Apex Legends - CHINAHACK

  • Developer: alhax
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.03.19
  • Current version: v1.9 [05/03/2019]

Another new, free hack on Apex Legends from unknown developers from China. At the moment, the software is tested and the probability of getting a ban is very high, but if you do not mind your personal account or you play exclusively on fan, then this free hack on Apex Legends is created especially for you. The software runs in one click, you do not need to download anything, everything happens through a single program.

This hack contains in its functionality a large number of functions, from the most simple for example Wallhack to view the enemies through the walls and ending with a powerful and ruthless function Aimbot, which you can configure yourself and use with the help of hot functions. Hack in Chinese, but if you do not know this language, it's okay, after a couple of games you will understand what each line in the hack menu means.

ATTENTION! The probability of getting ban is very high, I got it after 2 hours of play.

If you have received a ban, you need to reset HWID using the programhttps://corsair.wtf/topic/38-toolkit-apex-legends-hwidfps-boostminecraft-graphics/

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Comments: 40 Views: 9 084


  1. Ma Eve
    12 March 2019 13:00
    working... just run and first show me failed to load driver and than menu pop up in game... but problems is showing alien language and how to change chinese or english...???? i think that's a font problem...
     here my SS... 

  2. TheChrno
    10 March 2019 01:57
    Good hack for play for fun,change hwid id,open game,close EAC,inject cheat,and play for fun 3/4 hours

  3. FoBLeaH
    7 March 2019 03:00
    didn't really do much other than turn on and none of the features would work.
    But it did get an account on a Ban. after couple of hours.


  4. Joseph95F
    6 March 2019 22:43
    Will you get banned even if you use only wallhack and hitbox?

    1. Eston
      6 March 2019 23:34
      what is the language in , chinese ? or giberrish?

      1. FoBLeaH
        7 March 2019 03:03
        It is in Chinese, if you would like to use it, maybe you can use google translate.

    2. calebcaleb
      6 March 2019 23:40
      you get always ban if you only activate this hack to game...

    3. FoBLeaH
      7 March 2019 03:01
      Yes it will. It did ban my account.

  5. Profilname
    6 March 2019 20:44
    This is the best apex hack

  6. Linjee
    6 March 2019 20:15
    I get banned everytime when Im used this hack

  7. vortex
    6 March 2019 18:15
    Some basic instructions???

    You open it as admin, then what???

    You have to press that button 1st label and then the picture of the girl, click that button again for driver???

    No instructions here at all and in chinese.... = IMPOSSIBLE to guess what to do

  8. vortex
    6 March 2019 18:00

  9. BeforeBurner
    6 March 2019 14:46
    Use google Translate on your Phone and use camera to translate this chinese language

  10. songs2d
    6 March 2019 09:55
    password ???

  11. cheats4free
    6 March 2019 09:00
    Driver load failed :S

    1. Red Dragon
      6 March 2019 15:42
      open it as administrator

      1. vortex
        6 March 2019 18:17
        and then what? what label to select and button to click?. if the picture of girl appears, click that button and then just enter game and press home??? i do it and nothing happens

  12. vonvaughn
    Real Cheater
    6 March 2019 07:22

  13. rodrigoa1997
    6 March 2019 01:36
    El hack funciona, pero me banearon a los 5 minutos de usarlo (Solo utilice el WH) 

    1. vortex
      6 March 2019 18:03
      cómo se usa??? lo abro como admin y eso no hace nada

      1. rodrigoa1997
        7 March 2019 01:42
        Si amigo, tenes que abrir el apex y despues abrir el hack como administrador, la primera vez que lo use por algun motivo a los 5 min me baneo despues me cree 2 cuentas mas y las pude usar tranquilamente durante 1 hora y media, 2 horas cada una.. jugue unas 7 u 8 partidas en cada cuenta y me banearon...

  14. dadbag123
    6 March 2019 01:36
    driver load failed 0x1
    also how the fuck am i supposed to read this shit. if cant read it then how i am supposed to hack ;(

  15. Red Dragon
    5 March 2019 23:36
    trust me you will get banned even with only ESP

  16. iBanana
    5 March 2019 22:02
    Aint bad, but the ESP is laggy af

  17. calebcaleb
    5 March 2019 19:02
    how open menu? how activate before launch or after launch game?

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      5 March 2019 19:30

      1. calebcaleb
        5 March 2019 19:44
        and how activate please? Launch game or after launch game?

      2. Red Dragon
        5 March 2019 20:23
        how to use home key .. the windows pop up

    2. Reh
      5 March 2019 22:46
      Open Menu After Launch Game
      You get a BSOD
      (Blue Screen Of Death)

      1. meupau
        6 March 2019 01:04
        Wrong, this is just for you,The hack is working for me.

  18. meupau
    5 March 2019 18:43
    does not seem reliable to me http://prntscr.com/mtlyi1

  19. KATE
    KATE · Brother#4367
    5 March 2019 18:02
    Hack works, but for him to ban.
    If you do not want to get banned soon, use only ESP

    1. Red Dragon
      5 March 2019 20:24
      how to use the menue Kate ?

  20. yooyoomahd
    5 March 2019 17:49
    goto tempmail and  every time you get ban make a new acc take appreox 5 mins and its v good works for mee

  21. Cloud9
    5 March 2019 17:42
    The menu opens but does not work 

  22. ismailox
    5 March 2019 17:36
    detected a get ban in 1 hour

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      5 March 2019 17:38
      how to read?

  23. pakrell
    5 March 2019 17:23
    Ban after 3 minutes

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      5 March 2019 17:32
      how to read the language or can i change

  24. KissMyAssBRO
    5 March 2019 17:21
    Play already about 45 minutes and there is no ban