
      Me too i guess it s the new update.I think we should wait till tomorrow and a new injecter will come up

      1. rami sbi
        21 August 2020 18:27
        it does it too you need to try a couple of times

        1. HiBro
          22 August 2020 14:32
          haha budos noob

    2. Mleko213456
      28 August 2020 10:01
      u dont inject cfg u put it in cs go folder

  2. Bener
    19 August 2020 16:40
    it didnt show in csgo how to fix it ?

  3. MelwinPerre
    19 August 2020 04:44
    Where is the cfg folder?

    1. ggfx
      20 August 2020 09:13
      csgo folder. TA-DAAAAAAA

    2. DeadNight333
      28 August 2020 15:25
      its bad cheat

  4. damian052003232
    19 August 2020 01:44
    kkurwy give me cfg

  5. zat ttiy3
    19 August 2020 00:43

  6. sever.bot11
    18 August 2020 22:56
    when i inject a cfg it closes the cs go   pls bro fix it

    1. STORM94471
      19 August 2020 12:32
      Bro this is a private version of otc He can t update it just if the owner updated iq?

  7. Mleko213456
    18 August 2020 20:43
    it crashes my game

  8. dragosi
    18 August 2020 19:53
    wtf is happening its just injecting then the menu is invisible pls help=(

  9. pizzan26
    18 August 2020 16:39
    its just blank when i inject it

    help ill be happy

    1. TheBoy80
      18 August 2020 16:42

      1. macik
        Real Cheater
        macik · Dojarz#0887
        18 August 2020 16:43
        1) Check if multicore rendering is enabled in CSGO settings
        2) Open console before clicking Insert (if you're in menu)

    2. pardycc
      18 August 2020 18:26
      if its blank then set to windowed fullscreen and multicore rendering enabled that should fix it

    3. goodgame998
      18 August 2020 19:41
      Sometimes it depends on your resolution
      Try changing the resolution

    4. venombizy
      21 August 2020 05:24
      same to me

  10. bamate1
    18 August 2020 12:55
    any ideas why is it not working? Beacuse its not enjecting

  11. sezo1d
    Real Cheater
    18 August 2020 00:11
    Lmao it has no difference from normal otc its only the menu ffs the resolver its still shit

  12. luckerbyuser666
    Real Cheater
    17 August 2020 21:17
    it crashes any fix ?

  13. externalextender
    17 August 2020 05:54
    detected do not use 

    1. OneGiantLeapBack
      Real Cheater
      17 August 2020 07:35
      It's not detected, you should just use a manual map injector and maybe VAC bypass if you feel like it.

  14. A009i8
    16 August 2020 23:27
    can i get a invite code ?
    i accul yuse your cheat xd

  15. fativagyok
    16 August 2020 18:32
    OTC + VACBYPASS :)) 

  16. Golden Cristian
    16 August 2020 18:31
    este de cacao ca mie nu-mi merge ssi lam incercat cu toate injectorile

  17. Coppermonet
    16 August 2020 15:57
    Very nice cheat on nonprime

  18. Zaia22k
    16 August 2020 05:33

    i love this

    1. Scrubbybtw
      Real Cheater
      16 August 2020 13:12
      cfg is stored where the normal otc cfgs are which is under csgo's files

      1. gaynigger69420
        Real Cheater
        22 August 2020 06:56
        who disliked your comment lmao

  19. Martinkaloz99
    15 August 2020 22:48
    This isnt working when i inject. Why?

    1. vTxrse
      16 August 2020 03:24
      change d'injecteur

  20. lorik1337
    15 August 2020 12:08
    no its not v3 u fucking troglodytes just look at the pic

  21. externalextender
    15 August 2020 05:26
    there is no maybe about it you will be banned if you use this cheat on vac official

  22. gettopatkany
    14 August 2020 10:49
    use extreme injector and working !

  23. Dharmeshdez10
    14 August 2020 07:25
    this is better than otc in some things.

  24. Cagriselki
    Real Cheater
    14 August 2020 06:47
    i no give nadoclient invite

  25. gabyborrexd
    14 August 2020 00:57
    Does it work like OTC?

    1. NotThatNico
      14 August 2020 11:01
      yea it is, and also if you ever had otc with your configs you will have them there like me

  26. sezo1d
    Real Cheater
    14 August 2020 00:52
    does it have updated resolver or skinchanger ?

    1. Scrubbybtw
      Real Cheater
      14 August 2020 15:35
      It has little changes but I think the resolver is the same. Skinchanger is the same as well

  27. duckmotor3
    14 August 2020 00:25
    NADOCLIENT invite pls

  28. Kompan
    14 August 2020 00:13
    Hur fixar man textur buggen =

  29. vincenty47
    Real Cheater
    13 August 2020 22:55
    This is not v3 you nerds

  30. giurasiu123
    13 August 2020 22:27
    guys stop saying its otc v3, its just an otc with addon 

    1. rami sbi
      13 August 2020 23:08
      it has a very good lag on peek and dtap is insane in this version the resolver is the same i think