Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

  • Developer: TheCruZ & Cazzaaaaa
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.02.21
  • Current version: v2.1 (Season 8)
The new updated cheat for Apex Legends is available for free download from our website. Thank you to the developer TheCruZ for this opportunity. Want to play and win beautiful rounds? Use this free cheat on Apex Legends Direct EFI Aimbot and GlowESP with which you will be able to accurately shoot at your opponents in the game, and you will also be able to see players through the textures on the map, they will be highlighted in red and thus you will be able to see them through walls or any other structures. There is a chance to get banned for this cheat, so be careful and use various crawls for Apex Legends. Launching and using this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will succeed!

Compatible with: Steam (Origin unknown)

How to use:
1. Put the files from "put on usb" onto a usb drive
2. Restart PC open Boot Manager, Select EUFI USB.
3. A menu should display, type fs0: press enter then load memory.efi press enter then exit
4. If memory.efi is not found try fs1: fs2: etc instead of fs0:
5. If successfully loaded and you get blue screen load up windows
6. Open notepad.exe as Admin then drag new.dll onto INJ.exe once it says waiting for apex launch game. You will see the menu once u load into lobby


REQUIREMENT TO USE: If anyone get banned please tell us if you was using any other app/script/spoofer and your avg stats (play killing everymatch 25 players with 5k+ dmg = ban)

Fix aim prediction
aim key:F12
Aim Bone:head

v2.1 Changelog (More coming soon & will upload later):
- 2x Custom aim key selectors added
- Aim at team toggle added
- Vis check toggle added
- Aim switcher toggle will now switch between the custom key 1 and custom key 2 instead of LMB & RMB
- Previously removed spectator options are now back just before you select aim key. 

For v2.1 use this as a reference as what to input for the aim keys https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Input the 0x01 instead of VK_LBUTTON etc

Free Download Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

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Comments: 699 Views: 118 578


  1. sanjay4512
    19 May 2021 17:18
    Quote: YGG
    Yii Gee Gee#2027

    my one is asking for process name

  2. shengchung
    30 April 2021 19:35
    Quote: a1124686157
    我已经测试了这个黑客与 3 个帐户!2 上禁令,等待更新!

    你可以告诉我怎么删除吗? EFI 我现在不能玩apex一玩apex直接封号 没有开外挂

  3. amiratr
    29 March 2021 17:25


  4. aleksis222
    10 March 2021 02:08
    I am updated 10.03.2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      https://anonym.ninja/download/XJBLYHSiCo97adk

    1. Krrrecik123
      10 March 2021 13:58
      Can u give link to update details?

    2. jokueeppinen
      11 March 2021 03:00
      can u help me how to use this hack

  5. Krrrecik123
    5 March 2021 13:32
    Using only esp: ban after 2 hours of gameplay
    Using aimbot: insta ban after 3 headshots xD

  6. shi3aa
    23 February 2021 18:58
    its fully detected u gonna get ban after 1 game please dont try 
    or if u have hwid spoofer make a second accoutn 

  7. fatonmeliqi
    23 February 2021 02:19
    work , but i get ban  , and i was playing legit i have 8 kill and 1.8k damage.... soo dont use xD

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      23 February 2021 17:54
      Probably after that ban, you already get hwid ban lol. Your time has come hahaha

  8. YGG
    21 February 2021 20:58
    i did everything right, but a get only one long beep then the cmd thingy is closed, pls help anyone

    1. thereapor8
      22 February 2021 08:26
      give me your discord tag

      1. YGG
        22 February 2021 12:15
        Yii Gee Gee#2027

        1. thereapor8
          22 February 2021 13:36
          i sent you friend

      2. Mursalin
        Real Cheater
        22 February 2021 19:07
        you guys are not banned yet? I thought its detected

  9. GeorgeLocke
    21 February 2021 07:55
    Update Plz - 21/2/2021

  10. MelagisGG
    Real Cheater
    19 February 2021 11:36
    is it safe for now?

    1. thereapor8
      22 February 2021 08:27
      u can play but u will get banned %100

  11. mercil
    15 February 2021 01:46
    someone help me pls i cant even open the cheat i need only 4k damage and 20kill badge Rainbowkobobobob#6562 discord

  12. muhtadi97
    11 February 2021 07:09

    1. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      11 February 2021 07:43
      lol you are mad cuz you can't cheat anymore, enjoy life without cheating:)

      1. xgunthy
        Real Cheater
        15 February 2021 01:01
        but you are here tho... so don't be a fucking hypocrite my guy.

        1. Mursalin
          Real Cheater
          16 February 2021 12:53
          lol you sure know what i mean. He was very used to using this cheat. So that he becomes a very bad game player, even forgetting how to play legit. I don't even always use this cheat. I don't want my way of playing to be like when I started playing games. hope you understand😁

          maybe you are one of them ??? LOL

    2. dzakir
      17 February 2021 04:11
      Wkkwkwkwk di kira gw doank yg indo hahahah

  13. williamesteban9987
    8 February 2021 01:10
    me están prohibiendo sin usar el truco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. minespoderosa
    7 February 2021 22:45
    umaguem pode me ajudar fui banido apos alguns dias jogando retirei o aimbot e formatei o pc nao uso mais so que todas as contas que uso estao sendo banidas mesmo sem usar o hack e crio a conta e apos 2 ou 3 partidas sou banido alguem sabe oque pode ser isso pois nao uso mais o hack mais mesmo assim sou banido 

    1. PexLegends
      9 February 2021 21:52
      Você é banido por máquina. Sua maquina tem um id que se chama HWID. Tu levou HWID BAN. A unica maneira de desbanir a maquina é se usar HWID Spoofer ou compra uma HWID nova pro PC

  15. arabshahi studio
    7 February 2021 21:34
    does anyone have esp ?

  16. Petrakous
    7 February 2021 20:11
    its been detected.. as soon as i tried to join a match i get banned

  17. abir6191
    7 February 2021 16:41
    100% Detected Right now, got banned after few match played like legit

  18. xgunthy
    Real Cheater
    6 February 2021 20:06
    yea so it might be detected since i tried this on 2 accounts and was banned instant after 2 games. none of my hardware is HWID banned since i spoof before inject. like it says, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

  19. Mursalin
    Real Cheater
    6 February 2021 15:26
    the efi driver is detected

    even if you don't load your cheat, but already load efi driver, you will get insta ban and you'll got email from ea that your account has been banned permanently

    1. GixBlue
      6 February 2021 19:58
      idk how but i still did not get banned

      1. Mursalin
        Real Cheater
        7 February 2021 05:20
        but you will, just dont use this cheat right now. it could be detected and delayed bans

  20. Gustra_bagus1
    6 February 2021 08:09
     terdeteksi bung

  21. botxaviour
    6 February 2021 05:50
    Guys! i know someone from dev side of this cheat! and this is detected dont get your accounts ban even i got hwid ban from dont try this now.
    the EFI is been detected from 2 weeks before the season 8 update and they sent the ban wave yesterday 6pm GMT

    Admin please pin this comment and put the status to detected.

  22. chomap19
    5 February 2021 20:58
    Ban immediately!

    1. sent666
      5 February 2021 21:22
      how to do it show me

  23. sent666
    5 February 2021 19:42
    what notepad.exe and new dll i dont see them

    and it says i need to say process

  24. NussSack
    5 February 2021 14:01
    Can someone make a tutorial how to install i tried it so often but i dont get a blue screen 

  25. a1124686157
    5 February 2021 09:03
    我已经测试了这个黑客与 3 个帐户!2 上禁令,等待更新!

  26. Mursalin
    Real Cheater
    5 February 2021 03:12
    Efi Cheat is now risky to use guys. Cazza has confirmed it. 

    1. muhtadi97
      5 February 2021 08:25
      how can i talk to him?

  27. williamesteban9987
    5 February 2021 01:37

    1. djmosca
      5 February 2021 05:09

  28. sent666
    4 February 2021 21:42
    for me when i type fs0 it doesnt do it

    1. ziko001xXx
      5 February 2021 02:54
      no bro type like that:

      ls (L not I)
      load memory.efi

  29. ziko001xXx
    4 February 2021 19:40
    am tray'it with origine and get banned after 2 games 
    am going to use' It in steam to see 

  30. xgunthy
    Real Cheater
    4 February 2021 18:02
    i just feel like some of ya get banned cause ya blatantly rage and act like you don't know wtf was wrong lol.. been using this for already a month an NEVER got banned. Maybe stop raging and stop fucking acting stupid with it. 

    1. xgunthy
      Real Cheater
      4 February 2021 18:03
      or better yet, use a spoofer if ya got HWID banned. simple ass fix smh

      1. Mursalin
        Real Cheater
        4 February 2021 18:06
        do you have free spoofer?

    2. Mursalin
      Real Cheater
      4 February 2021 18:07
      are you disabling the cheat when someone spectate you?

    3. muhtadi97
      4 February 2021 19:22
      how to use it properly without getting banned?

New Comments
user991 user991

Got it to work by running with directx11 before launching the game. Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Xenos Injector. Use manual launch and select the WuWa.dll image and Client.exe. Press inject. It should say awaiting for the Client-Win64-Shipping.exe process.

2. In the game launcher, select launch with DirectX 11 before launching then press Launch.

ScruffleBear41 ScruffleBear41

so did some testing today; this trainer is no longer active after updates. will not work through Epic or Hoyo. =) fun while it lasted for sure. 

Dorin4321 Dorin4321

I don't think so, i want to play it in fullscreen 4:3 stretched and i cant :/