External Apex Legends Hack | Aimbot, ESP, Radar, Fake Lag

  • Developer: EasyAntiCheater
  • Status:
  • Updated: 23.08.21
  • Current version: v1.2
An up-to-date and free cheat for the popular online game Apex Legends from the developer EasyAntiCheater is available on our website. This is a universal cheat for which you will not get a game ban if you comply with all the conditions while using this hack.

A lot of different features that rarely appear in free hacks for the game Apex Legends. For example, there are the most popular functions such as: Aimbot (with the ability to configure), ESP (Corner, Distance, Head Dot, Render Distancem, Name) Radar and Fake Lag.

How to use:

  1. Download the zip file and extract "Old.sys" into your C:\
  2. Close out of apex and run Apex.exe
  3. Wait until it says "driver mapped successfully"
  4. Open Apex and press TAB
  5. Menu key is Insert

Today I'm going to be releasing my Apex external cheat for the users here to play with.
This is going to be using my old bypass which you can last up to a week with. I doubt it will stand for long after it's made public.

Free Download External Apex Legends Hack | Aimbot, ESP, Radar, Fake Lag

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  1. JohhnyBoy33
    27 January 2022 04:23

    The menu wors but where are the aimbot and esp?

  2. supersamgamer24
    23 December 2021 19:05

    how do u clean ur pc after a ban i am keep getting banned from all my accounts on apex legends my discord is BigBoiSam#1754 contact me please

    1. BennyDover74
      4 January 2022 02:25
      You are probably hardware id banned which means that you will have to get a new pc to play

      You are probably hardware id banned which means that you will have to get a new pc to play

      1. Yuniqe_Shotty
        11 February 2022 10:50
        all you need is a new hard drive or completely wipe your hard drive and redownload and make a new acount then you will be unbanned XD

        all you need is a new hard drive or completely wipe your hard drive and redownload and make a new acount then you will be unbanned XD

  3. Neo789
    18 December 2021 01:21

    dont working 

  4. hsynknn
    5 December 2021 20:17

    Insert button doesnt work. Everyhing is ok but when i press the insert dont anything

  5. gokas
    3 December 2021 16:02

    When i open apex.exe instantly closes can someone help?

  6. electrode_kms
    29 October 2021 02:44

    the dll is odl.sys is virus 

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      29 October 2021 10:43
      first of all its not a dll its a sys file 2th of all the only detection that it has is a SecureAge APEX. how TF does you mind work?

  7. Mikaboi
    20 October 2021 19:05

    cool cheat


  8. preaksatube
    18 October 2021 09:03

    how can i open the inser menu?


  9. PurplyGaming
    Real Cheater
    12 October 2021 14:35

    ima just use esp i dont wanna get banned lol

    1. imjustotaku
      15 October 2021 14:00
      does it work with you?
      just curious

  10. beff
    5 October 2021 02:34

    im not sure on the C:/ part can someone help


  11. RacooMar
    29 September 2021 21:00

    not woring i did everything as said and no esp no aimbot nothing :(

  12. Mueezyy
    16 September 2021 08:38

    Its an insta ban I do not recomend blatant/legit addons to apex legends. Here is a currently undetected hack for apex.




    1. claudiof24
      25 September 2021 00:20
      how you clean after geting banned and play again? can you help me plz

      how you clean you pc after geting banned and play again? can you help me plz?

      1. Mikaboi
        26 September 2021 21:32
        Heres my discord ( forgot my main acc pass) Crøw#1097

  13. Amongus3000
    8 September 2021 15:42
    Does this still work?

    1. Claudy K
      8 September 2021 22:41
      its a virus u will get a blue screen

      1. joenuts
        15 September 2021 19:53
        no your on the wrong windows version

  14. eliaske07
    7 September 2021 22:24
    Doesnt understand C:/ part? help?

  15. TungstenWolf
    29 August 2021 19:13

    When you try and drag the sliders they all slide. how can i make it so only one slides while the others stay the same value

  16. Skiez
    Real Cheater
    27 August 2021 01:29
    Quote: Zainn

    It’s a ransomware. Don’t download cheats from this user. I have checked those files and they’re crypted which means he got remote control through backdoor, and once when you install it on pc He got full access in. Don’t use it!
    Put it on virustotal and scan it guys, there are krypt – which means those files are crypted via their crypter and that’s why antiviruses doesn’t recognize it as a virus, but when crypt expires you will see.

    Its false positives. Dont just use software cause you're gonna get the same exact false result. Did you even actually "check". Virtustotal isnt always accruate. Stop accusing 

  17. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    26 August 2021 20:03

    Banned dont use 

    1. Skiez
      Real Cheater
      27 August 2021 01:27
      Dont get high hopes for a free cheat

      1. MadRoxx
        Real Cheater
        27 August 2021 06:09
        who is getting high hopes ? im a tester and i warned the users.

  18. Khayson
    24 August 2021 20:56
    Quote: pofgf123

    Aimbot Doesnt Work For Me. Other than that, ESP and This stuff works.

    are u banned?

    Quote: sweatfest538
    what was the file password


    1. pofgf123
      25 August 2021 11:16
      Nah im not banned. Aimbot works now just forgot to make the smoothnes small

  19. pofgf123
    24 August 2021 11:24

    Aimbot Doesnt Work For Me. Other than that, ESP and This stuff works.

    1. sweatfest538
      24 August 2021 12:57
      what was the file password