Roulette Hack GTA V Online [v1.59]

  • Developer: fcw, fix by ronaldinho62
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.05.22
  • Current version: 1.59

An excellent casino roulette cheat script for the game GTA V Online with which you can adjust the number of your bets and the number of your points, thereby you will constantly win and earn in the game GTA 5 Online simply and quickly! At the moment, this is the safest way to earn money in the game GTA V Online for which you will not get a ban and will not arouse suspicion from the developers.

Roulette Hack GTA V Online [v1.57]

Free Roulette Hack GTA 5 Online

To use it:

1. it requires cheat engine

2. Launch gta5ol, go to casino and find the roulette get start it

3. (example) First, set the point to sixteen and lock it. second, betting ten of your bets to the red sixteen. in final, change your bets amount in cheat engine to number "55555"(maximum value) after you saw you bet actually reduce from you account, and it's done;

each time you take a bet, you'll get about 1999980$ in the Roulette. it require some speed to edit yout bets manully , so you could set hotkey to make it easiler, or game speed

Read before using it:

1. Due to the table was created based on EGS, which mean it not work for the steam store

2. Basic Rule: win twice and lose once

3. Use the roulette in invite only session for yourself. and If the roulette was occupied by npc player, Please return to story mode and relogin to online mode


Update v1.59

Updated and added Steam version support for this table. Works with all launcher versions (Social Club/Epic/Steam)

Free Download Roulette Hack GTA V Online [v1.59]

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  1. popolodor
    27 July 2022 14:23

    how can i change the value

  2. Giannakis
    7 May 2022 17:57

    Update the video tutorial !!!

  3. epicboysaid
    29 August 2021 01:54

    It's fixed, there are just question marks on the bidding place, you can still choose which number it will land on but you won't be able to earn 2mil like before.

  4. Valhelm
    4 August 2021 22:21

    Rockstar fixed it :)  the tabel is full of people, soo i'm open for suggestion

    1. dodgehackss
      6 August 2021 03:02

    2 August 2021 17:59

    Do note that it states that it was made on the Epic Games Servers And NOT STEAM SERVERS. This means if you use the steam edition, its possible it wont work at all.


  6. hsantantan
    26 July 2021 23:25

    do u guys know that this is just cheater engine XDDD

    this is not a real cheat its just a old cheat that ull get banned after like 2 days 

    1. XChillXisMad
      XChillXisMad · TheNewChillAgain#6466
      27 July 2021 14:54

      bruh I remember when I sold like 10 cars for 10 million and Im still here after 9 months of playing, and I sold them using with cheat engine

    2. nhla1771
      27 July 2021 18:25
      LMAO before tuner update i have been cheating cayo perico bag limit with cheat engine still have not banned yet.. cheat engine does not mean not safe lmao

    3. rayenhdr
      30 July 2021 02:43
      same here im using cheat engine for long and didnt get banned yet

    4. Crentzu
      Real Cheater
      12 October 2021 22:48
      yes its a real cheat, this is why its called "*cheat* engine" its a engine to make cheats easier, and no, i made 2 billion selling 1 car on online on my epic games account and never got banned so shut up.

  7. XChillXisMad
    XChillXisMad · TheNewChillAgain#6466
    26 July 2021 19:23
    Quote: colinskighg

    It works but the "55555" doesnt :l

    55555 works for me, are you sure you are only betting 1 time and in the same table as the video?

  8. colinskighg
    26 July 2021 18:00

    It works but the "55555" doesnt :l

  9. KajusSZEF
    26 July 2021 17:36

    it works but how many time is roulette cooldown


  10. XChillXisMad
    XChillXisMad · TheNewChillAgain#6466
    26 July 2021 15:11

    Idk about the comment section, But this worked for me 

    1. urdead69
      26 July 2021 15:14
      yeah same this fucking 12yo need sum brain to do it

  11. epicboysaid
    25 July 2021 21:46

    Does not even work


  12. omariscute
    25 July 2021 09:35

    i cant seem to get it to work as one of the point options has 2 question marks


    1. Valhelm
      25 July 2021 13:55
      yep, same here

    2. Muscles3773
      25 July 2021 17:15
      same here, sometimes it works to point sixteen but the bet option is full off question marks

    3. rayenhdr
      25 July 2021 19:04
      same problem

    4. GGMonster
      25 July 2021 21:50
      Same too.. can't figure out how to solve it