GOESP (Windows, Linux)

  • Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.07.22
  • Current version: July 27, 2022

A simple free GOESP cheat on CS:GO. This hack is exclusively for the Amateur, because there is only one main function - ESP. The ESP (WH) function will make your enemies visible behind the textures on the map, which will give you a great advantage in contrast to your opponents, because you will know the location of the players in advance and be ready. The hack is controlled through a convenient menu where you can edit and customize the ESP for yourself, choose the right colors or enable additional features to indicate the health of your enemy, what his weapons, what distance to him and much more. In General, download and run this hack for free. In the archive you can find two versions of the hack, this is a ready-made cheat in the format .exe that you only need to run or a file in the format .DLL to run which will require any working injector.

The Best Free ESP for CSGO 2023

GOESP free cheat CSGO

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Is the ESP visible on recording?

Nope, but you have to uncheck 'Capture external overlays' option in your recording software.

Free Download GOESP (Windows, Linux)

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Comments: 299 Views: 477 565


  1. data212
    6 September 2020 06:55
    i get VAC banned too in my main acc LOL rip cs go to me ! :D

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      8 September 2020 18:07
      you play so many hours

  2. Melinko
    5 September 2020 12:27
    I got banned D:
    and i played normal

  3. debaralover99
    Real Cheater
    debaralover99 · -matz#5969
    5 September 2020 08:29
    best cheat hacks csgo

  4. AkidHunter
    5 September 2020 00:11
    cant extract file wth

  5. debaralover99
    Real Cheater
    debaralover99 · -matz#5969
    3 September 2020 06:36
    best cheat hacks csgo

  6. tokiyo71
    2 September 2020 10:44
    how to use

    1. Saucylemon
      2 September 2020 10:53
      if you don't know, don't try

  7. amirarsalan28
    30 August 2020 16:50
    how to instal the cheate ?

    1. Saucylemon
      2 September 2020 10:48
      if you need to know that, you shouldn't be here

      1. berkectd
        3 September 2020 19:42
        stfu you fuckin loser, anyone can learn. you retarded

    2. Willu356
      4 September 2020 16:29

  8. data212
    30 August 2020 06:48
    update plis... i dont wana get vac ban...

  9. emilixn
    29 August 2020 22:06

  10. Jamshid959
    Real Cheater
    29 August 2020 15:42
    can devloper add how much hp shower program in this hack?

  11. sjfkafdbhjg
    29 August 2020 01:43
    contraseña: 123

  12. petro2232423424324243243243234
    28 August 2020 23:50

    1. amrosein
      29 August 2020 00:46
      ctrl+F --> search word "Password" --> WINRAR PASSWORD: 123

    2. debaralover99
      Real Cheater
      debaralover99 · -matz#5969
      5 September 2020 08:46
      Password 123

  13. ahaaha
    27 August 2020 14:49
    i need injector?

    1. Pedram98
      27 August 2020 14:58
      yes of cource

  14. data212
    27 August 2020 05:50
    update plis! i dont wan get vac ban!

  15. hirashi
    26 August 2020 17:45
    Whenever I inject a cheat, I can't press anything on the Cs:Go lobby, does anyone know a solution ?

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      26 August 2020 18:20
      inject in the game and it is outdate.wait for update and download again and just try;)))

  16. leo_10
    26 August 2020 11:37
    does it works in sostronk ?

  17. Jamshid959
    Real Cheater
    25 August 2020 18:23
    update it please . i don`t want get vac.

  18. data212
    25 August 2020 03:59
    Outdated! plis actualize it!

  19. i dont have username
    Real Cheater
    24 August 2020 18:51
    normal cheat but you can get vac when you play to many hours with this cheat laughing 

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      25 August 2020 10:02
      yes.It is my favorite cheat in cs go.

  20. dinsler7
    24 August 2020 10:42
    umm, this cheat is pretty good in legit, but most all the time i recommend playing lowkey when using wh because when your report count exceeds the limit. the vacnet you will send ur demo in OW eventually get a OW Ban but overall the cheat is pretty dope.

    VAC Status: Undetected

    Status: Excellent
    Cheat Score: 9.5/10
    Menu Score: 8.5/10

    CONS: This cheat is Pasted.

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      24 August 2020 13:09
      my rank is legendary eagle and i have been use it araund 3 month

    2. Freddy1417
      26 August 2020 07:40
      if u think its a osiris paste its not it was made by the same dev dumbass

  21. Jamshid959
    Real Cheater
    24 August 2020 08:56
    PLease update.it is working.update for more safity

  22. refa
    23 August 2020 18:07
    still safe to use?

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      24 August 2020 08:13
      i still use on my main acc

      1. h6xa
        Real Cheater
        h6xa · h6xa#6666
        24 August 2020 09:23
        i think esp is obv

      2. pruteu
        25 August 2020 18:25

  23. yann0
    22 August 2020 17:10
    anti obs not working too bad i did  uncheck 'Capture external overlays 

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      23 August 2020 12:39
      yes can devolopers fix it for stream and videos?

  24. ZaserBBX
    19 August 2020 23:08
    Okay so when i try to inject any cheat and i press fn and insert the cheat dosnt even load up any clue whats happening to me

    1. Pedram98
      20 August 2020 18:29
      That's because for your injector. use SAZ Injector and please rate up my comment

    2. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      21 August 2020 13:59
      use cheater.fun injector , it is so good

  25. pera035
    18 August 2020 12:26
    How to activate jhack thats inposible

    1. Pedram98
      20 August 2020 19:11
      Just download SAZ Injector.
      Then download cheat.
      Open csgo and injector.
      Inject the cheat file on csgo.
      Please rate up my comment

  26. BMUC
    18 August 2020 03:32
    Whats download password?

    1. Axorb
      18 August 2020 04:08
      nigga u blind its 123

    2. Pedram98
      20 August 2020 18:38
      Password is 123
      rate up my comment please

  27. sensei_bou
    17 August 2020 14:54
    Hi guys , with an injector and since the update in CSGO it's dosen't works ..
    Can you help me ?

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      19 August 2020 18:36
      bro you can use cheater.fun injector. you can find it in this site

    2. Pedram98
      20 August 2020 19:16
      Use SAZ Injector for new csgo update

      And Please rate up my comment

  28. svetlomir
    15 August 2020 19:38
    how to active it

  29. Phoenix_Cheats
    14 August 2020 00:38
    when I press "INSERT" nothing happens

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      16 August 2020 14:54
      use cheater.fun injector

  30. ff_hvh
    Real Cheater
    13 August 2020 05:33
    pls add skin changer :)

    1. Jamshid959
      Real Cheater
      13 August 2020 13:34
      NO.I am using cheat on my main accs

    2. debaralover99
      Real Cheater
      debaralover99 · -matz#5969
      18 September 2020 11:17
      use osiris if u want skin changer

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.