RAMLite - Free Pubg Lite Cheat

  • Developer: NFK
  • Status:
  • Updated: 24.04.21
  • Current version: FREE

Due to the fact that the game will soon be closed, the developer of the RAMLite private hack decided to share his hack with everyone completely free of charge. This is a great cheat with excellent functionality. You just need to download this cheat and enjoy the latest game days in the game.

Aimbot, ESP Player, LOOT ESP, Configs, Other (No Recoil, Super Jump, SpeedHack, etc.)

Starting instructions:

  1. REBOOT your PC.
  2. Create a folder on your desktop and unzip the program into it.
  3. Run the RAMLite.exe file as administrator.
  4. In the "Enter key" field, enter any value
  5. Wait until the cheat is fully loaded, namely the inscription "Waiting game ...".
  6. Start the game.
  7. When the game starts, the software menu will appear automatically. If this does not happen, then check that your game is in windowed mode, or in borderless mode.

  • Status :: Undetected
  • Game Version :: Garena/Official launcher;
  • Supported OS :: Windows 10 from ver 1803-20h2;
  • Supported game mode:: No borders / Windowed;
  • Supported processors :: Intel, AMD;

Free Download RAMLite - Free Pubg Lite Cheat

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Comments: 42 Views: 32 188


  1. nhombek09
    28 March 2022 21:53

    where key?

  2. spynest
    8 March 2022 04:51

    fast shit

    insert is the simple key

    pubg sucks 

    is dead

    like tf2

  3. kingvivi
    26 January 2022 20:17

    not work

  4. Zyrxan
    Zyrxan · zyrxan#3724
    16 January 2022 22:41

    rip pubg lite 

  5. asdf11
    30 December 2021 05:24

    PUBG Lite biggest game.

  6. chelseanet22
    17 August 2021 07:52

    key?  not key

  7. randomdude69
    4 August 2021 19:49

    wait I thought PUBG LITE is shutdown?

    1. itslukutis
      22 August 2021 19:50
      yes it is shutdown

  8. ZOLAX
    8 July 2021 01:26

    it says to me key expired when i press anything like 123


  9. QQUU21
    12 May 2021 21:43

    amm pubg lite is not online 

  10. chaojibai92
    3 May 2021 15:52

    finally pubg lite is closed no more hacker now xD

    i wait his server closed so long time

    1. drakomon
      10 May 2021 12:04
      fuck you.
      pubg lite maybe he were got a lot of cheaters but it was still really great game.

      1. CheatNeko
        27 May 2021 08:43
        shut up ,son of bitch.pubg lite is trash .

        1. TOKIOjac refine 2020
          5 June 2021 23:13
          ciera< el culo idio.ta

        2. pavlosik
          9 July 2021 16:18
          yes all pubg games are trash xdd

  11. midhat235
    28 April 2021 18:34

    I'm banned because of this chet.



    1. michal1377
      4 July 2021 12:32
      wtf did you think is going to happen when you fucking cheat

  12. Matejezz
    28 April 2021 14:17

    thank you developer


  13. harry22
    27 April 2021 16:48

    thankyou cheat

  14. trigago
    Real Cheater
    27 April 2021 13:01

    Developer deleted my comment. It's a malware that deletes your antivirus. Do not download

  15. Kuznja98
    27 April 2021 12:39

    Thank you Devekoper


    1. UrtaresOS
      Real Cheater
      13 December 2021 17:51
      Devekoper devekoper futututututu

  16. Kuznja98
    26 April 2021 23:37




  17. jaiyenjaiyen01
    26 April 2021 12:00

    where the key  pls give key for me pls 

    1. limerain1
      Real Cheater
      26 April 2021 15:52
      Just type anything you want for they key

    2. H4yyroll
      26 April 2021 17:24
      type anything like 0

  18. H4yyroll
    26 April 2021 05:00
    the aim bot is the worst 

  19. Vardinio
    26 April 2021 00:24
    The Game Is Already Dead And it Will Be Closed ? Is There Anyone Still Playing it ?

  20. trigago
    Real Cheater
    25 April 2021 22:43
    https://i.imgur.com/C8RXtlT.png Look what I removed. You can read it yourself and know what it does

  21. katakijo
    24 April 2021 22:18
    Thank You Developer...

    1. katakijo
      24 April 2021 22:39
      1. Turn off any anti virus.
      2. Run the RAMLite.exe file as administrator.
      3. In the "Enter key" field, enter any value.
      4. Wait until the cheat is fully loaded.
      5. When text = "Waiting game ..." , open Pubg Louncher
      6. Login
      7. Star Match
      8. On the Macth, klik "Insert" to hide and reveal setting menu.

      This works for stupid cheaters and noobs.

  22. d34thdelaer
    24 April 2021 19:03
    Anyone can confirm this RAMlite cheat works?

    1. limerain1
      Real Cheater
      24 April 2021 19:11
      I just tried it and it worked. But i only used ESP functions and nothing else, however, i can't find a way to hide the menu when playing.

      1. kecske120215
        24 April 2021 20:14
        the insert hide the menu

        1. limerain1
          Real Cheater
          24 April 2021 20:53
          Thanks a lot 😁

    2. katakijo
      24 April 2021 22:41
      1. Turn off any anti virus.
      2. Run the RAMLite.exe file as administrator.
      3. In the "Enter key" field, enter any value.
      4. Wait until the cheat is fully loaded.
      5. When text = "Waiting game ..." , open Pubg Louncher
      6. Login
      7. Star Match
      8. On the Macth, klik "Insert" to hide and reveal setting menu.

      This works for stupid cheaters and noobs.

      1. TFisTHAT10qp
        16 May 2021 09:44
        yeah just like you lol

  23. Bradi
    24 April 2021 17:53
    i cant enter the game anymore 

  24. limerain1
    Real Cheater
    24 April 2021 15:48
    Can anyone confirm if it works? 

      27 April 2021 13:53
      it works ESP and all

  25. Javohir0630
    24 April 2021 15:35
    taqiq: yig'lab: 

    why bansobsob: 

  26. yescheats_V.2
    Real Cheater
    yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
    24 April 2021 14:44
    really good

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3