Apex MultiHack | Open Source - Aimbot, ESP

  • Developer: zakaria1996
  • Status:
  • Updated: 30.03.21
  • Current version: source

Meet the ready-made source code of the multifunctional hack for the popular online game Apex Legends. Thank you to the developer zakaria1996 for providing the source code with which anyone can create their own personal cheat for the game Apex Legends.

Use this code yourself and you will be able to play Apex with cheats for free. All you need is to download this source code, convert it into a cheat and cover it with protection so as not to get an instant ban in the game.


What you need:
  • you need memory codes to bypass eac
  • Visual Studio 2019
  • compiler 2015
  • sdk windows 8.1

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Comments: 22 Views: 20 190


  1. Krabikcz
    17 June 2021 22:36

    I dont now how to start cheat please help

    1. awr awr
      15 January 2023 00:40

      u need a dll injector FOR APEX im pretty sure i havent got this cheat yet LOL

  2. sanjay4512
    19 May 2021 16:45

    Quote: vayina
    ompiler 20
    your discord is invalid

  3. loooolfdf
    27 April 2021 02:19

    how to use it


  4. fizzy1212
    17 April 2021 18:18
    mine windows is 10 pro can i use this hack !

  5. naijule
    11 April 2021 00:17
    i have tried to compile but i always ran into  a lot of errors and warnings.

    1. awr awr
      15 January 2023 00:42

      u will get that with more cheats diable anitvirus and windows denfender. u can use virius toll to check files and links so trow tthat cheat in virues tool and if it has decteted use it if u want

  6. neca123
    10 April 2021 12:28
    Can someone help me,or at least add me on discord and say how do i do it?

  7. GreaseDLL
    9 April 2021 01:13
    im to retarded to compile good source tho

  8. JestonYT
    7 April 2021 06:14
    can you do a video on it 

  9. IAmCancerousNut
    3 April 2021 21:32
    Dude the amount of people begging for a compile is annoying. A source release is meant for novice users and up. Don't bother begging for a compile, OP will need to make it safe anyways, and you people aren't entitled to a cheat.

  10. JestonYT
    1 April 2021 23:08
    can you show us ow to bypass anit cheat 

  11. dzakir
    30 March 2021 18:04
    why must manual compile? i cant bro i was error line :( please compile it for us

  12. timboyfer
    30 March 2021 17:55
    There is no video to create it or where to get those code from? :( I've looked for it and can't find it.

    1. awdawdwda23
      31 March 2021 12:19
      its ment for people to put their own stuff and make their own thing its not for simple use if its a source code