ProjectMiku - PUBG Mobile Bypass LDPlayer

  • Developer: mikunakano
  • Status:
  • Updated: 17.11.20
  • Current version: 18/11/2020

With this Bypass on PUBG Mobile (LDPlayer), you can run any working cheat and you will not be kicked out of the game. A great solution for players who want to play PUBG Mobile with their hack without being banned. Complete installation instructions and developer support. There will be an update soon, follow the news on our website.

Status: Tested and Working on LDPlayer
Other Systems are not tested yet.
Works on: PUBG Global Only (I will update other versions if this works fine for everyone)


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Comments: 5 Views: 13 560


  1. OrphanCrippler
    20 November 2020 00:47
    Banned immediately after I killed someone in game... Worked fine til then tho

  2. theanh1090
    19 November 2020 13:00
    Outdated. Ban 10 year

  3. odadingnoob
    18 November 2020 05:30
    tutorial please....

  4. OrphanCrippler
    18 November 2020 00:19
    Idk man didn't work for me.. Batch file close immediately after I open it

    1. DioXedo
      18 November 2020 12:31
      if your batch file close immediately,you can install termux on play store and read the tutorial other system.