PPHUD Rage, Legit, Skins, Configs

  • Developer: Ozelotick
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.06.22
  • Current version: June 27, 2022
pphud csgo
Every day you ask us to put some sort of free powerful, and most importantly a working hvh cheat on CS:GO for a new update of the game Danger Zone. We have heard you and are ready to provide you with the most popular today HVH cheat PPHUD, which is very popular in the Russian-speaking community. It is appreciated and loved for its simplicity and convenience. This hack you can configure for aggressive games, and for the invisible.

The functionality of this hack pleases, because this hack contains all the necessary functions for playing CS:GO. You will be able to easily run powerful and aggressive RageBot, configure the visuals with the function of ESP and can see enemies behind walls. You can also enable SkinChanger and change visually any skin of your weapon. Download, you will not regret!


1. Download the archive and unzip the contents into any folder

2. Run and select what you need in the Lauder.

3. Done!

Update June 27, 2022:

- Updates for game updates

PPHUD Configs:

The folder with the configs is in the archive with the cheat

Free Download PPHUD Rage, Legit, Skins, Configs

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2 554 comments

  1. Paker13
    1 April 2019 17:59
    Very good for legit. Bad for rage/hvh.

  2. Florin232344
    1 April 2019 17:14
    where i put the cfgs?

  3. ionutemil12345
    1 April 2019 16:09
    Guys why pphud IT wont work anymore any one knows 

  4. LeijjuvaLerssi
    1 April 2019 15:19
    not working

    1 April 2019 13:26
    ling borken dude.

  6. perdun3388
    1 April 2019 12:51
    How to run?insert?

  7. chumberoloco1
    Real Cheater
    1 April 2019 09:53
    So... what's new?

    Hey bro, i love all the new stuff but, the skins are a bit buggie, all colors are green, plis check it out, thanks

    1. Xdan
      1 April 2019 12:40
      how to run this ?

    2. comk47
      1 April 2019 13:41
      I've had this problem with pphud before, you need to remove -d3dn9x or something like that from your launch options if you've put it there before.

  8. ilowehack
    31 March 2019 20:00
    best injector is VEILED INJECTOR but you need know pass and user name
    pass is 0x23 and user Veiled

    1. codin112
      1 April 2019 01:50
      do you have any link for down?

    2. Xdan
      1 April 2019 12:40
      how to run it ?

      1. JasDast98
        8 April 2019 15:54
        you need a DLL injector BRO

  9. ionutemil12345
    31 March 2019 17:48
    why it dosen't work ?

  10. CezarTUmurug
    31 March 2019 14:18
    how install?

  11. LeijjuvaLerssi
    31 March 2019 14:04
    Disconnected by VAC: You cannot play on secure serversModifying game files and/or in-game textures may cause this error.
     Please remove any custom textures, skin changers, or software that modifies game files and restart your computer. We also recommend verifying your game files after making these changes.

    1. Ivann700
      31 March 2019 21:43
      Skinchanger == off.

  12. DeadFox
    31 March 2019 11:39
    i think the best legit cheat but can you add radar pls

  13. Kakkaapuussa33
    30 March 2019 22:57
    What injector should i use?

    1. puskysisloxas
      30 March 2019 22:58
      procces hacker

  14. saorma44
    30 March 2019 21:16
    is this detected? 
    i played with it for a few months and I did not get any vac, is it now detected? 

  15. MixHalZX
    30 March 2019 18:31
    fack its the best just dont play detected idiots xdddd

  16. PredaSmek123
    30 March 2019 18:27
    I'm injecting with csgoinjector.exe but when I go into cs pphud is not injected ie does not appear

  17. veliansquared42
    30 March 2019 15:59
    guys can you help me. what do you do with the cfg?

  18. Rikyy
    30 March 2019 15:26
    It isn't undetected duuud

    1. motzix
      30 March 2019 18:18
      it is. i have been using it for 4 days and played more than 10 competitive matches, and guess what, still not ban. i even recommand this cheat because it has a really good legit bot.

      1. moussairane
        31 March 2019 19:19
        what injector did u use

        1. motzix
          1 April 2019 19:59
          Strix Injector.
          want it? add me on discord: MotziX#7221

  19. crystalgame
    30 March 2019 14:57
    someone got vac ban?

  20. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    30 March 2019 01:22
    absolute trash dont download its useless downlod ferrum its better even the wanheda.pro better than this

    1. Corsair
      Real Cheater
      30 March 2019 06:12
      It's ok as a hvh, I can tap a few paid cheats. Its mostly the cfg settings.

  21. MemezKiller
    30 March 2019 00:03
    yo why you can't open the menu?

  22. duderekkit106
    29 March 2019 18:41
    why do some cheats need font to work

  23. PlayerChorao
    29 March 2019 02:49
    How i active the cheat?

    1. motzix
      30 March 2019 18:19
      open injector
      write the dll file name in-injector
      press inject
      then go to game and press insert, and it should work :)

  24. 3verything
    28 March 2019 21:46
    how to fix that thing when you press insert and cheat menu is invisible? 

    1. Gh0st38
      29 March 2019 18:51
      i have that problem too

  25. ThomasIvan
    28 March 2019 17:14
    como lo instalo y como abro el menu?

  26. haiko
    27 March 2019 20:07
    how can i install this ?

  27. Klx.
    27 March 2019 13:55
    Hey guys im new to cheating all tutorials show how to install but they have injector and i downloaded this file there's no injector only conf_head.ini conf_other.ini font.ttf pphud.free.dll and pphud.free.pt.dll how to install cheat?

    1. Edi14
      27 March 2019 15:51
      Install Process Hacker, and then look on youtube how to inject a cheat with it

    2. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      27 March 2019 17:16
      you need to istall the font and inject pphud.free.dll

    3. Emil100100
      27 March 2019 21:15
      add my twitter @Vennyyo_ and i tell you

    4. motzix
      30 March 2019 18:20
      you need an injector to open it. u can add me in discord so i can help you easily.

  28. Wagon
    27 March 2019 11:10
    All this cheat needs is Radar and Backtracking.

    1. chumberoloco1
      Real Cheater
      1 April 2019 09:55
      Actually the new stuff provides a radar hack bro

  29. Walker_101
    Real Cheater
    27 March 2019 04:35
    Nice Cheat.

  30. FrozenAnime
    27 March 2019 00:45
    Hey was it yesterday detected? i used for 30s now and didnt see new update do i get vac bann?