Cayo Perico Cheat Table [v1.57]

  • Developer: GassyNull
  • Status:
  • Updated: 24.09.21
  • Current version: v2.9 for GTA v1.57

A new working cheat without a ban for GTA V Online Cayo Perico you can download from our website. Do you want to use more game features during the Cayo Perico Heist in GTA 5 Online? Use this cheat table and you can easily dominate the game, surprise your friends and other players completely free and legally.


Cheat table based on Cheat Engine includes a large number of functions in its functionality, from the simplest to the functions thanks to which you can dominate the game on other players. For example, there is a God mode, maximum health, fast running, teleport, server management, management of other players and much more.

Below you can read all the instructions, manuals, etc. everyone can Run this hack, the main thing is to follow the instructions and recommendations for use.

How to use:

  1. You need to install Cheat Engine.
  2. Open GTA 5 first.
  3. Open Cheat Engine.
  4. Load CayoPericoCT UPDATE 1.57.ct -- or just open the file.
  5. Tick 'Activate Table' -- Cheat Engine will automatically attach to GTA5.exe process.
  6. Have fun!


- Numpad plus (+) : Teleport to Waypoint

- Numpad dot (.) : Teleport to Objective

- Numpad minus (-) : Toggle Godmode

(You can change this and set other hotkey by right-clicking in Cheat Engine!)

New Version:

Free Download Cayo Perico Cheat Table [v1.57]

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Comments: 75 Views: 60 256


  1. panda10
    13 March 2021 00:54
    tnq bro ,working 
    i have problem in my cheat engine
    cheat engine reinstall now working

  2. PauliusJ
    PauliusJ · P̶a̶u̶l̶i̶u̶s̶#7466
    11 March 2021 22:01
    working for me fine

    1. BiG_TYLER
      26 March 2021 01:20
      Have it money?

  3. panda10
    7 March 2021 11:05
    please fix it

  4. panda10
    6 March 2021 09:45
    cheat not working bro sob 

  5. SebTheFool
    9 February 2021 02:14
    the link isnt working 

  6. ElLeshuga
    8 February 2021 13:32
    Thanks so much.😍🥰

  7. toxikeliss
    8 February 2021 09:06
    Working chheating 2 days no ban

  8. illuminati
    illuminati · illuminati#0272
    27 January 2021 11:02
    this is kinda sus if you ask me, I won't risk my whole account.

    1. VeGa E smek
      9 February 2021 14:33
      yea, it is sus. Like you can get onother hack. But this is bullshit...

    24 January 2021 09:16
    please put ivritex menu new version

  10. Woah Dudes and dudettes
    19 January 2021 20:06
    the fact a multi-billionare company, gets bypassed. by something used universally, is amazing.

    1. bigchonker
      19 January 2021 20:30
      its rockstar my dude why should they care they still get players

  11. BogdanMario11
    11 January 2021 01:29
    is this for online mode too?

    1. geniusmute
      19 January 2021 18:36
      history mode doesnt have bunkers

      1. valenca05
        Real Cheater
        6 June 2021 17:44

  12. Nightmareeee
    Real Cheater
    1 January 2021 15:38
    Cheat engine is littarly nearly in all games in detected including gta v, counter strike, fortnite, rainbow six siege,Rust, Fall guys etc..

    1. AstroK
      4 January 2021 22:13
      While this is applicable to most scenarios, there are a few areas where Cheat Engine isn't detected in GTAV. One of these include editing the sell value of a car to sell it for 1 billion. I tested this on an alt a while back and I'm still not banned months later.

      1. Nightmareeee
        Real Cheater
        7 January 2021 18:22
        okay thank you for the information cause in most of the games cheat engine is detected that's why i tought that this cheat is deatected aswell.

      2. Sergiu6
        11 January 2021 02:39
        can u help me do it too?

    2. dudew
      Real Cheater
      8 January 2021 23:59
      this is for offline mode ..

  13. PauliusJ
    PauliusJ · P̶a̶u̶l̶i̶u̶s̶#7466
    31 December 2020 10:32
    whose address will give ?

  14. Captain_PPMan
    29 December 2020 00:11
    Where is activate table button?

  15. dark_tlx
    Real Cheater
    28 December 2020 18:15
    I personally did not use this cheat, but I suggest you do not use it because the cheat engine cheats are not complete and in my opinion cheat engine cheats have a high risk.🙄🙄

  16. jepiooollllllllliiill
    28 December 2020 17:13
    is undetect no get ban???

  17. MihaiB
    28 December 2020 12:17
    works on 28 dec? 

    1. KATE
      KATE · Brother#4367
      28 December 2020 15:43
      Yes it works in GTA V at the moment

  18. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    27 December 2020 22:02
    anyone used this already??

    1. GGgamer2
      28 December 2020 10:34
      Yep :) it's really awesome

    2. Nightmareeee
      Real Cheater
      1 January 2021 15:37
      i did I used it for like 2 days and already got banned dont use it.

      1. dudew
        Real Cheater
        8 January 2021 23:59
        this is for offline mode ..

  19. Alp Kayra
    Alp Kayra · s1t❤#4579
    27 December 2020 21:02
    actually for this heist?

  20. Nightmareeee
    Real Cheater
    27 December 2020 18:18
    ello senior how you doing man

  21. Mp.Online
    Real Cheater
    Mp.Online · Mp.Online#3720
    27 December 2020 17:49
    hello +++++++++++