Apex Legends SDK Hack - Aimbot, ESP, Glow, No-Recoil

  • Developer: ethanedits, dword64
  • Status:
  • Updated: 08.02.22
  • Current version: 1.0

The open source code of the Aimbot, ESP, Glow, No-Recoil hack for the Apex Legends game is available for free on our website. Using this open source code, you will be able to create your own cheat yourself, for which you will not get banned. Using this cheat in the game Apex Legends Steam and Origin, you will have access to a variety of opportunities to improve your game, for example, there are such functions as: Aimbot, ESP, Glow, No-Recoil and other functions.

How to use the source code of the Apex Legends cheat

  1. First of all you need to download Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. After downloading the source code of the Apex Legends hack from our website and you will be able to compile your own cheat using the Visual Studio program

To build this project, please download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), and build in Release | x64. Build and place KDMapper (https://github.com/TheCruZ/kdmapper) in the directory of your build, as the project will attempt to map the driver for you.

It uses BaconToaster's DirectX Overlay, and I changed the Driver function and shellcode to nulls, so to make it undetected you will have to change that.

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Comments: 26 Views: 34 897


  1. ansaary
    6 December 2022 01:20

    I cant build it
    I get the error:

    Apex-Legends-SDK-Remaster-main\main_Files\Utilities\utils.h(43,22): message : while trying to match the argument list '(std::default_random_engine)'

    1>Done building project "Apex Legends SDK.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

    ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State

    Error    C3848    expression having type 'const std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned __int64>' would lose some const-volatile qualifiers in order to call 'unsigned __int64 std::uniform_int<_Ty>::operator ()<std::default_random_engine>(_Engine &)'    Apex Legends SDK    C:\Users\syeda\Desktop\Apex-Legends-SDK-Remaster-main\main_Files\Utilitie
    s\utils.h    43 

  2. akosijaymark1
    10 March 2022 15:22

    cannnot open incluude file 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory

    how t o fix?

    1. DaddyKermit
      15 June 2022 08:04

      You need june2010 sdk from microsofts page

  3. zuombis
    22 February 2022 18:41

    iu dontnow wath tast i select

  4. R3ze
    25 January 2022 03:55

    May I ask what workload should I download?

  5. Kystar
    21 December 2021 18:47


    Im having this problem, I have tried adding C:\Program Files\Python39\include, in the configuration properties in Additional include directories, but it doesnt solve the problem,

    can you help me pls?

  6. filipo777777787
    20 December 2021 23:56
    Quote: intrux

    I don't know how to use this program, not even watching the tutorial

    source code serves to facilitate the programming of the cheat itself, foreign if you are not a programmer .. you are probably unlucky. but you can learn it with the help of a tutorial

  7. intrux
    17 December 2021 03:33

    I don't know how to use this program, not even watching the tutorial

  8. ice zuki
    16 December 2021 09:52

    Will it work on Windows 11?

  9. igsoan1506
    13 December 2021 05:34

    Maybe an tuto? 😫

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      15 December 2021 07:37
      try this maybe itll work or smth lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c2pNs7vc0

      and ima spam this on other comments so i can help :)

  10. AllStarCz
    9 December 2021 13:37


    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      15 December 2021 07:38
      try this maybe itll work or smth lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c2pNs7vc0

      and ima spam this on other comments so i can help :)

      1. dotalove
        16 December 2021 14:14
        how do we change the Driver function and shellcode to make it undetected?

        how do we change the Driver function and shellcode to make it undetected?

        1. PurplyGaming
          Real Cheater
          25 December 2021 18:13
          #GoogleSearch or #YouTubeSearch

          1. spider5465
            30 December 2021 14:59
            cant find anything

            cant find anything

            cant find anything

  11. Matthew4201
    4 December 2021 09:31

    how do we change the Driver function and shellcode to make it undetected?

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      25 December 2021 18:13
      #GoogleSearch or #YouTubeSearch

      1. ryze78878
        6 January 2022 22:12
        im lost

  12. miguelferreira
    1 December 2021 17:48

    tutorial pls?

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      15 December 2021 07:38
      try this maybe itll work or smth lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c2pNs7vc0

      and ima spam this on other comments so i can help :)

  13. mohamedsam0
    30 November 2021 16:38

    can you add me on discord and help me with anydisk ? Turbo#5208
    ty very much <3

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      25 December 2021 18:14
      try this maybe itll work or smth lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c2pNs7vc0

      and ima spam this on other comments so i can help :)

  14. Lukas2208
    Real Cheater
    Lukas2208 · lukasderlulatsch#5473
    28 November 2021 00:06

    looks interesting thx

  15. yuutsu
    27 November 2021 13:14

    How to compilate this cheat

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      25 December 2021 18:14
      try this maybe itll work or smth lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c2pNs7vc0

      and ima spam this on other comments so i can help :)