PUBG Mobile Hack by mikunakano - ESP, TriggerBot, Bullet Tracking

  • Developer: mikunakano
  • Status:
  • Updated: 17.07.21
  • Current version: 17/07/2021

I share with the community this free hack on the popular mobile game PUBG. This is a universal cheat with many features and excellent characteristics. For example, you can run it on your computer, see players through any textures on the map, shoot exactly without any restrictions.

The developer supports the cheat on an ongoing basis and if bugs are found, they will be fixed in the next updates. Follow the instructions and you will be able to use this cheat in PUBG Mobile game easily and safely.


  • Customable ESPs
  • Bullet Tracking
  • TriggerBot

Before you use:

  • Make sure your emulator has root access
  • Make sure USB Debugging is turned on in the emulator
  • Use latest version of emulator for better experience


  1. Start your emulator (LDPlayer/MEmu/BlueStacks)
  2. Open "Daemon" folder and run Start-EmulatorName.bat (you choice!)
  3. Open PUBGM and wait until you are in lobby
  4. Open the Hack/PUBGM.exe and Start the Hack!
  5. Enjoy

Free Download PUBG Mobile Hack by mikunakano - ESP, TriggerBot, Bullet Tracking

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Comments: 26 Views: 34 732


  1. anilvia
    12 September 2021 08:30
    Работает только на memu, данный эмулятор каждую минуту фризит на секунд 5 10, говно лютое

  2. JakeEpps
    Real Cheater
    31 August 2021 21:03
    Don't work LD

  3. GooseBoiHasKnife
    Real Cheater
    28 August 2021 22:34

    It can't detect bluestacks being open. Please update

  4. jerejohannes
    22 August 2021 18:42

    working on ios??


    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      28 August 2021 22:19
      You idiot it says for emulator

      1. amir2013dalia
        30 August 2021 15:25

    15 August 2021 03:03

    wrong password ???

  6. osiris1014
    9 August 2021 15:12

    Theres no triggerbot, bullet tracking doesnt work ;/


  7. Jucatorrr
    9 August 2021 01:26


    Not really bad for pubgm

  8. jack_wettin
    18 July 2021 15:42

    Dont work on LDplayer, work on memu but memu so shit, not playable 144p quality and 5 fps

  9. lovebloch
    31 May 2021 20:19

    this is not work on gameloop?

  10. KantutanIsLife
    16 May 2021 10:07

    This does not work even if you have bluestacks

    1. daniel84950
      17 May 2021 20:59
      that's true

  11. zeby
    9 May 2021 20:53

    is it working on gameloop ?


  12. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    6 May 2021 20:01

    Pls fix download link not working


  13. peter000f
    6 May 2021 05:20

    Hello I am using LDPlayer but the matchmake is very slow now is there a way to bypass it detects me as a emulator user so I can matchmake faster?

    1. Adonis_Val
      22 May 2021 10:31
      you can use bypass software, software distributed and supported by wedsite Vietnam. they accept payment via paypal so you can rest assured

      đây là link

      they have a hack too i recommend you to try vnhax gamloop ver 1 . it's a good hack you buy time to use the hack and when you activate it, the time will be deducted

  14. jeasus1
    1 May 2021 12:35

    no game loop = trash

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      28 June 2021 06:40
      game loop is trash lmao its literally made by tencent dude they can easily detect it so you're just playing with other pc players

  15. Radex123
    30 April 2021 21:14

    hello, work in gameloop ?

  16. alknavsr
    29 April 2021 20:26

    adb.exe device offline why ?

  17. huiyenlanlong
    29 April 2021 14:15

    Am getting this error "Disconnected from daemon! Please run daemon! and start the hack again! HELP ME OUT.

  18. Tedodo
    29 April 2021 07:30

    That's ridiculous! There is a file inside it called abd which cannot be deleted!
    I think he hacked me, not the game!

    1. soumajit das
      29 April 2021 07:42
      any backdoor can be deleted it only can be deleted by stopping the process from task manager stop that shit and delete that file and you are good to go and the developer should clear why is happening that i want his explanation

    2. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      28 June 2021 06:40
      It cant be deleted because the hack is still running you idiot

New Comments
SinoisSilence SinoisSilence

the maker decided to make a premium version after having everything free for everyone. got greedy. shame really

PlayerXY PlayerXY

Where is this offsets.json, it is in the csgo files? I didnt find it

sogasn13 sogasn13

Does everyone open the cheat page on GitHub? I try to open it and it says that it was not found or that such a page does not exist. 😐